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Derjenige, der zum ersten mal an Stelle eines Speeres ein Schimpfwort benutzte, war der Begründer der Zivilisation.

— Sigmund Freud

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Holt die Heimatlosen zurück!

Indem man klassische konservative Meinungen in die rechtsradikale Ecke schiebt, betreibt man das Geschäft rechtsextremer Kräfte und hilft ihnen, in der Mitte der Gesellschaft Fuß zu fassen. So wird es nichts mit der Wiederbelebung der CDU/CSU.




Klima-Extremistin bei Anne Will: Wir wollen „die Absurdität dieses Staates in seinem Handeln veröffentlichen“

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 21. November 2022

Die Letzte Generation ist der Liebling des grün-roten Staates. Begeht Straftaten letztlich mit dem Segen des Verfassungsschutzes. Nun offenbart eine Vertreterin bei Anne Will: Es gehe ……………………..



Kabinettsbeschluss: Grundgesetz soll für Aktionsplan „Queer leben“ geändert werden

Sven Lehmanns neuester Streich So, 20. November 2022

Die Bundesgleichstellungsministerin Lisa Paus und der Queer-Beauftragte der Bundesregierung, Sven Lehmann, begrüßten den Aktionsplan als „Meilenstein“. Die Grünen …………………



Entschädigungsfonds beschlossen – Der Klima-GAU von Sharm el Sheikh

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai So, 20. November 2022 Das Klima-Kasino ist geöffnet

Entwicklungsländer, die als besonders gefährdet durch die „Erderwärmung“ gelten, sollen …………………….



Keine Kirche, nirgends

Christ sein war mal anders, die Transzendenz ist hin. Eine Kirche, die um ein zeitgeistiges Klima-Narrativ herumtanzt, braucht man nicht mehr steuerveranlasst zu unterstützen. Man verwaltet ein verwaistes Evangelium und begibt sich auf das Niveau staatsgläubiger Erfüllungsgehilfen und Mitläufer.




Vom bösesten Molekül der Welt

Die Erzählung vom bösen CO2, das den Planeten erhitzt, ist – zumindest im metaphorischen Sinne – eine der erfolgreichsten religiösen Botschaften der Neuzeit. Die Beschäftigung mit den naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen ist aber nach wie vor geeignet, die Sache ein wenig ……………………



Ukraine weist Bericht über Hinrichtung Kriegsgefangener zurück


Ein Video, das die Erschießung russischer Kriegsgefangener zeigen soll, sorgt für Wirbel im Netz. Moskau bezichtigt ukrainische Truppen der Kriegsverbrechen. Kiew weist diese Darstellung nun zurück. Vielmehr hätten die russischen Kämpfer ihre Kapitulation nur ……………….



Is Multiculturalism Destroying Western National Identities?

by Giulio Meotti November 20, 2022 Today, 90% of British demographic growth comes from immigration.

The same shift is taking place in Sweden. In 2015 alone, Sweden welcomed 163,000 ………………………



Endgame in Ukraine struggling to be born

At the White House press conference on November 9, when asked about the evacuation of the Russian forces from the Kherson Region and Kherson city, the US President Joe Biden said, …………………..



Russia Continues Grinding Away Ukrainian Military & Electrical Power (Update for November 21, 2022)



Retired US General: Whoever Comes After Putin Will be Much Worse

Former Commander of US Army General Ben Hodges admitted that Putin’s successor will be “much worse.” This is what I have warned, as Putin is surprisingly a middle-of-the-road leader compared to others. Hodges believes that the Russian government is already split on ……….



House Republicans Demand Audit of Ukraine Funding

After sending off funds to Ukraine for nine months, people are requesting an itemized bill to find out where billions of taxpayer funds were spent. The newly flipped House called for an audit of Ukrainian funds and a reprioritization to secure America’s own border. …………………..



The calm before the storm in Ukraine



Problemfahrzeuge und Umwelt-Killer: Amerikaner lehnen E-Autos ab

Benziner und Hybride zuverlässiger

Elektrofahrzeuge, einschließlich der meisten Modelle von Tesla, gehören zu den am ……………..



Why All Elections Are Rigged

Do you think the midterm elections were rigged? SK


Under normal conditions, one would have to answer that question as – OF COURSE.

In the past five midterm elections, the Republicans gained control of the Senate in 2014, the …………………..



How to Think about Monetary Intervention

11/17/2022 Per Bylund The Boom-Bust Cycle

The economy’s constant flux is not random change but adjustments to the production ………………….



Mises is the Solution to FTX-Scams

11/17/2022T ho Bishop

Check out this clip from Caitlin Long of Custodia Bank at a Bitcoin conference last year, explaining the dangers of highly leveraged crypto exchanges like FTX. Long calls out the …………………



Are Progressive „Experts“ Fallible? Yes, But Don’t Tell Them That

11/18/2022 Claudio Grass

It can be argued that the world has reached the sorry state it’s in today largely because academics, politicians, “distinguished experts,” and “recognized authorities” did not have the ……………………



Europe faces ‘cancer epidemic’ after estimated 1m cases missed during Covid

Report says 100m screenings lost because of pandemic, which had ‘chilling effect’ on research. Tue 15 Nov 2022




Bankrott für Kryptobörse FTX: „Hilfs-“Moneten für Selenski-Ukraine futsch?

