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Die Straße zur Tyrannei beginnt mit der Zerstörung der Wahrheit.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Russia Advances Bakhmut Slaviansk, Ukraine Delays Counterattack, Kremlin Only Military Solution



Toxic Currencies – Good for the Yuan

The Chinese yuan has out-traded the US dollar by volume for one of the first times in recent Russian history. The dollar was king in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed, but that is no ……………………



Where to Go?

A lot of people have been asking where to go, what bank is safe, and what’s next? This is by no means over. The fiscal mismanagement is off the charts and we have a major clash with ………………………



How Easy Money Killed Silicon Valley Bank

Daniel Lacalle, 13.3.23

The second-largest collapse of a bank in recent history after Lehman Brothers could have been prevented. Now the impact is too large, and the contagion risk is difficult to measure.




The Fed’s Huge Monetary Overhang Keeps Job Totals Up as Real Wages Fall

03/11/2023 Ryan McMaken

The Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS) released new jobs data on Friday. According to the report, seasonally adjusted total nonfarm jobs rose 311,000 jobs (seasonally adjusted) in ………………………



Lauterbach pulverisiert im ZDF Impf-Narrativ – und seine Karriere

Es war kein gutes Wochenende für den Gesundheitsminister. Erst beleuchtete die WamS seine fragwürdige akademische Karriere, dann schritt er im heute-journal zur Selbstentleibung.




Karl Lauterbachs perfide Wendung in Sachen Corona-Impfung

Mo, 13. März 2023 Der Wendehals im Gesundheitsministerium

Karl Lauterbach, der die Impfung aggressiv beworben hatte, eine sektorale Impfpflicht erreichte und eine allgemeine gefordert hatte, gibt sich nun als Aufklärer der Impfschäden …………….



Die Front gegen das Verbrenner-Aus steht

Von Helmut Becker Mo, 13. März 2023

Die überraschende Grätsche von Verkehrsminister Volker Wissing gegen das Verbrenner-Aus kam spät, ist aber wirksam. Neben anderen Regierungen sind jetzt auch die Hersteller ……………



The U.S. Intelligence Community is Doing Group Think on Steroids

13 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

The line dividing consensus from group think is narrow and not well defined. There are four principal agencies in the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) who actually produce raw intelligence — the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research.




China’s Prestigious Middle East Deal May Soon See Challenges

The big deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which China mediated, may soon lead to new trouble.

The deal included security clauses:




Ukraine’s Possible Bakhmut Counteroffensive + What Poland’s Military Build-Up Means



SHTF Survival: 10 Disturbing Threats That You’re Probably Not Ready For. (When the power lines go down, and the radio stations stop transmitting, there’s one line of communication that will still be alive and well.)

Posted byKlark Barnes March 10, 2023

When planning for a SHTF Survival situation, there is really only one thing that you can be ………………….



Die Fauci-Affäre und der Verrat der Wissenschaftsjournale

Von Ashley Rindsberg. Wie Anthony Fauci mit Hilfe von willfährigen und korrumpierten Wissenschaftsjournalisten und den Medien einen erlogenen „Konsens“ über den Ursprung von COVID-19 schuf.




Iran, China and the Panama Canal: Is the US Being Encircled?

by Lawrence A. Franklin March 14, 2023 Iran and China are on the move again. Last Friday, to the apparent surprise of the Biden Administration, China asserted its influence in the Middle East by entering the vacuum created by US President Joe Biden, and brokering a deal …………………….



Russia, China, Iran … and Saudi Arabia?

By Ron Unz The Unz Review March 14, 2023

On Friday geopolitical plates of tectonic scale may have visibly shifted as Iran and Saudi ……………………



CONTAGION: Terrorist Fed Wipes out Banks as Cryptocollapse Flushes through the System

It’s contagion all over the place already. So many are asking if the wipeout of two banks, including the nation’s 16th-largest, is a sign of contagion that the worries have caused US ………………….



New Documents Prove FBI Entrapment Scheme For Jan 6th Protesters!

By Ben Armstrong The New American March 13, 2023

Deep State collapsing? FBI sloppy cover-up gives files to the defense team that exposes FBI ……………



Die Rolle des Anti-Kapitalismus in Hitlers Weltanschauung

  1. März 2023 – Interview mit Rainer Zitelmann, Historiker und Soziologe und Autor des ………………




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