Saturday Night Live: Woody Harrelsons „Was wäre wenn“ gerät zum Skandal
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 6. März 2023
Der Skandal um Woody Harrelsons Stand-up-Monolog über eine von Pharma-Unternehmen gesponserte Pandemie zeigt, wie schlecht das Showbusiness heute mit individuellen ……………….
Lockdown-Files: Die Chats, die ihr niemals sehen solltet
Fed Rates Up into 2024?
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has made it clear that he sees higher interest rates ahead in his battle against inflation and their unrealistic 2% target. Many traders are now …………………
Robert Kagan-ovich of Russia
Lazar Kagan-ovich, Starved 6 million people in Ukraine and was the great-grandfather of Robert Kagan, the name came up at
Ukrainian Military Dissent Against Zelensky
Our sources in Ukraine, not Russia, are warning of serious dissent building against Zelensky. He is a high-heel actor who has been playing a confidence game. He is by no means a military …………………
Are Large Hospitals the Problem with US Healthcare?
03/07/2023 Dale Steinreich
Is the main problem with the US healthcare system that hospitals have gotten too large since the 1990s? That seems to be the remarkable conclusion of two of the nation’s most …………………….
Austrian Economics Stands against the Collectivism of Progressive Thought
03/04/2023 Artur Marion Ceolin
Recently, I published an article in the Mises Wire, “Woke Egalitarianism and the Elites,” in which I presented the true intentions behind woke egalitarianism. The article also described ………………….
Die bleierne Leier vom Patriarchat
Der Frauentag könnte so schön sein, wäre er nicht vom Feminismus und der Jagd nach dem Patriarchat gekapert. Rund um den Gedenktag sprießen auch dieses Jahr wieder zahlreiche Irrungen und Wirrungen aus Politik und Medien.
Nord Stream Attack – ‚Officials‘ Throw More Chaff To Hide The Real Perpetrators
Right at the same moment the New York Times publishes a shoddy ‚officials say‘ story about alleged intelligence about the Nord Stream terror attack the Germany weekly Die Zeit, which has strong U.S. secret services ties, comes up with an equally unbelievable tale of a ‚Ukrainian ……………………..
Russia Presses Bakhmut Cauldron, Discusses Further Donbass Offensive; Zelensky Vows Bakhmut Defence
Die neuen Bilder vom „Sturm auf das Kapitol“
Von Susanne Heger Di, 7. März 2023
Friedliche Menschen, die im Kapitol Schlange stehen und freundlich mit Beamten sprechen, statt pöbelnde Hooligans, die das Gebäude stürmen – das sind die Bilder, die Tucker Carlson ………………..
The „Meritocracy“ Was Created by and for the Progressive Ruling Class
03/07/2023 Ryan McMaken
The American Left has decided that the so-called meritocracy is a bad thing. In a typical example from the Los Angeles Times this week, Nicholas Goldberg points to a number of ………………..