Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wahnsinn bei Individuen ist selten, aber in Gruppen, Nationen und Epochen die Regel.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Sicherheitskonferenz: China will Friedensplan vorlegen – Ukraine lehnt jetzt schon ab

Chinas Friedensinitiative soll zum ersten Jahrestag der russischen Invasion vorgestellt werden. Die Ukraine will sich damit vorerst nicht beschäftigten. AFP/dpa18.02.2023

Während die Verbündeten der Ukraine weitere Waffenlieferungen für den Kampf gegen die russischen ………………..



Dramatisch: Übersterblichkeit in Freiburg bei 71% in 2022!



Russia’s Special Military Operation 1 Year On: How the US Started this War & Where it’s Heading…



Ukraine-Krieg- Peralatan dan Nasionalis Ukraina Digempur Artileri Rusia di Hutan Kremennaya



Russia Pushes West of Bakhmut; Gloom Over Munich, China Wang Yi Spoils West Party; Sunak Double Down



War & Justice Preview

The ICC can ONLY prosecute member states. The United States refused to join the ICC so no American can ever be tried for a war crime. The same applies to Russia, yet the ICC is trying to politically indict Putin to create World War III.



Dr. Daniele Ganser: USA und Norwegen haben Nord Stream gesprengt (10.02.23)



Friedensforscher Daniele Ganser erklärt US-Terroranschlag gegen Nord Stream Pipelines

  1. Februar 2023

Der von Zensur und manischen Linksradikalen aktuell intensiv verfolgte Friedensforscher Daniele Ganser hat sich die Zeit genommen und in einem absolut sehenswerten 50-minütigen …………………..



The Buildup To War In Ukraine – Saturday, February 19, 2022

From the Reuters summary of Saturday, February 19, 2022:

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin was set to oversee exercises by strategic nuclear missile forces on Saturday as Western leaders gathered in Munich, fearful that he could order troops massed on Ukraine’s ……………………..



The Bitcoin Delusion

Mr. Armstrong, Now with Switzerland outlawing a cashless society, I understand your point that cryptocurrency is really a dead end. Without power, it cannot exist and as you said in times of war, you take down the power grid and they can do that with an EPM pulse. These ……………….



Russia Bakhmut Pincer Closing, Paraskovievka Captured, Approaches Kupiansk; Macron No Regime Change



The Government Seeks Totalitarian Money

02/17/2023 David Gordon

The Global Currency Plot: How the Deep State Will Betray Your Freedom, and How to Prevent It



How Government Spending Hurts the Economy

02/18/2023 Murray N. Rothbard

[In this chapter from Man, Economy, and State, Murray Rothbard explains how government employees consume productive resources, while both taxes and government spending distort ………………..



Meanwhile in Yemen, the US Government Supplies Weapons to Continue the Carnage

02/16/2023 Trenton Hale

Since 2014, the tiny country of Yemen has been devastated by the ongoing civil war following the Houthi takeover of the government. It only worsened in March 2015, when ……………………



How China is Helping the Solomon Islands Fight Against US Encroachment



„Was wusste Scholz und wann wusste er es?“

Recherchen des berühmten amerikanischen Journalisten Seymour Hersh zufolge haben die USA die Nord-Stream-Pipeline gesprengt. Im Cicero-Interview spricht Hersh über seine …………………



Russia Advance Paraskeyevka; Out of Ammo West Urges Kiev Adopt NATO Tactics; Hawley US Over-Extended



Banning Seymour Hersh’s ‘Offensive’ Ideas

Subverting America’s Democracy—Now!, By Ron Unz, The Unz Review, February 18, 2023


In an unprecedented step, Youtube has severely restricted as “inappropriate or offensive” …………………..



Why Biden’s Socialist State Will Fail

By Kirkpatrick Sale February 18, 2023

So now it’s out in the open: Joe Biden is creating an out-and-out socialist state.  In his State-………………..



