Overextending and Unbalancing Russia
Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options
Biden Guarantees Pensions of Ukraine – Not Americans
Marty; Why would Biden allow the billions he is sending to fill the pensions of government workers in Ukraine? YD
Is the Biden Administration Just Completely Brain-Dead?
Russia has deployed tactical nuclear weapons on all its ships. The US arrogantly told China not to support Russia or that they would impose sanctions on China as they have done with Russia. That is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Once you make such a public demand ………………..
Dictators Bent on Building Military Empires: The Cost of the Nation’s Endless Wars
By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute February 23, 2023
“Autocrats only understand one word: no, no, no. No you will not take my country, no you will not take my freedom, no you will not take my future…
Corruption inside the Deep State
History repeats because human nature never changes. During the Roman Republic, the name of the moneyer would appear on the coinage just as today the Secretary of the Treasury’s …………………….
Forget the Liquidity Trap—Loose Monetary Policies Cause Recessions
02/21/2023Frank Shostak
Advocates of Keynesian economics believe the Federal Reserve should pursue policies that will prevent the possible decline of the economy into a liquidity trap. But what is a liquidity trap?
Secession: Should the American Revolutionaries Have Quit to Appease the Loyalists?
02/21/2023 Ryan McMaken
When advocates of secession in the United States bring up “national divorce,” a common objection we hear is that secession can’t be allowed because it would make some people ……………………….
A Student Loan Fable
02/21/2023 Kevin Van Elswyk
A student goes into a bank. He tells the personal loan banker, “I want to borrow $7,500 per year for the next four or five years.”
BASF: Abbau in Ludwigshafen, Aufbau in China
Do, 23. Februar 2023
Der unter Kostendruck geratene Chemiekonzern BASF will Produktionskapazität an seinem Stammsitz stilllegen. In Zhanjiang investiert das Unternehmen dagegen 10 Milliarden Euro.
Zensur und Propaganda in der FAZ?
Die Zeitung warb einst damit, dass hinter ihr immer ein kluger Kopf stecke. Inzwischen kann man dort für fundierte Kritik an der Nahost-Politik der Bundesregierung zensiert werden. Begründet wird das dann mit geschichtsklitternder Propaganda.
Versicherte sollen bis zu 2000 Euro für medizinische Behandlungen bezahlen
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 22. Februar 2023 Vorschlag eines ehemals rot-grünen Beraters
Bis zu 2000 Euro sollen gesetzlich Krankenversicherte selbst für Behandlungen bezahlen. Das ……………………
Heiko Teggatz: Ohne Abschiebungen haben auch Asylverfahren keinen Sinn
Von Mattias Nikolaidis Mi, 22. Februar 2023 Zweite Migrationskrise ist längst da
Allein im Januar gab es fast 30.000 neue Asylanträge. Rechnet man das hoch, läge man bei 360.000 Neuzugängen im Jahr und einer veritablen Migrationskrise. Polizeigewerkschafter Heiko Teggatz fordert konsequente Abschiebungen – auch durch Gewahrsamszentren an Flughäfen. Die Bundespolizei könne das.
The Buildup To War In Ukraine – Tuesday, February 22, 2022
To provide a legal framework for Russian military support to Donetsk and Luhansk the …………………….
Are Russia and China Moving towards a Mutual Defense Pact?
22 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
Fifty one years ago (February 12, 1972) U.S. President Richard M. Nixon landed in Beijing on a cold, blustery day, shook hands with China’s Premier Zhou Enlai, and started a thaw in ………………………
War and the Constitution
By Andrew P. Napolitano February 23, 2023
Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the …………………….
Rise of China … And What it Means for the World
By Doug Casey International Man February 23, 2023
International Man: Lee Kuan Yew, the former leader of Singapore, once said:
“The size of China’s displacement of the world balance is such that the world must find a new balance.
The Relationship Between the American People and Its Evil Government Is the Epitome of Mass Stockholm Syndrome
By Gary D. Barnett February 23, 2023
“What makes the difference between a gang and a state is the belief that there is a difference between a gang and a state.” Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
The University of the Southern Cause: The Confederacy and Naples
By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner February 23, 2023
Some years ago (summer 1974) when I was completing a doctorate in history and political science in Europe, I made a journey south from Rome to the Italian city of Naples. Earlier, ……………………
The Dead End of Reparations
I don’t know about you, but I am about ready to take the ruling-class enthusiasm for „reparations“ and put it where the sun don’t shine.
