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Socialism is not just ruin camouflaged as equality. It is despair wrapped up in the rhetoric of hope.

— Hugo Gurdon

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Von Klebeautoritären und ihren Brüdern im Geiste

  1. Dezember 2022 Rainer Fassnacht

Autoritarismus beziehungsweise Totalitarismus geht einher mit einem uneingeschränkten Verfügungsanspruch des Staates bis in den persönlichen Bereich des Einzelnen. Diese ………………..



Ironie des Tages: Klima-Kleber mit Asphalt-Hand drehte früher Werbespots für Stau-Assistenten und Autos

Ein Klima-Aktivist arbeitete vor seiner Kleber-Karriere als Schauspieler und als Sprecher für …………………..



Aladdin v Socrates

Marty, your Socrates predated Fink’s Aladdin by a decade. Blackrock’s stock dropped about 50% from 2007 into 2010 when Socrates got the whole crash right. It picked the very day of ………………..



Ukraine – Is There Really A Change Of The Narrative?

In Alastair Crooke’s latest piece he discusses the change of narrative that occurred due to The Economist’s recent Ukrainian interviews:




Criminally Prosecuting Trump?

There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for ……………….



The Untold Backdrop to Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein was clearly involved in one of the biggest honey traps probably in history. They have been using girls/women to blackmail powerful people for decades. They tried that even with John F. Kennedy and they successfully got control of Edgar Hoover. You can read Whitney ………………….



The Economic Superbowl: 1920–21 versus 1930–31

12/17/2022 George Ford Smith

It’s been said there’s no such thing as a controlled experiment in the social sciences, including economics. But we had something close to a laboratory experiment back in 1920–21 and 1930–31.




Tatort Nord Stream – Täter USA



Why Central Banks Will Choose Recession Over Inflation

12/17/2022 Daniel Lacalle

While many market participants are concerned about rate increases, they appear to be ignoring the largest risk: the potential for a massive liquidity drain in 2023.




Socrates v Me

I have been following Socrates for quite a while. It certainly seems to provide the long-term view quite reliably. You said it has taught you. So I take it that is why it is AI because you did not precisely code it to do these things?




You’ve Got to Be Kidding: Professor Demands Animals Stop Eating Each Other

12/16/2022 David Gordon

Sometimes you encounter a proposal that is so daft that you think to yourself, “The author can’t be serious!” In today’s column, I’d like to discuss an example of this sort that comes …………………..



„Kein Ende der Welt in Sicht“

Bedeutet die Klimakrise den Weltuntergang? Nein, sagt der Wissenschaftler Zeke Hausfather. ……………….



Erdogan wants meeting with Assad. US forces in Syria isolated



Biden Administration and the Two-State Delusion

by Bassam Tawil December 19, 2022 The results of several public opinion polls, including the most recent one, demonstrate that Blinken and his team are either engaging in self-………………….



Are We ‘Election Deniers’?

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. December 19, 2022

Murray Rothbard was no fan of democracy, and its fallacies are the subject of Hans-Hermann-Hoppe’s great book Democracy: The God That Failed. Hoppe shows that democracy isn’t a ………………..



Deep State Suspicions

By Clarice Feldman

I wonder if it’s because so many of us lost faith in the federal government after its absurd overreactions, bad public health policies, and demonstrable lies respecting COVID, or is it …………………



Xi of Arabia and the Petroyuan Drive

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle December 19, 2022

It would be so tempting to qualify Chinese President Xi Jinping landing in Riyadh a week ………………….



Snow Job: Fed Admits Gov’t Job Estimates too High by Over 1-Million, which Means Serious Peril!

Having written that Powell’s Peril Lies in the Lanquishing Labor Market and that we are …………………….



How to assess whether a death was caused by the COVID vaccine

I wrote about this on Aug 13, 2022, but it was buried in a longer post. This dedicated post will ………………..



DeSantis to pursue legal fight against Big Pharma in the criminal arena, recruiting additional states for ‘shadow CDC’

Florida Governor shares playbook with The Dossier. Jordan Schachtel, 15.12.22




Fed Regulations Caused More Crashes, Injuries, Deaths

By Martin Hill December 19, 2022





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