Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wenn es ernst wird, muss man lügen.

— Jean-Claude Juncker

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos


A Plan for Global Tyranny

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. November 28, 2022

In the past few decades, a slogan that threatens to destroy the world has become popular. This is the “rules-based international order.” According to this idea, all nations are supposed to follow peaceful rules for the settlement of disputes between them. This sounds good when ……………….



Why I Look at the Dow First

Why do you focus on the Dow over the S&P 500 and others?




Corona-Impfung, Lauterbach, AUS, AUS, AUS, ES IST AUS. Carsten Jahn, Team Heimat



Russia Ops in Ukraine (Update): Western Propaganda Implodes as War of Attrition Grinds On



Queensland Senator Demands National Security Alert over WEF Global Domination

Klaus Schwab has publicly boasted about infiltrating government cabinets around the world. His plans for the Great Reset are public information that anyone can access. The World …………….



Soros Confessed to Confiscating Holocaust Victims’ Assets Without Remorse

George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer in Budapest during World War II. As Hungarian Jews, the Soros family was able to evade capture by siding with the Nazis. In this ………………..



Bericht zur Coronalage: Nicht wissen wollen heißt Vorsatz

Das aktuelle Beispiel einer US-Corona-Studie zeigt exemplarisch, wie aus zweifelhaften Studien politisch opportune Fakenews konstruiert werden. Allen voran durch Karl Lauterbach. „Junkscience“, zu deutsch „Schrottwissenschaft“ ist Im Dienste der Politik eine tödliche Gefahr. Vor allem, wenn die Verantwortlichen es nicht besser wissen wollen.




Zelensky Trapped by Moscow and Washington

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org November 28, 2022

The evolution of the balance of power on the Ukrainian battlefield and the tragic episode of the G20 in Bali mark a reversal of the situation. If the West still believes that it will soon …………………



Covid Roundup

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 28, 2022

Dear Readers,  I have presented you with enough information over the last couple of years for ……………….



Pfizer annual revenue expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022, thanks to COVID jab, which doesn’t prevent infection or spread

Pfizer got plenty of free help from the federal government, which bullied and harassed people into getting the shots, and implemented rules that ensure hospitals and pharmacies will only ………………..



The Uncertainty in China Is Kryptonite to Global Markets

November 27, 2022 Few seem alive to the potentially consequential financial risks arising …………………



Critical Race Theory and Freudianism

By Walter E. Block American Thinker November 28, 2022

These two concepts are rarely if ever mentioned together.  Yet they have more than just a ……………………….



Sins of Information Warfare

Do the sins of our opposition wash our own sins clean?

Robert W. Malone MD, MS, 26.11.22

At the moment, there is a very active discussion regarding the increasingly viral video “Died …………………



Cashless Society Talk Goes Mainstream in a Hurry and Should Be Trusted Like the NSA

We’re on the brink of a dramatic change where we’re about to — and I’ll say this boldly — we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money, and accounting, and introduce a new ………………



A Light in the Darkness

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com November 28, 2022

“Sooner or later, there will be push-back against the Dems attempt to turn the USA into some kind of obese transgender liberal Wakanda run by crooks, freaks and thugs.” —The Vineyard ………………



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Kein Winter für Frösche

Das Froschgleichnis besagt, dass ein Frosch sofort aus heißem Wasser springt, dort aber sitzen bleibt, wenn das Wasser langsam erhitzt wird. Allerdings versichern Zoologen, dass …………………..



Lockdown-Fanatiker aus Regierung verbannt: Im kanadischen Alberta feuert Premier-Ministerin sämtliche Verantwortliche für strikte Corona-Massnahmen


Die neue Premierministerin der kanadischen Provinz Alberta greift durch: Im Gesundheitsdienst schmeisst sie sämtliche Lockdown-Fanatiker und die Verantwortlichen für die strikten Corona-Massnahmen raus.




“Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs: Covid Impfstoffe sind keine Impfstoffe“

Kaum jemand hat bemerkt, dass Robert F. Kennedy Jr. den Prozess gegen alle Pharmalobbyisten gewonnen hat. Covid-Impfstoffe sind keine Impfstoffe.

In seinem Urteil bestätigt der Oberste Gerichtshof, dass die durch die Covid mRNA-…………….



