Western Volunteer in Bakhmut Admits Ukraine is Losing + is the Western Tank Card a Bluff?
Gallup Poll – Gov’t is Our Greatest Problem
Gallup has just confirmed what our computer has been forecasting especially since 2011. The majority of Americans now say that a lack of leadership from President Biden and Congress is …………………
U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022: Accelerating Spending, Worsening Outcomes
Fox News – “ominous Great Depression warning”
Impf-Schäden: Was Medien, Medizin und Politik weitgehend ausblenden, erreicht langsam, aber sicher die Gesellschaft
«Ich war einmal so schön», klagt der wohl
Why the End of the Petrodollar Spells Trouble for the US Regime
Ryan McMaken
On January 17, the Saudi minister of finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, announced that the Saudi state is open to selling oil in currencies other than the dollar. “There are no issues with ………………….
NATO Continues Its Disarmament
NATO is continuing its disarmament mission.
France to send an extra 12 powerful Caesar howitzers to Ukraine
French Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu’s announcement that France will send 12 additional Caesar ………………….
US Threatens Missiles, Jets, and now Crimea, US Sees (Seeks) War with China by 2025
Do Correlations Help Define Money?
01/28/2023 Frank Shostak
According to popular thinking, the government’s definition of money is of a flexible nature. Sometimes it could be M1, and at other times it could be M2 or some other M money supply. ………………..
Nachruf Kernenergie: Deutschlands destruktiver Sonderweg (1)
Mit der endgültigen Abschaltung der letzten drei deutschen Kernkraftwerke geht in Kürze eine Ära zu Ende. Man ist erschüttert und trauert wegen dieses sinnlosen Aktes der ……………………..
Lula düpiert Scholz
Von Marco Gallina Mi, 1. Februar 2023 Nein zum „Klimaclub“
Kanzler Scholz auf Südamerika-Reise: Während man den Besuch in Argentinien und Chile ……………………
80% tote Babys bei geimpften Schwangeren – zeigt Pfizer-Bericht
Dieser Beitrag von Marie Eulemann erschien zuerst auf AUF1.INFO
Neuer Pfizer-Report zeigt: Neun Monate nach Einführung der Covid-„Impfstoffe“ kam es in Europa und vielen anderen Ländern zu einem dramatischen Rückgang der Geburtenrate. 80% ………………………
Understanding the Pentagon’s Provocation of Russis
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation February 1, 2023
President Kennedy had a unique ability that Pentagon generals did not have. He was able to …………………..
The GOP’s Impending Great Betrayal
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner February 1, 2023
Don’t expect much from the thin new GOP majority in the U.S. House—at least anything that ………………….
Russia’s Bakhmut Ring Tightens, UK MSM Admits Russia Close to Chasov Yar, Russia Advances Vuhledar
The Continuous and Terminal Political Gaslighting of the American Masses
By Gary D. Barnett February 1, 2023
“Gaslighting is implanted narratives cloaked in secrecy.”meaning that: “Gaslighting are lies with a purpose to confuse and control.”
Tracy Malone
‘At War with Russia’, Europe Peers Down the Abyss
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture February 1, 2023
Russia is unlikely to take the bait: It has the real strategic advantage in all areas of engagement with the Ukrainian forces.
Islam? Keine Debatte, nirgends
„Wie kann eine Islam-Reform stattfinden, ohne eine ehrliche Debatte über die Religion und ohne auf die Argumente der Kritiker einzugehen?“, fragt Hamed Abdel-Samad in seinem neuen Buch. Ein Auszug.
Fighting Inflation Really Means Fighting the Federal Reserve
01/31/2023 George Ford Smith
Austria & Hungary Refuse to give Weapons to Ukraine
The people who are pushing for World War III attack anyone who tells the truth about Ukraine is suddenly a “Putin Supporter” when in fact they are the new merchants of death ……………………
Russian-Iranian Axis: Biden Administration Missing in Action?
by Judith Bergman January 31, 2023 Iran is now selling surface-to-surface missiles to Russia for use in its war on Ukraine — on the cusp of a reported „major Ukrainian offensive“ — in addition to the drones it has already been delivering, two senior Iranian officials and two ………………….
Victoria Nuland Drops Neocon BOMBSHELL on Nord Stream and Ukraine War