Corona-Leaks: Berset legte sich die Schlinge selber um den Hals. Sein Departement reichte 2021 Strafanzeige wegen Indiskretionen ein
Hubert Mooser 24.1.23
Russia Fighting West of Bakhmut, Closing Trap, Push towards Zaporozhye City, Ukraine Military Crisis
Mainstream-Front bröckelt: Nicht nur der Schweizer Impf-Chef räumt ein, dass es schwere Impf-Schäden gibt. Sondern auch die Medien
Stefan Millius 24.1.23
«Impfschäden sind selten – aber es gibt sie», schreibt die NZZ. «Impfschäden: Opfer fühlen …………………….
Ukraine SitRep – No Southern Push Yet, Kiev Government Trouble, Tanks And Escalation
Last week, following two days of heavy fighting along the southern front in Ukraine, I concluded that the expected push from the south into the back of the Ukrainian forces at the Donetzk frontline, was finally happening.
Russia Prepared for NATO Invasion
The West has decided to turn this into an all-out war to completely destroy Russia once and for all. Moscow has been put on high alert and air defenses are being put up in every sector of …………………….
Nuclear War to Save the Plan
The Coming Great Global Default
Dear Martin
Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system?
Washington DC was built on Hypocracy
Let’s get real. Washington DC was built on hypocrisy. No matter what decade you look at we find that perhaps more than any other setting, the political environment has always been characterized by ……………………….
The New Rules of Engagement
01/23/2023 Jeff Deist
Not that long ago, my grandparents explained to me why they never discussed politics, religion, or sex in mixed company. Politeness was their currency. And why antagonize people or create ill will over private matters?
Central Banks Turn to Gold as Losses Mount
01/23/2023 Daniel Lacalle
In 2022, central banks will have purchased the largest amount of gold in recent history. According to the World Gold Council, central bank purchases of gold have reached a level ……………………
Against All Odds, Chinese Entrepreneurs Succeed around the World
01/23/2023 Lipton Matthews
The spectacular success of Chinese entrepreneurs in multiple regions across the globe has ……………………..
Commodus Hoard – Decline & Fall of Rome
SPD und CDU fordern das Ende des „Haltungsjournalismus“
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 25. Januar 2023
Die zuständige Kommission KEF fordert ARD und ZDF zum Sparen und zu „faktenbasierter“ Berichterstattung auf. Das bedeutet: Die CDU positioniert sich gegen die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen – und die SPD spielt mit.
OSZE entsendet keine Wahlbeobachter nach Berlin
Von Maximilian Tichy Di, 24. Januar 2023
Das Auswärtige Amt hatte eine Wahlbeobachtung der Wahlwiederholung bei der OSZE angefragt. „Die meisten“ der von der OSZE befragten Politiker, NGOs und Beamte finden eine Wahlbeobachtung „nicht nötig oder hilfreich“.
Lauterbach bekämpft die Impfschäden der angeblich nebenwirkungsfreien Impfung
Di, 24. Januar 2023
Wenn eine Impfung nebenwirkungsfrei wäre, gäbe es wohl kaum Impfschäden zu beklagen. Selbst Lauterbach wird diesen Widerspruch nicht auflösen können. Hier hat er sich verheddert – doch im Lichte seiner bisherigen Fehlleistungen ist das wohl nur ein kleiner Knoten. Von Friedrich Pürner
k r i e g s p r o p a g a n d a
25.1.23 Ukraine Russia War Latest w. Col. Doug Macgregor
Biden in Plain Sight
By Brian Wilson January 25, 2023
As a big Biden fan, you will find this a practical exercise in Creative Defense. This will be especially useful for liberals, Democrats, and media myrmidons struggling for cogent ……………………..
Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination
By Dr. Joseph Mercola January 25, 2023
As reviewed by comedian Jimmy Dore of “The Jimmy Dore Show” in the video above, the World Health Organization began drafting a global pandemic treaty in mid-2022, which ……………………..
The 1970s: From Rotting Carcasses Floating in the River to Kayak Races
January 22, 2023
If we don’t bother measuring national well-being, the health of the nation’s commons and resources and advances in the public’s interests, then we foolishly call a decade of tremendous ……………………
High Life – Long Live the King
Taki January 21, 2023
Shot in the once upon a time city of dreams, now of nightmares, the sweeping solipsism expressed made paranoia a kind of totalizing faith. Behind the nauseating self-promotion a so-……………………
What About the Unprovoked U.S. Aggression Against Iraq?
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation January 25, 2023
Referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an editorial in Saturday’s Washington …………………….
The End of Reality Consensus Disorder
By James Howard Kunstler January 25, 2023
“We’ve quite literally outsourced the definition of reality to a small group of technocrats in nondescript offices whose names we’ll never know and who self-selected for issue advocacy ……………………..
Bücherverbrennungen: Was den Unterschied macht
Eine Koranverbrennung in Schweden führt zu muslimischen Protesten. Eine Religion, die das Verbrennen eines Buchs als Todsünde erachtet, aber das Schlachten von Menschen nicht, hat ganz eigene Probleme.
Russia Begins New Vuhledar Offensive, Advances in Bakhmut, Zaporozhye; Big Purge Strikes Kiev
Wissenschaft, Religion, Größenwahn
Von Boris Kotchoubey.
Wie sich das Verhältnis der Wissenschaft zur Religion wandelte. Einstmals ein Gegensatz, heute ein Ersatz.
Menschenversuche statt Tierversuche
Von Jochen Ziegler.
Wie das renommierte Magazin Science berichtet, hat der US Kongress die US-amerikanische Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde FDA, die weltweit der Trendsetter für diesen Bereich ist, von …………………
Deutschland nur noch Schwarz-Rot-Schrott – Jetzt gehen schon unsere Corona-Helden
Ugur Sahin und Özlem Türeci bekamen für ihren Corona-Impfstoff das Bundesverdienstkreuz
Emergency broadcast with John Perez as SWIFT system moves against CRYPTO giants
How Technocrats Used The Pandemic To Crush Thousands Of Churches In America
Posted By: Adam Gabbatt via The Guardian January 23, 2023
For the Technocrats who orchestrated the “pandemic”, there were three main goals: crush …………………….
Emergency interview with John Perez as SWIFT cuts off Binance and global currency wars explode
Monday, January 23, 2023 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) In bombshell news that we first noticed at Brighteon.Social over the weekend, ……………………
The Important Line between Civil and Criminal Is Being Breached
by Alan M. Dershowitz January 24, 2023 There are two major reasons why criminal liability has been extended to cover negligent behavior. The first is evidentiary: it is often difficult or impossible to prove a specific intent to commit a crime, so the law takes a shortcut, ……………………..
The Debt Ceiling Hits Pi – $31.4 Trillion
The debt ceiling is currently at $31.4 trillion, representing borrowing that the Treasury undertakes to fund its financial obligations, ranging from safety-net benefits such as Social
Corona-Leaks: Berset legte sich die Schlinge selber um den Hals. Sein Departement reichte 2021 Strafanzeige wegen Indiskretionen ein
Hubert Mooser 24.1.23
Die Meldung liest sich heute wie ein schlechter Scherz.