New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay

State Supreme Court found that being vaccinated ‚does not‘ stop the spread of COVID-19

By Anders Hagstrom | Fox News

A New York state Supreme Court ordered all New York City employees who were fired for ……………….



Kritik an Kiews Bürgermeister – Darum geht Selenskyj jetzt auf Klitschko los


Seit Beginn der großangelegten Invasion Russlands gab es in der Ukraine keine offen ausgetragenen innenpolitischen Konflikte. Mit seiner scharfen Kritik an Kiews Bürgermeister Vitali Klitschko hat Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj diesen Zustand beendet. Dabei ist der Streit zwischen beiden nicht neu.

Seit Beginn des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine vor neun Monaten galt in Kiew ein …………….



Germany’s Decline & Fall

The Greens & the Socialists have taken control of Germany and in the process, the strongest economy of the EU has taken a decisive directional change here in 2022 that will not merely set in motion the decline ………………



Wie Niedersachsens neue rot-grüne Regierung Schule an die Wand fährt

Von Josef raus So, 27. November 2022

Einheitsschule durch die Hintertür: Das nun in Hannover ausgeheckte Schulprogramm ist exakt das, mit dem Länder wie Bremen, Berlin, Brandenburg, für gewisse Zeit auch NRW,




The Duran



Hunderttausend Kilometer um die Welt

Es schmerzt, wenn man Baerbock zuhören muss

Die deutsche Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock glänzt nicht nur durch ihre feministische ………………….



„The Kafirs [Unbelievers] Should Be Killed, All of Them“: The Persecution of Christians, October 2022

by Raymond Ibrahim November 27, 2022 „I heard them. They were shouting in Arabic and Swahili, saying that the kafirs [unbelievers] should be killed, all of them, and make Congo an …………..



Eine Staatsbürgerschaft wird verramscht

Innenministerin Nancy Faeser plant, Millionen Ausländern im Land fast ohne jede Gegenleistung die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit hinterherzuwerfen. So billig war der deutsche Pass noch nie zu haben.




The Biden Zelensky Relationship: Who to Trust?

by Ted Snider Posted on November 25, 2022

US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speak often on the phone. But on a phone call in June, the conversation went very differently.




Achtung Reichelt: Grüne geben Lüge zu: Fake News über Reichelt!



Syria – Another Turkish Invasion Is Imminen

After two years of relative quietness the situation in Syria is again escalating.




The Irony of All Ironies

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 26, 2022

The state of Florida recently enacted legislation against teaching “critical race theory” in ……………………




(Das Heerlager der Heiligen; Le Camp des Saints, Jean Raspail)



Economic collapse = societal collapse. It’s deliberate so that we can have “order out of chaos”, as in New World Order, also known as the tyranny of the ruling sociopaths.

Posted by Klark BarnesNovember 24, 2022

Other than the obvious consequences, what might we expect from a partial economic collapse? A total collapse of the economy would throw the nation into utter chaos. But what if ………………



FTX and the Corruption of America

November 25, 2022

What all the entrenched insiders in America’s parasitic, predatory elites and institutions don’t dare admit is that to protect themselves from consequence, we’ve had to sacrifice everything ………………..



Bans on „Assault“ Weapons Do Not Reduce Crime


Prominent Democrats, including President Joe Biden, have repeatedly expressed interest in reinstating a federal assault weapons ban. Biden himself included an assault weapon ban in …………….



The ‚War of Terror’May Be About to Hit Europe

By Pepe Escobar Press TV November 26, 2022

Never underestimate a wounded and decaying Empire collapsing in real time.

Imperial functionaries, even in a “diplomatic” capacity, continue to brazenly declare that their …………………..



The Purposeful Drive Toward Economic Feudalism Is Our Future

By Gary D. Barnett November 26, 2022

“Any society that entails the strengthening of the state apparatus by giving it unchecked control over the economy, and re-unites the polity and the economy, is an historical regression. In it there is no more future for the public, or for the freedoms it supported, than there was under feudalism.”

Robert Higgs




It’s Not Discrimination, Even When the Government Claims Otherwise

11/25/2022 Lipton Matthews

Unjust discrimination can be costly for businesses and the broader economy. Businesses that refuse to hire applicants based on traits like sex and race limit society’s ability to harness …………………..



