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Putsch vereitelt! Puh, das war knapp

Mancher mag auf den Gedanken kommen, dass es sich bei der gestrigen Mega-Antiterror-Razzia um den größten Flop der deutschen Polizeigeschichte handelt. Ich widerspreche aufs Schärfste. Die Aktion war ein voller Erfolg.




Leviathan wankt und schwankt

Vollgefressen vom Aufgabenraub und trunken von Kompetenzanmaßung schwankt der deutsche Leviathan schwellfüßig durch die Zeitenwende. Leviathans Fähigkeit zur ……………..



Erdogans Traum von einer Großtürkei

Geht es nach Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dann ist das heutige Staatsgebiet der Türkei viel zu klein. Er würde gerne den Pan-Turanismus wiederleben und mit einem Neo-……………..



„Ein solches politisches Netzwerk entsteht nicht durch Zufall“

Vor dem Landgericht München I hat der Wirecard-Prozess begonnen. Im Interview erklärt Fabio De Masi die geheimdienstlichen Verstrickungen in dem Fall und nennt Details, die zeigen, wie weitreichend der Skandal ist. INTERVIEW MIT FABIO DE MASI am 8. Mai ………………..



Democracy at Work: Supporting Israel Regardless of its Government

by Alan M. Dershowitz December 9, 2022 Israeli governments come and go based on the results of elections; Israel has had five of them in the last four years. But one’s support for Israel should not vary with whether one agrees or disagrees with the outcome of a particular ………………….



Nancy Faeser und der Operetten-Putsch zeigen, wie geschwächt die Demokratie ist

Von Roland Tichy Do, 8. Dezember 2022

Die kindische Inszenierung der Razzia, mit der ein „Staatsstreich“ gerade noch mal verhindert werden konnte, ist eigentlich eher zum Lachen. Dass Beamte, Behörden und Medien ………………



Elon Musk is Exposing the Sheer Hatred of the LEFT

Many people are starting to say that Elon Musk should run for president. Musk was born and grew up in Pretoria, South Africa. He has now become the richest man in the world worth …………..



Ukraine Daily Losing Battalion in Bakhmut, Ex US Officials Ukraine Cannot Win, Putin Russian Buildup



125.000 Haushalte betroffen Panne führt zu großflächigem Stromausfall in Paris


Die Innenstadt von Paris blieb Mittwochabend zeitweise dunkel.

Frankreich steht wegen Stromknappheit ein harter Winter bevor. Die Regierung will deshalb ………………….



Johann König und der Schaffner | Comedy | Das große Kleinkunstfestival 2022



Why Prince Harry went to war

Tanya Gold is a freelance journalist. He chose a woman he thought would set him free.

December 9, 2022

Every few generations, the Windsors produce unhappy princes: men who can neither leave nor stay. Prince Albert, the older brother of George V, was one, but he politely died of ………………..



Mehrheit im US-Senat wackelt Arizona-Senatorin verlässt überraschend Demokraten


Kyrsten Sinema hat die Nase voll vom US-Parteiensystem.

Erst vor wenigen Tagen gewinnen die Demokraten mit dem 51. Sitz eine hauchdünne ………………..



Understand How We Think

I see how you were surprised by your dog in discovering how she studies your patterns and predicts where you are going. My dog does the same. I didn’t pay attention to those traits until you wrote about them. The very trait of how to think is fascinating. Have you incorporated that into Socrates? LC




Merkel Admits Minsk Agreement was to Trick Russia

Merkel has basically said that the Minsk Agreement was to buy time for Ukraine to build up its army and never was there any intention of allowing the Russians in the Donbas to vote on ……………….



America’s Insolvency Is Mandatory

Forget annual budget dramas — federal spending is largely on autopilot and headed for a crash

Brian McGlinchey, 1.12.22




DeSantis promises to hold Pfizer, Moderna accountable for COVID jab side effects

The Florida governor said the manufacturers claimed ‚there were no side effects and we know that there have been a lot.’ Tue Dec 6, 2022




The Bear is Uncaged … Again

It’s important to say when you were wrong, especially if you are prone to point out when you were right. Otherwise, you are just boasting in vain conceit. If you point it out both ways, you are just being factual.




