‚Biden ordered Nord Stream bombing‘: U.S. in a fix as new reveal sends shockwaves
Russia in Paraskovievka, Bakhmut; Few NATO Tanks, Nord Stream Questions for Stoltenberg, Sullivan
NATO Preparing for World War III
Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that they may have to wage war on two fronts simultaneously. NATO is considering what they call a defensive move which is an …………………….
Nuclear Arms no Longer Key to Peace
Russia has fitted its fleet with tactical nuclear weapons both in the North Sea and in the Atlantic. The United States and NATO have convinced themselves that they can destroy ………………….
Media Bullshit About Ugledar
A typical New York Times propaganda piece is demonstrating how it intentionally misleads its readers:
What is Really the Foundation of Money?
Martin, After several years of reading your blog, I have concluded that Socrates’ prognostications appear to be spot on. I also share your assertion that a study of history supplies an insight into
Money versus Monetary Policy
02/16/2023 Jeff Deist
With all due respect to Niall Ferguson, whom I’ve heard of, and Huw van Steenis, whom I’ve not, this tweet is quite preposterous. I’ve personally met more than five people who ………………………
Food and Shelter Prices Keep Climbing as CPI Growth Hits a Three-Month High
02/15/2023 Ryan McMaken
The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data today, and according to the report, price inflation during the month decelerated slightly, ………………………
Der Northstream-Blowup – eine Gegenthese
Von Lee Smith. Leichtfertige Behauptungen, die USA hätten die Nord Stream-Pipelines in die Luft gejagt, lenken von den wahren Skandalen der Biden-Regierung ab – auch die hinsichtlich des Ukraine-Krieges.
Der Flüchtlingsgipfel endet in offenem Krach – und ohne konkrete Ergebnisse
Von Ferdinand Knauss Do, 16. Februar 2023
Nancy Faeser erfährt beim Gipfeltreffen mit den Innenministern der Länder und Vertretern der Kommunen scharfe Kritik. Die CDU-Vertreter fordern eine Kehrtwende hin zur Begrenzung. Deutlich wird: Mit Geld vom Bund wird sich die dysfunktionale Migrationspolitik nicht mehr lange aufrechterhalten lassen.
Is Capitalism to Blame for the Ohio Train Disaster?
02/16/2023Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop address whether the Ohio train disaster is an example of „capitalism gone amuck“. They discuss Murray Rothbard’s views on pollution, the secondary consequences of the regulatory state, and the decaying qualities of modern financialization.
Alternativlose klimaneutrale Investitionen?
Private Investitionen sollen nicht mehr frei und entlang von Marktsignalen getätigt werden, sondern staatlich bzw. supranational festgelegten Regeln folgen, die vorschreiben, was nachhaltig und ethisch vertretbar und was verwerflich ist.
The Buildup To War In Ukraine – February 16 2022
On the even of February 15 the Russian Foreign Ministry released information about a phone call between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. CGTN ………………….
Scottish nationalism will survive Sturgeon
TomMcTague is UnHerd’s Political Editor. He is the author of Betting The House: The Inside Story of the 2017 Election. Both the SNP and unionists are too weak to triumph.
Nicola Sturgeon has exited the stage, but the threat of Scottish independence has not. ………………….
Nikki Haley’s neocon pantomime
Michael Cuenco is a writer on policy and politics. He is Associate Editor at American Affairs.
February 16, 2023, She is not a realistic rival to Trump.
In the run-up to the contest for a major party’s presidential nomination, a challenger emerges …………………
‘Plug and Play’ Guides US Domestic and Foreign Policy – and It’s Not Working
By Karen Kwiatkowski February 16, 2023
The Lockheed Martin USN Freedom Class ships, “plug and play” multi-use vessels costing ………………
Blowing Up the Wrong Balloon!
By Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers February 16, 2023
Hollywood just amazes me sometimes. They consistently predict the future (especially on ………………………..
War and Indifference
By Andrew P. Napolitano February 16, 2023
Which is more destructive to personal liberty, a government that engages in secret acts of war or a public and news media that are indifferent to it? In the current American toxic stew of anti-Russian hatred and beating the drums of war — in President Joe Biden’s America — we have both.
Merger Mania in the Military-Industrial Complex
Tackling Pentagon Waste Means Battling the Big Weapons Makers and Asking More of Congress
By Julia Gledhill and William D. Hartung TomDispatch.com February 16, 2023
The Return of Inflation: It’s Back, it’s sticky, and it’s bound to get ugly!
The big news carried in The Daily Doom today was recession after recession and inflation after inflation. They’re both back (or “back to back”), and boy are they mad! This year’s big …………………….
Nord Stream Terror Attack: The Plot Thickens
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture February 16, 2023
What’s left for all of us is to swim in a swamp crammed with derelict patsies, dodgy cover stories and intel debris.
Seymour Hersh’s bombshell report on
Why I Am Against Saving the Planet
By Michael Lind, February 15, 2023
We are constantly being exhorted to “save the planet.” Indeed, saving the planet has become the de facto religion of politicians, business elites, and intellectuals in the West, replacing ……………………..
Beispiel Freiburg: Grundsteuer könnte teure Überraschungen bringen
10.2.2023, Michael Hertle
Die ersten neuen Grundsteuerwertbescheide kommen gerade an – endgültige Grundsteuerbescheide später. Einspruch ist nur jetzt möglich.