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‚Der Fehler des Kapitalismus besteht in der Ungleichverteilung des Wohlstands, der Fehler des Sozialismus besteht in der Gleichverteilung des Elends.‘

— Winston Churchill

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Die Freiheitskultur des Westens – ihre Krisen, ihre Zukunft. Teil 1

  1. November 2022 – von Oliver Signus

Freiheit ist nicht etwas, „das so einfach in der Welt ist“, sagte Dr. Torsten Polleit in seiner Begrüßung am 8. Oktober 2022 anlässlich der 10. Jahreskonferenz des Ludwig von Mises ………………….



Klima-Blockade in Rom – nicht die beste Idee …



Bye bye, Bargeld? Lindner will „Digitalen Euro“

Macht mit „digitalem Cash“ von sich reden: Finanzminister Christian Lindner (43, FDP)

Von: Carl-Victor Wachs 08.11.2022 Scheine und Münzen auf Wiedersehen?




Hey Incoming Congress: Try These Three Simple Tricks for a Successful Start

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute November 8, 2022

Tomorrow is election day and polls suggest that Americans are going to overturn Democratic Party control of the House and Senate. Politicians and the media always say that this is the ………………..



Democracy in America, Version 2

By Ira Katz November 8, 2022

“Alexis de Tocqueville’s four-volume Democracy in America (1835-1840) is commonly said to be among the greatest works of nineteenth-century political writing.” from




Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, and Why Are You Still So Blind?

By Gary D. Barnett November 8, 2022

“I have never voted in my life… I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it’s certain they will win.” Louis-Ferdinand Céline




Proposed: The [Optional] End to the Secret Ballot

Is the Traditional Secret Ballot — In Digital-Black-Hole Voting Systems — Dangerously Out of Date?

Dr. Naomi Wolf, 7.11.22

We think of the secret ballot as being fundamental to our rights, and indeed to our democratic ……………..



Inflation Is a Bigger Danger Than Red China

By Eric S. Margolis November 8, 2022

A few billion here, a few billion there – and suddenly we are looking at real money.  Even more important, real inflation.




The Department of Homeland Security is an Enemy of The People and Must Be Disbanded Immediately

Dr. Joseph Sansone, 7.11.22

Recently leaked information obtained by The Intercept has validated the fact the Department ……………………



David Icke Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally that Had Him Banned from 26 Countries

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV November 8, 2022



Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED]

Ty & Charlene Bollinger discuss their new nine part docu-series.

Robert W. Malon MD, MS, 6.11.22

Docu-series “Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED]” Blows the Lid off Collusion, Corruption, and Conspiracy between Government, Tech & Pharma




Exclusive: U.S. Torpedo Appeared at Explosion Site of the Nord Stream

By Niels K. Eriksen Global Research November 8, 2022

According to reliable sources, an American torpedo was found at the explosion site of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. It was the torpedo type carried by the Arleigh Burke-class guided-……………



2022 WEC: In the Dollar We Trust

At the World Economic Conference in 2021, the Armstrong Socrates model predicted that 2022 was going to be volatile and chaotic featuring a strong US dollar, a huge move in ……………….



Biden’s IRS Army in Jeopardy

Biden’s IRS army of 87,000 new armed recruits is coming under fire by the Republican party. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Jon Thune (R-SD) are working on a bill that would …………..



ANALYSIS: Biden regime to wage WAR OF TERROR against America as punishment for voting red

Monday, November 07, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) There exist at least two prominent competing theories about what’s going to ………………..



Court Orders Release of True the Vote Leaders From Jail

By Zachary Stieber November 7, 2022

Two leaders of the election integrity group True the Vote were released from jail after an appeals court overruled a judge’s order that they be detained for contempt of court.

Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips were ordered released by a panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit late on Nov. 6.




The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm

By David Solway November 04, 2022

Storms come in many forms and may consist of many different constituent elements, but when all these elements combine at the same critical moment, we call it a “perfect storm.” ………..



A Rothbardian Foreign Polic for Today

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. November 7, 2022

As everybody knows, we are in grave danger of nuclear war, because brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers have launched a proxy war with Russia over the Ukraine. …………………



Midterms: Schlappe für die Demokraten?

Heute finden in den USA die Midterms statt, die Wahlen in der Mitte der Amtszeit des Präsidenten. Die Weichen für das Land werden dann voraussichtlich neu gestellt. Es sieht nicht gut aus für die Demokraten.




Feldmann ist weg, das System bleibt

Von Maximilian Tichy Di, 8. November 2022

Der Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann wurde für einen eher geringen Fall der Vorteilsnahme in Höhe einiger zehntausend Euro abgewählt. Aber der Skandal ist damit nicht ausgeräumt: Unter seiner Ägide wurden in der Frankfurter Wohlfahrt massiv Gelder veruntreut, Tichys Einblick schätzt den Schaden auf 10 Millionen Euro.




Twitter: Sieben Tage der Verstörung

Das Vorgehen Elon Musks, zunächst überhaupt nichts an Twitter zu verändern, war insofern clever, alsdass nun der Beweis erbracht ist, dass der Unmut gewisser linker Kreise überhaupt nichts mit dem Produkt zu tun hat, sondern ausschließlich mit seiner Person.




Ukraine – U.S. Deceives Allies To Keep Them In Line

The Biden administration launched a make-believe campaign that is supposed to calm those European ‚allies‘ who press for peace talks over  Ukraine.




„Vorsätzlich getäuscht“Uni entzieht CDU-Europapolitiker Doktortitel


Simon legte Einspruch gegen die Entscheidung des Promotionsausschusses ein.

„Im wesentlichen Umfang“ soll der Europaparlamentarier Sven Simon in seiner Doktorarbeit …………………..



Unfassbare Hetze: ARD bezeichnete Kritiker als Ratten

Hass bei der Tagesschau: "Diese Ratten in ihre Löcher zurück prügeln!"

Ausgerechnet im gebührenfinanzierten deutschen Staatsfunk, der sich das ganze Jahr über gegen “Hass und Hetze” im Netz ausmärt, haben realer Hass und Begrifflichkeiten, die ……………….



The bankers have launched a class war

Thomas Fazi is a writer, journalist and translator. His latest book Reclaiming the State is published by Pluto Press. What’s really causing the public spending crisis?

November 7, 2022




Democrats confront their nightmare scenario on election eve as economic concerns overshadow abortion and democracy worries

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN Mon November 7, 2022

Democrats close their midterm election campaign Monday facing the nightmare scenario they always feared – with Republicans staging a gleeful referendum on Joe Biden’s struggling presidency and failure to tame inflation.




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