Achtung Reichelt: So lügt die Tagesschau über die Gewalt von Migranten in der Silvesternacht!
Roger Köppel über Merkels Lüge beim Minsker Abkommen: «Ein Skandal der obersten Hubraum-Klasse – von den Medien totgeschwiegen»
Grüne Inkompetenz am Beispiel Habecks
The Coming Revolution – The End of Brazil
The leftist press immediately claims that any assertions of a rigged election in Brazil are as baseless as the Hunter Biden laptop. Our model shows that the election was in fact bogus and ………………..
The Real Cost of War
Good Morning Mr. Armstrong, a long-time reader and client of Socrates and your conferences. I just read your entry for Belarus drafting 18 to 60-year-olds. I had a feeling that …………………….
Shock Study: Social Media Use CHANGES The BRAINS Of Teenagers
Posted By: Lucas Nolan via Breitbart January 5, 2023
Thank you, Technocrats. You have disrupted the lives of tens of hundreds of millions of ………….
Ich werde mein Land nicht mit der Waffe verteidigen, sondern fliehen
Gerade in Zeiten eines Krieges mitten in Europa ist es wichtig, dem Rückfall ins heroische Zeitalter zu widerstehen. Ein Lob der Schwäche von Christian Baron
For Now, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Still Holds a High Place in the USA
01/04/2023 Lipton Matthews
Commentators worry that the United States might lose its dominance in innovation to Asian ……………………
Fragenkatalog zu Silvester-Krawallen – CDU will Vornamen der Tatverdächtigen wissen
In der Silvesternacht zeigte sich Berlin von seiner hässlichen Seite. Feuerwehrleute wurden in ………………….
US Admits Russia Bakhmut Advance, Russia Claims Solid Gains, US France To Provide Light Armour
Am „Schutz Kritischer Infrastrukturen“ fehlt es seit Innenminister Schäuble
Fr, 6. Januar 2023
Die Bundesregierung will die Bevölkerung stärker als bisher in den Zivil- und Katastrophenschutz einbinden, sagt eine Antwort des Bundesinnenministeriums auf eine …………………….
Die unmögliche Quote: Der neue Alarmruf des Lehrerverbands
Von Ferdinand Knauss Do, 5. Januar 2023 Migrantenquote für Schulen?
Lehrerverbandspräsident Heinz-Peter Meidinger stellt fest, dass Integration und Bildung nicht …………………
Wie nach der Silvesternacht das Thema Migration vermieden wird
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 5. Januar 2023
Viele Medien und linke Politiker mühen sich um eine Umdeutung der Silvestergewalt. Augenzeugenberichte stören da, die Abwesenheit „rechter“ Sündenböcke auch. Man kann sie …………………..
Ukraine, 2023
By Karen Kwiatkowski January 6, 2023
Eleven months after the Russians acted to provide a military protection force for Russians living in western Ukraine, or alternatively, 11 and a half months after Kiev and Zelensky …………………….
South America’s Struggle for Liberty
by Steve Bonta January 4, 2023
For outdoor aficionados, there is no grander continent than South America. With its Andean peaks, Patagonian glaciers, world-famous Brazilian beaches, vast tropical rainforests, and …………………..
Covid Boosters Trigger Metastasis
By Dr. Joseph Mercola January 6, 2023
Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults — a trend that in turn …………………..
Bananen, Böller, Baseballschläger
Schuld ist das Feuerwerk, nicht die Hand, die es wirft. Dieser Logik folgen jene, die Böllerei nun verbieten wollen. Das ist natürlich wohlfeil, weil es vom eigenen Versagen und der Frage ……………….
Enthüllt: Der Lambrecht-Lauterbach-Plan!
Der Druck auf den Kanzler wächst. Jetzt kann nur noch eine originelle Kabinettsumbildung die umstrittensten Minister aus der Schusslinie nehmen. So könnte der Befreiungsschlag des ……………………
Ferdinando Galiani, an Italian Precursor to the Austrians
01/03/2023 Robert W. McGee
The Austrian School of economics did not develop out of thin air. It built upon the work of a number of other economists and philosophers going back as far as Aristotle. Among the ………………………
Southwest’s Meltdown Reminds Us We Must End Airlines‘ Corporate Welfare
01/04/2023 Ryan McMaken
Southwest Airlines experienced an enormous meltdown over the Christmas holiday week last month, cancelling thousands of flights, and losing track of—or outright losing—countless …………………..
Decline of Empire: Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome
By Doug Casey International Man January 5, 2023
WHO RULES AMERICA – FULL DOCUMENTARY | Democratic Governing System Investigation
Sanity, Harmony, Love, Amazement, and Freedom, Are Now the Hidden Side of Life: A Backward and Deranged State of Mind
By Gary D. Barnett January 5, 2023
“I have observed this in my experience of slavery,–that whenever my condition was improved, instead of its increasing my contentment, it only increased my desire to be free, and set me to ……………..
Ukraine Supporters Should Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is
By Laurence M. Vance January 5, 2023
December was a good month for President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. First he was ………………..
Is There a Way To Stop Inflation Without Crushing the Economy and Killing the Dollar?
By Brandon Smith January 5, 2023
One of the most dishonest games being played in economics today is the attempt by various groups (political and financial) to deflect blame for the rise of inflation. The Biden White ……………………
The War in Ukraine has Underscored the Necessity of America Exiting NATO
By Steve McCann
With the passage of the ludicrous omnibus bill the total amount spent and committed to be spent by the United States in Ukraine since the Russian invasion is
Are There Any U.S. Red Lines?
Moon of Alabama January 5, 2023
The Biden administration has so far refrained from sending longer range missile to Ukraine. It fears a severe Russian reaction should it change that policy. Some warmongers dislike such sensible restrain.
Willing Accomplices
Posted on January 3, 2023
If one were looking for a reason for why the conservative movement failed so completely you would be spoiled for choice. Most people would point to the fact that despite having billions …………………
Twitter Files bestätigen, dass die US-Regierung Informationen über die Ursprünge von C19 gezielt zensiert hat
Der neueste Stapel von Twitter Files bestätigt, dass die US-Regierung wahre Informationen über die Ursprünge von C19 gezielt zensiert hat.
A Government That Assaults Liberty
By Andrew P. Napolitano January 5, 2023
During the course of an FBI written response to a Freedom of Information Act request asking about the trade names and suppliers of surveillance software the FBI had purchased, and in a ……………………
Uff, Glück gehabt! Von den 145 festgenommenen Silvester-Chaoten haben doch immerhin 45 einen deutschen Pass. Ideologische Verdummung wird immer kreativer
Anabel Schunke 5.1.23
Es sind Zahlen, die eigentlich Klarheit schaffen sollten und doch die Debatte von neuem anheizen: Von den 145 in der Berliner Silvesternacht festgenommenen Verdächtigen haben …………………..
A Government That Assaults Liberty
By Andrew P. Napolitano January 5, 2023
During the course of an FBI written response to a Freedom of Information Act request asking about the trade names and suppliers of surveillance software the FBI had purchased, and in a ……………..