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Der Reichtum der Reichen ist nicht die Ursache der Armut der anderen Leute

— Ludwig von Mises

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Douglas Macgregor – Specific Targets for Missile Att.acks



Col. MacGregor: The GATHERING storm in Ukraine spells doom for the West | Redacted w Clayton Morris



Russia Presses Bakhmut Avdeevka, Furious on UK DU Shells; China Russia Mutual Defence Pact



The Outbreak of World War I: A Libertarian Realist Rebuttal

03/22/2023 Joseph Solis-Mullen

As you may have noticed, those dreaded “forces” seem to have rematerialized—in the headlines, in the journals, in the pages of bestsellers: those historical, material, political, or ……………………..



Corona-Experten: Lockdown, Abstand und Quarantäne in der Breite wirkungslos!

Vor drei Jahren begann der erste Corona-Lockdown. Eine Expertengruppe hat analysiert, welche Maßnahmen bei Pandemien sinnvoll sind. Masken gehören dazu. 21.3.2023




Lord, what fools these Ukrainians Be!

I get hate mail from Ukrainian Nazis routinely now. They of course deny there are any Nazis ever. Yesterday it was “You are definitely on the wrong side of history” and of course calling ……………………..



De-Banking Journalists

Honest journalism has become a crime. I have appeared numerous times on Maria Zaric’s ……………………



The 1933 Bank Holiday – Can it Happen Again?

Marty there are a lot of people who seem to be trying to create a panic. Some are claiming the stock market will plunge by 50%. Others are saying nothing will survive other than gold. It seems like none of these people have any sense of what is really unfolding. They were saying ……………………..



The Fed Does Not Back Down

Marty, it’s refreshing to have Socrates that is totally unbiased. It projected continued rising rates into next year and the Fed just proved its point. It is not backing down.

Thank you. Socrates is very enlightening.




Are Bank Failures a Sign of More Trouble Ahead?

03/21/2023 Ron Paul

The failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on March 10 was the second largest bank failure in US history. Just two days following SVB’s collapse, Signature Bank joined the record books ………………….



Ron Paul’s Vindication Is Complete

By Tom Woods March 23, 2023

It’s funny how many positions Ron Paul was pilloried and ridiculed for that have since become things “everybody knows.”




In Moscow, Xi and Putin Bury Pax Americana

In Moscow this week, the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has ’not been seen in 100 years.‘

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle March 23, 2023




Epitaph for a ‘Cake Walk’: an Iraq Case Study

By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com March 23, 2023

NOTE: The following is “back-story” to yesterday’s post, which I was tempted to title “All You Ever Wanted to Know About the Attack on Iraq and Now Want to Forget.” I do ………………….



Sham Dunk: Cooking Intelligence for the President

March 19, 2023

… on the 20th anniversary of the attack on Iraq.

The article below, written in early 2005, sums up how it all went down, with a look ahead to ………………..



FDIC Insurance, Credit Suisse and the Day the Fed Killed Europe

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns March 23, 2023

So, Credit Suisse is no more. Good riddance? I think this is an open question given the very complicated landscape of the global banking system today. By the time I’m done here I think …………………



Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute March 23, 2023

“There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few.”—Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor




Mexican President Brands Americans as ‘Liars’

Washington believes it’s the “government of the world,” Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has claimed …………………..



Peter Schiff: Investors Will Bid Up Gold When They Realize Inflation Is Winning

SchiffGold.com March 23, 2023

Peter appeared on Fox Business Claman Countdown to talk about the recent bank failures and …………………….



John Bolton’s Prominence In The Media Proves Our Entire Socienty Is Diseased

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com March 23, 2023

In order to narrative-manage the public conversation about the Iraq War on the 20th anniversary of the invasion, those who helped unleash that horror upon our world have briefly ………………….



