Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?
02/14/2023 Finn Andreen
The recent revelations surrounding the covid-19 pandemic in the West are so shocking that it is necessary to first summarize them to keep on track. Secondly, it is important to try to …………………
Del Bigtree Fights for Freedom
But he looks past the elephant in the room, By James Kluttz, February 15, 2023
Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Tom Woods, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and many others, are certainly heroic for their …………………
Will The Turkish Earthquake Unleash Science From The Shackles Of The Statisticians?
Matthew Ehret, Feb 12, 2023
“Can we forecast earthquakes? No. Neither the United States Geology Survey (USGS) nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future.”
United States Geology Survey, website
Auch im Januar alarmierende Übersterblichkeit Beunruhigende Entwicklung hält an – und beunruhigendes Wegsehen
Auch im Januar gab es in Deutschland wieder eine erhebliche Übersterblichkeit. Um 13 Prozent höher lag die Zahl der Todesfälle im Vergleich zum Januar-Mittelwert der Vorjahre. …………………..
Die Selbst-Sabotage der CDU
Die CDU Baden-Württembergs sabotierte letztlich ihren eigenen Willen gegen die verordnete Gendersprache. Mit „Ja“ abstimmen, wo die AfD auch „ja“ sagt, das gehe nämlich gar nicht. Die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung dürfte für solche kindischen Spielchen kaum Verständnis ………………..
Sie haben es getan: EU beschließt Kubanisierung des Autoverkehrs
Das EU-Parlament in Straßburg hat das Ende der Zulassungen von Verbrennern ab 2035 beschlossen. Das bedeutet den Anfang vom Ende einer Schlüsseltechnologie, auf der der …………………
Umweltkatastrophe durch Zugunglück in Ohio – Werden Schäden und Gefahren verharmlost und verschwiegen?
Von Susanne Heger Mi, 15. Februar 2023
Glück im Unglück: Der Zugführer und seine Begleitung wurden nicht verletzt. Aber zehn der entgleisten Waggons transportierten gefährliche Chemikalien, die beim Brand …………………
Die neue deutsch-französische Wasserstoff-Feindschaft
Von Marco Gallina Di, 14. Februar 2023 Paris will Wasserstoffpipeline blockieren
Der Streit zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich über die Wasserstofferzeugung eskaliert. ………………….
LIVE from Ukraine – Russian Offensive, Matt VanDyke
Ukraine Retreating Bakhmut, Russia reaches Kupyansk, Liman; NATO Out of Stock
Douglas Macgregor – The Russian Advance
Der CDU-„Wahlsieg“ in Berlin und die Causa Maaßen
Von Josef Kraus Di, 14. Februar 2023
Die Hauptstadt-CDU konnte laut Wahlprognosen seit Anfang Januar damit rechnen, dass sie am 12. Februar klarer Sieger wird. Mitten hinein in die Siegeszuversicht und dann die Freude ………………..
Ukraine War – The Upcoming Duel Of Speeches
Next week will see a speech duel between President Putin and President Biden.
On February 21 the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will hold his …………………….
‘Brave Ukrainians Doing Dirty Work’, Ex-Pentagon Chief Says in Prank Call
In its conflict with Moscow, Kiev has taken up the job that Washington never wanted to do, Mark Esper said, RT News, February 15, 2023
Wird der Euro zu einer Schrottwährung? | Hans-Werner Sinn
French Historian: World War III Has Already Begun
“We are now in an endless war.”
13 February, 2023 Paul Joseph Watson
A French historian who accurately predicted the fall of the Soviet Union over a decade in ……………………
The Largest Environmental Disaster in US History?
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV February 15, 2023
With all of the Chyna balloons and UFOs going around, unless you live in East Palestine, …………………
When the Private Sector Is the Enemy
By Ryan McMaken February 15, 2023
Last Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee meeting provided some much-needed insight into how corporate personnel at Twitter (before Elon Musk’s takeover) had essentially turned ………
The Big Stiff: Russia-Iran Dump the Dollar and Bust US Sanctions
News of Russian banks connecting to Iran’s financial messaging system strengthens the resistance against US-imposed sanctions on both countries and accelerates global de-dollarization. By Pepe Escobar …………………….
Genocide in Nigeria: The Biden Administration’s Cover-Up
by Raymond Ibrahim February 15, 2023 [T]he Biden administration’s decision to delist Nigeria from the list of Countries of Particular Concern was „inexplicable,“ according to the ………………….
Depression Scrip – Coming to a Region Near You
At the WEC, you said as the nation breaks apart, the most likely course of action will be the creation of local currencies. You also said you would post a catalog of Depression Scrip. I ……………………..
Mining Expansion for Green Energy
MiningWatch Canada is estimating that 3 billion tons of mined metals and minerals will be needed to power the energy transition. All of this nonsense for climate change means that …………………..
JP Morgan to Create Ukraine Fund
Mr. Armstrong, JP Morgan seems to be cutting a deal with Zelensky to create an infrastructure fund to rebuild Ukraine. How can they create such a fund when the war is …………………..