Is the Biden Administration Colluding with Russia to Allow Iran to Go Nuclear?

by Majid Rafizadeh November 26, 2022 The mullahs are freely expanding their nuclear weapons program, now enriching uranium to nearly weapons-grade level. Iran is also seeking ………….



This Week in Money, Martin Armstrong



The Federal Reserve’s (Permanent) Knowledge Problem

11/23/2022 Nathaniel Brown

Almost eighty years ago, economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek published what is now considered to be one of the most important essays in all of economics,




To UBI or Not to UBI, That Is the Question

11/25/2022 David Gordon

In recent decades, proposals for a universal basic income (UBI) have aroused a good deal of attention, but supporters of the free market have for the most part been averse to the idea. In ………………..



Randian Villains with Millennial Characteristics: FTX, Fraud, and the Fed

11/23/2022 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at conman Sam …………..



100.000 Klicks: Arzt-Brief an Lauterbach wird Youtube-Hit

Mut-Brief an Lauterbach

WochenblickGastautor Dr. med. Rüdiger Pötsch verfasste einen aufrüttelnden Brief an Karl Lauterbach. Die rebellische Rechtsanwältin Beate Bahner verlas diesen auf




Eigentore für Deutschland

Überhaupt auf die Idee zu kommen, Fußballer als Litfaßsäulen für Ziele zu verwenden, an denen die zuständige Politik seit Jahrzehnten in Serie selbst scheitert, ist die Bankrotterklärung einer impotenten Politik, die den enteierten Sport mit sich in die Tiefe zieht.

Soll ich über Fußball schreiben? Ich wage es nicht, mich als Alle-vier-Jahre-




Satte Zuschüsse für Beamte ab Dezember

Fr, 25. November 2022

In Nordrhein-Westfalen, Baden-Württemberg und Berlin dürfen sich Staatsdiener kurz vor Weihnachten über Zuschüsse freuen. Auch Bayern und Hessen wollen ihre Beamten bald …………..



„Spiegel“ steht unter Druck: Berichte über angeblich totes Flüchtlingskind „Maria“

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 24. November 2022

Eine Debatte, die den griechischen Sommer beherrschte, findet ein unrühmliches Ende. Die Beweise, die eine griechische Journalistin fand, scheinen eindeutig: Das angeblich auf einer ……………….



Ukraine – Running On Empty

Yesterday the Pentagon announced another transfer of weapons to the Ukrainian military:

According to the Pentagon, the package includes:




Wieso Louisianas Finanzminister wegen politischer ESG-Ziele staatliche Gelder von BlackRock abzieht

  1. November 2022 – Presseerklärung des Finanzministeriums von Louisiana (USA) vom 05. Oktober 2022. Übersetzt von Florian Senne.




Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order

‚There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.‘




Can a Deeply Unserious America Fix Its Economy?

By Jeff Deist Mises.org November 25, 2022

Does America simply lack the political will to face economic reality?

In the teeth of the Depression, Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon famously told President




Why Do Americans Hate Putin?

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review November 25, 2022

Why do Americans hate Putin?




Only When We Know What Propaganda Is, And How It Works, Will We Be Free to Live Our Lives and Rule Ourselves

Posted byKlark BarnesNovember 19, 2022

For those of us who study propaganda critically, and seek to do this all-important work as public intellectuals, these last two years have been uniquely challenging, and even dangerous, forcing us into a painful double bind.




Wallowing in Welfare-Warfare State Prison

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation November 25, 2022

A reader recently sent me an email pointing out that many ex-convicts commit new crimes with the intent of being sent back to prison. They actually feel more comfortable in prison …………………



Inside the US: Muslim Brotherhood Member Calls for Jihadist Terrorism Worldwide

by Cynthia Farahat November 25, 2022 Bahgat Saber, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, operates from his New York apartment and often streams live videos from Times Square. ………………..



2022.11.24 What It’s Like When The Lights Go Out In A Warzone, Gonzalo Lira




Gun Control:

What To Do When Gets Really Bad- We Need to Prepare For The Worst And Always Ready to Resist:If we can’t toss the anti-freedom and anti-gun bastards out of federal offices we can at least elect the right people at the local and state level

November 18, 2022

Gun Control is a favorite tactic for many politicians on the left. It allows them to shift the …………….



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