Adam Schiff, the Persecution, Black-listing and Criminalization of Anti-Over-Vaccination Activists, and the Nazi Book-Burnings of 1933

By Gary G. Kohls, MDFebruary 18, 2023

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

Attributed to Abraham Lincoln






The Forgotten Lessons of The Military’s Forced Anthrax Vaccination of its Pilots

Please help bring the FAA’s attention to the issues with vaccinating our pilots. Feb 16, 2023




Constant Government Lies Spark Resistance Movements

By J.B. Shurk

In the digital public square of social media, I have seen a noticeable uptick in biting memes and political cartoons calling out the U.S. government for its constant lies.  In one example, a ………………….



You Have To Be Trusted By The People That You Lie To

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com February 18, 2023

The widespread refusal to accept that the US government bombed the Nord Stream pipelines …………………….



Germany leads Western nations in ‘massive’ excess death spike since COVID jab rollout: data

Although Germany was the highest, Dr. John Campbell said that the information coming from all ……………………..



Martin Armstrong Interview: NATO military defeat to destabilize the dollar?



Will AI Learn to Become a Better Entrepreneur than You?

02/16/2023 Raushan Gross

Contemporary businesses use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to assist with operations and compete in the marketplace. AI enables firms and entrepreneurs to make data-driven decisions ………………….



Martin Armstrong Interview – The Corruption of the International Court of Justice



Taxation Is Theft and Cannot Be Justified Even for Charitable Causes

02/17/2023 Dumo Denga

In her article “Multinationals Make Obscene Profits Out of Global Crises—Tax Them to ……………………..



Why Ron Paul Is Right

02/16/2023 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

The great Dr. Ron Paul has been right about all the major issues that confront the world today. He is right about the Fed, the Ukraine war, the FBI, and so much else. How has he managed ……………………



Concerning the State, There Are No Accidencts, No Coincidences, and No Natural ‘Emergencies’ or Threats: All Is Planned

By Gary D. Barnett February 18, 2023

“Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they choose to venerate…Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and the Boobus Americanus will follow any command that promises to make him safer.”

  1. L. Mencken




Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government. America Is a Prison Disguised as Paradise

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute February 17, 2023

“If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his …………………..



The Question Even I Haven’t Dared To Ask

By Tom Woods February 17, 2023

If you can forgive a little crudeness, dear reader, I’d like to summarize in a few words what ………………….



Gold’s Return as Money

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney February 17, 2023

The consequences of Russia and her Asian allies embracing gold backing for their currencies …………………



Austalians Aren’t Allowed To Know if There Are American Nukes in Australia

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com February 17, 2023

The US government is permitted to have nuclear weapons in Australia. What’s more, …………………..



China Lasers Hawaii, Prepares for War

by Gordon G. Chang February 17, 2023 This [spy balloon’s eight-day flight] path certainly suggests China is gathering intelligence for either a first or second strike on America’s nukes.




A World Without Finance

February 14, 2023

We will enter a world without finance, and it will be a better world, for the economy will no ………………….



50,000 jam the streets in Denmark to protest possible elimination of 300-year-old Christian holiday

[T]he government wants to take a holy day away from us, which we’ve had for over 300 years.’




A US-Led ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Foreshadows the Splintering of NATO

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review February 17, 2023

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was a gangster act that reveals the cancer at the …………………..



Deputy Chairman of Russian Assembly debates French journalists war hawks.

16 February 2023 by Bob Bishop

Piotr Olegovich Tolstoy (Russian Author Leo Tolstoy’s great-great-grandson), the Deputy ……………………..



Deutsches Tesla-Werk verbraucht mehr Wasser als eine Kleinstadt

Die Vorgänge um die „Tesla Gigafactory” in Grünheide bei Berlin nehmen immer stärker die Ausmaße einer kolonialen Landnahme an: Nicht nur, dass Natur und Anwohner schon in der Bauphase gegenüber …………………..



Allmächtiger Staat. Der Aufstieg des totalen Staates und der totale Krieg

  1. Februar 2023 Ludwig von Mises

1944 veröffentlichte die Yale University Press Ludwig von Mises’ Buch




War of the Worlds

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com February 17, 2023

“The Chinese spy balloons are most likely an op to pull the civil/military’s collective chain.” — Thomas L. Thomas




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