Der deutsche Realitätsschock: Es sind zu viele Flüchtlinge, die kommen
Die Gewalttaten von Asylbewerbern der letzten Wochen haben für eine gewisse Irritation gesorgt. Angesichts dieser hässlichen Seite einer vielbeschworenen modernen Einwanderungsgesellschaft regt sich zunehmend Widerstand, was die neue Flüchtlingswelle anbelangt. Reinhard Mohr 14.02.2023,
Weitere Verhaftungen im Korruptionssumpf
Der Korruptionsskandal im Europäischen Parlament zieht immer weitere Kreise. Nun wurden weitere „Volksvertreter“ in Brüssel verhaftet. Der „Werte-Westen“, der sich gern als moralisches Vorbild gibt, steht nun selbst am Pranger. Zittern im EU-Parlament.
War itself is a Crime – it is legalized mass murder
The Ukrainian people WRONGLY believe that Putin is their enemy. You are looking in the ………………..
Decorum Propels DC Deceit
02/13/2023 James Bovard
During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden uncorked a series of howlers that eventually spurred heckling from Republican members of Congress. Pundits ………………………
The Legacy of Immigration: It’s Complicated
02/13/2023 Lipton Matthews
In contemporary America, the success of immigrants is celebrated as a source of American …………………..
Will Ukraine survive Russia’s spring offensive?
David Patrikarakos is a Contributing Editor at UnHerd. His latest book is War in 140 characters: how social media is reshaping conflict in the 21st century. (Hachette). In Kherson, battle-hardened troops are prepared for the worst. February 14, 2023
The Buildup To War In Ukraine – February 14 2022
February 14 2022 was a relative quiet day. The U.S. knew that the Ukraine would soon launch a large attack on the renegade Dontezk and Luhansk republics. To protect the Russian people …………………
How We Can Stop the Coming War With Russia
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute February 14, 2023
Twenty years ago this spring the US government was finally successful in lying us into war with Iraq. Administration after administration had sanctioned and bombed and even invaded …………………..
Absolutely Worthless and Criminal Are the Constitution, Conservatism, ‘Liberalism’, Voting, and Government
By Gary D. Barnett February 14, 2023
“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them ……………..
Endgame for Ukraine: America vs America
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture February 14, 2023
Bill Burns travelled (in secret) in mid-January to meet Zelensky. Was it to prepare Zelensky for a shift in the American stance?
What Mises Understood about Prices and Trade That Socialist Economists Did Not
Ludwig von Mises understood that without free market prices, planning would necessarily be irrational.
By Walter E. Block and Bob Batemarco Foundation for Economic Education February 14, 2023
Wiping Out Our Technology Base- What Happens If An Event Such As A Solar Flare, EMP, Or A Plague Takes Our Society Farther Back Than The Early 1900s
Milan Adams Uncategorized February 13, 2023
It’s one or two years after an EMP attack and you are safely tucked away in your retreat somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Your storage foods have mostly been used and your …………………….
Standing Upright Amid a Sea of Lies
By Ron Unz The Unz Review February 14, 2023
Our political landscape is completely flooded by a massive tide of official propaganda. ……………………
Ike Was Right about the Deep State
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation February 14, 2023
This morning, a missile that Russia fired at Ukraine flew over Moldova and came within 22 ………………….
US ‚Lying’ About Nord Stream Expose – Moscow
The Russian Foreign Ministry has reminded the State Department about its own history of misleading claims. RT News February 13, 2023
It’s STARTING! Putin and China could end the US dollar with this move
The FBI’s most controversial surveillance tool is under threat
Review of FBI’s access to foreign intelligence reveals misuse of surveillance tech.
Dell Cameron, – 2/12/2023,
The War of Terror of a Rogue Superpower: Cui Bono?
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture February 13, 2023
When it comes to the Global South, what the Hersh report imprints is Rogue Superpower, in giant blood red letters, as state sponsor of terrorism.
West Admits Jets for Ukraine will Take Years + US Sanctions Blocking Syrian Earthquake Relief
I Am Sick and Tired of Racist White Bashing
By Gary D. Barnett February 13, 2023
“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.”
Muhammad Ali
Pentagon Wants To Return Special Ops Propagandists To Ukraine
By Caitlin Johnstone February 13, 2023
Wie aus Feinden Freunde werden und aus Krieg Frieden
Hundert Jahre „Die Gemeinwirtschaft“ von Ludwig von Mises, Teil 6
- Februar 2023 –Antony P. Mueller
Mission Accomplished: Seymour Hersh, Nordstream, and What’s Left on the Cutting Room Floor
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns February 13, 2023
On Wednesday, I turned 55 and I got one of the best birthday presents a guy like me could ever ask for, a major geopolitical bombshell.
Why Ron Paul Is Right
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. February 13, 2023
The great Dr. Ron Paul has been right about all the major issues that confront the world today. He is right about the Fed, the Ukraine war, the FBI, and so much else. How he managed to do ………………….