How The U.S. (And UK) Sabotaged Peace In Ukraine
The Washington Post provides another of those lame flattering portraits of the Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelinski:
Russia Centre Bakhmut, MoD Disputes Prigozhin Ammo; Biden Insults Putin Warsaw, Putin Sanctions Fail
SitRep 2/23: Putin, Prigozhin, PMC’s and PMR’s
Simplicius The Thinker
Well, strap in to your seats, folks, things are heating up and we’re in for a wild ride.
Putin’s big address came and went. And depending who you ask it was either a dud or full of ………………
Dieter Nuhr – RBB streicht überraschend seine Sendung
22.2.23 Die neue RBB-Intendantin Katrin Vernau verkündete am Mittwoch harte Sparmaßnahmen des Senders. Auch eine Sendung von Dieter Nuhrs soll betroffen sein.
Großflächigen Stromausfall geplant – Razzia gegen mutmaßliche Reichsbürger
Stand: 22.02.2023
Mitglieder der Reichsbürger-Szene sollen einen politischen Umsturz geplant haben. Nun sind bei einer Razzia in Bayern die Wohnungen einiger Beschuldigter durchsucht worden. Ihnen wird die Bildung und ………………….
Spendenbetrug in Ludwigshafen: Geld floss an Familie von Messermörder
Vorletzte Woche begann der Prozess gegen einen aus Somalia importierten Mörder. Im vergangenen Oktober hatte er im Ludwigshafener Stadtteil Oggersheim zwei Menschen ……………………..
Putin: Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV February 23, 2023
Here’s snippet from Putin’s address on the state of affairs in Ukraine on Tuesday.
Scott Ritter: the TOTAL Denazification of Ukraine
DAVID MARCUS: If Joe can go to the warzone of Ukraine, why the hell don’t he or Buttigieg fly to the toxic mess in Ohio? Because they don’t give a damn
By David Marcus For Dailymail.Com 21 February 2023
Russia’s Declaration of Independence — A Review of Putin’s Speech to Russia’s National Assembly
21 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
Reflecting on Putin’s long awaited speech to Russia’s national assembly I was struck by some ………………….
An unexpected insight (for the élite): The US may be the biggest loser in the war on Russia by Alastair Crooke
21 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
Dr. Michael Vlahos, Gonzalo Lira and I talk Ukraine and Russia
21 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
A delightful, fruitful conversation hosted by Gonzalo Lira with the esteemed Michael Vlahos. It was my ………………..
Ich bitte um Vergebung – BRIEF AN DEUTSCHLAND – ein Kurzfilm von Imad Karim
Putins Rede zur Lage der Nation: «Der Westen hat gegen Russland nicht nur eine militärische, informationelle, sondern auch eine wirtschaftliche Front eröffnet. Aber er hat nichts erreicht und wird auch nichts erreichen»
Guten Tag, meine Damen und Herren!
Verehrte Abgeordnete der Bundesversammlung – Senatoren, Abgeordnete der Staatsduma! Verehrte Bürgerinnen und Bürger Russlands!
President Vladimir Putin signed safe conduct for president Joseph Biden, one Return Przemysl Rail Pas, 24-Hour Leave Pass for Kiev, in ‘Covert Mission’ to fool New York Times, London Times, Financial Times (and it did)
For the first time in the century of US warfare against Russia, a sitting US president has requested and received a formal ceasefire and safe conduct pledge (propusk) from the ……………………..
‘Absolute victory over Russia isn’t possible’
. ‚Putin is definitely in it for the long haul‘ (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Fiona Hill is a foreign affairs specialist and former advisor to Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump. Trump’s former advisor on the West’s mistakes in Ukraine. February 22, 2023
Von der Leyen bei Gericht angezeigt!
James O’Keefe Leaves Project Veritas: „I Have No Position Here Based Upon What The Board Has Done“
Posted By Ian Schwartz February 20, 2023
James O’Keefe announced his exit from Project Veritas in a video message posted Monday: „I was ……………………..