Towards a Global Food Disaster, Engineered Through Acts of Political Sabotage

By F. William Engdahl Global Research December 9, 2022

First published on April 27. 2022




Capable of the Worst, the Union of Certain Rulers Makes World War Possible

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org December 9, 2022

While we react with fear to the resurgence of fascist, Nazi or Japanese imperial groups, we fail to see that it was not these ideologies that provoked World War, but the alliance of rulers ………………..



A First Amendment Issue Beyond Belief

You have to understand that we actually have ZERO rights. The Constitution is negative ………..



A Test of Intelligence

Mr. Armstrong, your dog is a cutie! I hate to tell you, but your dog will eventually learn to spell. My wife and I had two poodle-bichons, now deceased after 15 1/2 wonderful years. At ……………….



FDA Says Ivermectin Doesn’t Work Against COVID-19 but Points to Studies That Show It Does

Zachary Stieber Dec 8 2022

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says a drug called ivermectin does not work against COVID-19 but links to studies that show it does, an Epoch Times review has found.




Biden’s Defense Plan: Limitless Global Meddling

12/07/2022 Ryan McMaken Zachary Yost

On this episode of War, Economy, and State, Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost take a look at the Biden administration’s new National Security Strategy. The Biden plan is to intervene everywhere and always across the entire globe. In fact, the plan absurdly says „nothing is beyond“ the US’s capacity to remake the global order.




The Student Murders in Idaho Highlight the Unimpressive Police Record on Violent Crime

12/07/2022 Ryan McMaken

It’s been three weeks since four students at the University of Idaho were stabbed to death at a home in Moscow, Idaho, and law enforcement officers say they have no suspect. In the early ………………



Tucker Carlson: Zelenskyy’s cabinet is devising ways to punish Christians



United Kingdom Mortality Data by Age Group and Vaccination Status: Looking at Vaccine Effectiveness

12/08/2022 Gilbert Berdine, MD

Arguably the most important question facing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …………………



Why the Left Must Destroy Free Speech – or Be Destroyed

By Thomas DiLorenzo December 9, 2022

In Hayek’s famous 1944 book, The Road to Serfdom, he warned that the intellectual and political classes of the democracies of that time were embracing some of the same ideas that inspired Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and Stalin’s Russia:  comprehensive




Roosevelt’s Infamy

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 9, 2022

Eighty-one years ago today, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack killed 2,335 military personnel and 68 civilians. It also damaged or destroyed 19 U.S. Navy ships, including 8 battleships. December 7, 1941, was, President Franklin Roosevelt stated, a “date …………..



Major Economic Contraction Coming In 2023 – Followed By Even More Inflation

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us December 9, 2022

The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably won’t be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if it’s not bad ……………..



Wirecard-Prozess beginnt: Das perfekte Verbrechen

Heute beginnt der Prozess gegen den früheren Wirecard-Chef Markus Braun. Dabei geht es auch um einen Geheimdienstskandal und das Schachbrett der Geopolitik. Fabio De Masi, 8.12.22




Green-washing The Trade War With China

Under the Trump administration the U.S. launched a trade war against China. It started with various tariffs on Chinese products. The Biden administration topped that by using the ……………….



Why migrants are fleeing Albania

Fred Skulthorpis a writer living in England. His Substack is Bad Apocalypse  The age of exodus is starting to unravel. December 8, 2022




Turkey and Israel: ‚On‘ Again, Only to Be ‚Off‘ Again

by Burak Bekdil December 8, 2022 Turkey’s Islamist strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, appears to be on yet another hoax charm offensive: he is faking the restoration of ………………



Be Guided by the Angel on Your Shoulder

by Lawrence Kadish December 8, 2022

Scientists have long sought to bring order to our universe through the application of formulas.

Einstein created what is probably the most recognized formula with his explanation of energy ………………….



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