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Nennen Sie mir ein Land, in dem Journalisten und Politiker sich vertragen, und ich sage Ihnen, da ist keine Demokratie.

— Hugh Carleton Greene

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

We Are in the COMPLEXITY & The Collapse of International Law

We are in the middle of a convergence of so many crises it is hard to keep track. The SWAMP in Washington has always been out of control. There is even a bill being introduced ……………….



How the Fed’s 2008 Mortgage Experiment Fueled Today’s Housing Crisis

03/18/2023 Alex J. Pollock Paul H. Kupiec

How should Congress assess the Federal Reserve’s track record as an investor in residential mortgage-backed securities (MBS)? Regardless of Fed spin, it merits a failing grade.




Chaos & the Secret Order to Everything

Economics is the ONLY field where cycles are denied. Moreover, people do not even ………………………..



Interview: The World According to Martin Armstrong Part 3, The Rise of the Neocons

Press play on the audio player above or click here for my latest interview with Kerry Lutz: “The World According to Martin Armstrong Part 3, The Rise of the Neocons.”



Anatomy of the Bank Run

03/18/2023 Murray N. Rothbard

[This article is featured in chapter 79 of Making Economic Sense by Murray Rothbard and ……………….



Bankers and Bailouts Are Ripping Us Off

03/17/2023Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

Ryan and Tho talk about how last week’s banking panic led to new ways for bankers and politicians to exploit regular people through inflation, regulations, and corrupt loans.



Martin Armstron Interview: Neocons, Global Warfare, Digital Currencies, Bitcoin



Influencers and Subjective Value: They Have Something to Teach Us

03/17/2023 Lipton Matthews

In 2022, investments into the creator economy surged to $5 billion. The term creator refers to people who generate value from intellectual output or artistic work. However, a new form of …………………..



The Bank of England: Money Creation in Their Own Words

03/17/2023 Darren Brady Nelson

In March 2014 the world’s oldest central bank, the Bank of England (BoE), did every advocate of sound money a big but unintentional favor by publishing an official introduction ……………………



No, We Don’t Need More Nuclear Weapons

03/17/2023Ryan McMaken

Republicans and Democrats may quibble over how federal tax dollars might be spent on various social welfare programs like Medicaid and food stamps. But alongside Social ………………………



DeSantis’s Doubts over Ukraine Will Strengthen Putin, China, Iran

by Con Coughlin March 19, 2023 From the start of the conflict one of [Putin’s] key assumptions has been that the Western powers were too weak and divided to sustain their ……………………..



Hunter Biden Countersues Laptop Repair Shop Owner

Computer repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He found the horrendous, unspeakable content on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell. John Paul ……………………



The Decline & Fall of the United States

Hi Marty,

Seems to me the Democrats are following the time honored practice South American governments have resorted to in recent years when one party displaces another in a national ………………



Alvan Bragg & the Destruction of the United States

If Donald Trump is arrested or even indicted by this personally motivated prosecutor in New York City, this is not just un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its ……………………..



Avdeevka Encirclement + US Prepares Ukraine for „Last Chance“ Offensive, Surging Ammunition



Russia Storms Bakhmut Defence, Ukraine Counterattack, Putin Meets Commanders, FT EU Out of Shells



Western Propagandists Have Trouble Reading the Tactical Situation in Bakhmut

18 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

Military leaders in the U.S. and NATO continue to insist that the Russians are making little …………………..



Understanding the Scale and Brutality and the Global Stakes of the War in Ukraine

17 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

Take a good look at the map above. It shows clearly that fighting is taking place from the Black Sea in the south to the border of Belarus in the north. That is roughly 1,000 miles. Now, ……………………



China Inaugurating a New World Order?

by Judith Bergman March 17, 2023 On March 10, Chinese President and Communist Party General-Secretary Xi Jinping brokered a surprise agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to reestablish diplomatic relations between the two countries, effectively knocking the US off ……………………



Tweedledee and Tweedle-dumber Dissemble on Ukraine

16 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

What a juxtaposition of absurdity versus reality. On the same day that the Kyiv Independent publishes a horrific report detailing the catastrophic losses of Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut, ……………….



SITREP 3/16/23: Reaper Developments And Major Advances

Simplicius, 16.3.23

First thing’s first, some important updates on the ‘drone incident’. The US has now released their version of the footage, which can be seen here: VIDEO 1.




Sam Bankman-Fried Was Paid $2.2B Mostly From Alameda—Ex-CEO Caroline Ellison Only $6M

Mathew Di Salvo Thu, March 16, 2023

Ex-FTX boss and co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried received $2.2 billion in payments and …………………….



Führungswechsel bei der „Bild“-Zeitung Kritische Chefredakteure gefeuert, „politisch korrekte“ eingesetzt


Unter Julian Reichelt kritisierte die „Bild“ die Bundesregierung scharf – nach anfänglicher Impf-Propaganda wurde das Blatt auch in Sachen Corona aufmüpfiger. Reichelt wurde in ………………



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