Spekulation und Crash könnten weite Kreise ziehen

Noch im März war es der stolze Plan des ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenski, die Hilfsgelder für sein Land durch die Krypto-Börse FTX magisch zu vermehren. Aus 100 Mio. ………………



Mehr Migranten als 2015: Deutschland ächzt unter der Last der Flüchtlinge

Die Bundesrepublik ist an den Grenzen ihrer Aufnahmefähigkeit. Besonders die Kommunen klagen. Die Bundesregierung verschärft das Problem durch falsche Anreize und zusätzliche Aufnahmeprogramme. Oliver Maksan, Berlin 19.11.2022,




The FBI’s Creepy Non-Answers

By Tom Woods November 19, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:

I remember a time not too long ago — just a handful of years, in fact — when criticizing or calling for the abolition of the FBI would have seemed like the kind of thing only a lunatic …………………….



Klima-Blockaden: Wie dürfen sich Autofahrer wehren?

Wegzerren gilt als Notwehr

  1. November 2022 JF-Online

BERLIN. Für viele Autofahrer sind die Klima-Blockaden der Straßen eine nervliche Zerreißprobe. Sie stehen oft stundenlang im Stau, weil die Polizei nur zögerlich Kreuzungen ………………………



Boom: Trilateral Commissioner Jeffrey Epstein’s Global Empire Of Corruption Revealed

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola November 18, 2022

Investigative writer Whitney Webb drills down into the dark global network of Jeffrey Epstein to expose how global elitists attempt to run the world. As a member of the Trilateral ………………….



Will Environmentalists Doom Global Food Supplies?

11/17/2022 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop Jovana Diković

Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk with economic anthropologist Jovana Diković about how a focus on „solving“ global warming endangers the food supply for much of the globe,




In the Red: The Federal Reserve’s Portfolio Joins the Rest of the Market

11/17/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen

The Federal Reserve is on pace to lose somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 billion over the next year to eighteen months, as the yield on its portfolio of Treasurys and mortgage-………………



Without Easy Money, the Tech Sector Faces Layoffs and Losses

11/17/2022 Ryan McMaken

The tech sector in the US has benefitted from more than a decade of ultralow interest rates and easy money. But now it looks like the easy-money era may be ending—at least for now—……………………..



House Republicans to investigate Biden family corruption as potential ‘national security risk’

‚Troubling questions about whether President Biden is a national security risk.‘ Thu Nov 17, 2022 –




How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis

„Adherence to UN 2030 Sustainability Agenda“. Colossal disinvestment in the trillion-dollar global oil and gas sector. By F. William Engdahl  Global Research November 19, 2022




Universal Suffrage in an Age of Rigged Elections

It is insane to think that the average person would have the requisite knowledge to make a legitimately informed decision about the fate of a nation. Kennedy Hall

As the midterm mayhem begins to subside, questions surrounding election integrity are only ………………



Russia, India, China, Iran: The Quad that really matters

By Pepe Escobar Press TV November 19, 2022

Southeast Asia is right at the center of international relations for a whole week viz a viz three consecutive summits: Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom ……………………..



The Upside Down World of Currency

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney November 19, 2022

The gap between fiat currency values and that of legal money, which is gold, has widened so that dollars retain only 2% of their pre-1970s value, and for sterling it is as little as 1%. Yet it …………………



Behind The Crypto Scam – „Complete Absence Of Trustworthy Financial Information“

Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism, who called everything crypto ‚prosecution futures‚, provides the latest FTX bankruptcy filing:

John J. Ray III, the newly appointed CEO of bankrupt crypto player FTX’s sprawling empire who played …………..



Saving Arizona and Other States: 10 Proven Reforms for Fairer Elections

By Mahatma Orwell November 19, 2022

Did someone say election day was a “great day for democracy”? Maybe it was in states such as Florida, Tennessee, and Missouri. They welcomed eligible in-person voters, also offered …………………



The Universal War Against Mankind: Extreme Domestic Terrorism Has Taken Control Over America and the World

By Gary D. Barnett November 19, 2022

“The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide.”

Rudolph Rummel




Red Drizzle And What Comes Next – MAGA Or Return To The GOP’s 1980 Platform?

By David Stockman International Man November 19, 2022

If the Republicans couldn’t capitalize on the nation’s current travails, we are hard pressed to ………………………



Alex Jones Is Innocent

By Walter E. Block The Daily Bell November 19, 2022

Let us stipulate that the horrid Newtown Connecticut shooting is a historical fact. Should Mr. Jones be compelled to pay one red cent to the parents and family members of the victims for …………………



The Russian-Turkish Bond to Harm the West

by Burak Bekdil November 18, 2022 Turkey’s skies remain open to Russian airlines and its doors remain open to hundreds of thousands of Russians and their money. Turkey’s exports to ……………………..



Association between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 infection and mortality



Der Etatismus beruht in Wirklichkeit auf einem Non sequitur

  1. November 2022 – von Joshua Mawhorter




Scott Ritter: Ukraine cannot win this war. It’s a ‚fantasy.‘

Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter explains why a Russian victory is inevitable, and what it costs the West to refuse to accept this.



Ampel: Wer so regiert, muss komplett verrückt sein



Republicans are about to take their revenge on Joe Biden

Moira Donegan

Expect a slew of investigations into everything from the Afghanistan withdrawal to …………………..



Democrats Lied About Abortion Just to Win

Dick Armey is the former House Majority Leader and an Economist from Texas. He was elected to Congress in 1984,and arrived in Washington as a novice. Dick, being an economist, was a strong believer ………………..



Peter Schiff: We’re in the Eye of the Inflation Hurricane

November 17, 2022  by SchiffGold

Markets have rallied since we got cooler-than-expected CPI data for October. But in his podcast, Peter Schiff said we are in the eye of the inflation hurricane, and investors have been …………….



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