Welcome to the Era of Warring Elites

March 21, 2023

What the Warring Elites don’t want us to realize is that a system of transparent competition in ………………



Der Bericht zur Coronalage: Das Staatsverbrechen

Zahlreiche Ärzte und Wissenschaftler haben in den vergangenen drei Jahren auf Achgut.com vor den Folgen einer wildgewordenen Corona- und Impfpolitik gewarnt. Dafür wurden die Autoren und die Achse angegriffen, stigmatisiert, gesperrt, gelöscht, zensiert. Inzwischen ………………….



Der Ankläger Dr. Frank – der Film zum Staatsverbrechen




Der Film zum Covid-Staatsverbrechen, Dr. Frank, Der Ankläger



Is Ukraine On the Verge of Launching A Counter Offensive at Bakhmut?

22 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

I received the following from a friend who is well plugged in with the Ukrainian side. I consider his information reliable:




„Corona-Versöhnungskommission“ und Rückzahlung „verfassungswidriger Covid-Strafen“

Von Fritz Goergen Do, 23. März 2023 Österreich bewegt sich politisch

In Österreich vollzieht sich ein Bruch mit den alten Corona-Narrativen der ÖVP-Grünen-Bundesregierung, der SPÖ, der NEOS – wie allen ihren Nebenorganisationen, der bei der …………………….



49 Prozent für Einschränkung des Asylrechts

Do, 23. März 2023

Die hohen Flüchtlingszahlen – 2022 kamen knapp 1,3 Millionen Menschen nach Deutschland – lassen die Skepsis wachsen, ob die Zuwanderung im Interesse Deutschlands gesteuert wird. Diese ist laut einer Allensbach-Umfrage in Ostdeutschland noch stärker als im Westen.




Habeck und die Scharlatane des großen Versprechens

Von Alexander Wendt Do, 23. März 2023 „Die Arbeit tun die Anderen“


Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck baut seine Karriere auf ein sehr wirksames Prinzip: Die Arbeit tun die anderen. Er konzentriert sich ganz auf die Sinn- und Heilsebene. Damit lässt ……………………



Pfizer Tries To Throw FDA, Trum Under the Bus

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV March 23, 2023

Karen Kingston joins Emerald Robinson on the Absolute Truth and is very upbeat about …………………….



UN Extends Authority To Manage “Extreme Global Shocks”

The United Nations is a self-proclaimed overseer and caretaker of all humanity. Not content with managing health matters like contrived pandemics, the UN now wants to manage any and every “extreme global shock”. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is resource ………………………..




Raiding the Taxpayer Piggy-Bank

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner March 23, 2023

Janet Yellen is one continuous anti-prosperity horror show and the reason is obvious enough. She got her indoctrination at Yale from the granddaddy of Professor Keynes’ US disciples, James Tobin, in the late 1960s and has spent most of her years since then pontificating in ……………………



Scott Ritter: „UKRAINE WILL BE DESTROYED“ in Exclusive Interview



Paris – ein gigantischer Müllhaufen

Die Pariser Müllmänner streiken. Demnächst werden sie wohl wieder mit höchstem Respekt betrachtet, zeigt sich doch im Moment gerade, was ohne ihre Tätigkeit geschieht. Innerhalb von zwei Wochen verwandelt sich die schöne Stadt der Liebe in einen




Merz hält Ampel-Vorschlag zu Unions-Wahlliste für „übergriffig“

Mi, 22. März 2023 Wahlrechtsreform

CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz reagiert empört auf den Vorschlag aus der Bundesregierung, die Unionsparteien sollten doch eine gemeinsame Listenverbindung eingehen, um das Risiko für ………………..



The World Economic Forum and the West’s Next Act?

by J.B. Shurk March 22, 2023 [E]conomic writer Charles Hugh Smith has repeatedly warned [about] the „crapification“ of the U.S. economy…. customers with scant other buying options ………………….



Ukraine SitRep – Avdiivka

Bakhmut is encircled. All roads in and out of it are under Russian artillery fire. Over the last three days fighting has largely stopped there. No one seems to know why the operation was



West Surges Ammunition Ahead of Ukraine’s All-Or-Nothing Offensive




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