Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ist mir egal, ob ich Schuld am Zustrom der Flüchtlinge bin. Nun sind sie halt da.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 2015)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Science or Political Propaganda?

Politics has no place in science. I mentioned the publication Nature in my article on Fauci’s failed door to door vaccine campaign, and how it claimed that incentivizing vaccinations did ……………………..



Peace in the Middle East – China Brokers Saudi Arabia-Iran Peace Treaty

China accomplished a once unthinkable feat — a peace treaty between Iran and Saudi ……………………….



Prof. Dr. Bhakdi: »Unsere schlimmsten Befürchtungen übertroffen«

Die Corona-Aufarbeitung nimmt Fahrt auf: Am 15.3.2023 hielt die Gesellschaft der Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie (MWGFD) von Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi unter dem Motto »Genbasierte `Impfstoffe´ – Das Pharmaverbrechen des …………………………



Russia Breakthrough Bakhmut AZOM Captured, Putin Russia Outproduces West Weapons; India Resists US



How the Current Refusal to Deal Harshly with Failing Banks and Their Executives Will Create an Even Bigger Crisis

Posted on March 22, 2023 by Yves Smith

Your humble blogger has been saying that the new bank rescue scheme, which is a covert backstop of nearly all uninsured deposits, is a disastrous extension of government support to ……………………….



Total Wipeout of $17 billion in Credit Suisse AT1 CoCo Bonds Shocked Because No One Reads Clauses Anymore?

We’re not even getting peanuts? EU regulators came out today and said, no, no, no, that’s just in Switzerland, not in the EU. Wolf Richter • Mar 20, 2023




Are Brenner & Kondratieff Waves Valid in Commodities?

Hello Martin,
I have been reading you since your handwritten and from memory letters were getting out from your incarceration. You are truly an amazing man sir.



Xi and Putin Have the Most Consequential Undeclared Alliance in the World

It’s become more important than Washington’s official alliances today.

By Graham Allison, a professor of government at the Harvard Kennedy School.




Are Markets Irrational or Analysts?

Mr. Armstrong; Who is being irrational? The markets or the analysts? KE


That’s simple. It is the analysts. The markets are ALWAYS correct. When you have bank ………………………




Autor Vera Lengsfeld 22. März 2023 Von Gastautor Peter Schewe

Neulich las ich, dass die Gesamtzahl der im öffentlichen Dienst Beschäftigten erstmals die Fünf-Millionen Grenze überschritten hat.  Allein das Bundeskanzleramt stockt seine ………………………



«Whatever it takes» nach Schweizerart: Die Nationalbank vergibt potenziell unlimitierte Blankokredite an die Credit Suisse

Geld gibt es von der Zentralbank nur gegen Sicherheiten. Diesen Grundsatz hat die Schweizerische Nationalbank bei der Rettung der Credit Suisse über Bord geworfen. Einen solchen Tabubruch hätte vor ein paar Tagen noch kaum jemand für möglich gehalten.

Stefan Häberli, Bern 26.03.2023




China – US – Claimed Territory – One China Policy

China’s claimed territory??? So China can claim the entire Pacific as their territory and that means we can’t enter the Pacific??? DF




Gelbwurst vom Dealer

Der heiße Scheiß in München, aber außerhalb Bayerns inzwischen vollkommen verboten: Fleisch und Wurst. Eine satte Erzählung aus dem Süden.




The Rise of the Medical Security State

03/24/2023David Gordon

The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
by Aaron Kheriaty Regnery Publishing, 2022; xxv + 278 pp.




Climate Activism: The Second Children’s Crusade

03/24/2023 Kevin Van Elswyk

Modern secular society embraces a new religion complete with prophets, crusaders, commandments, contrition, and even a holy land: East Anglia, United Kingdom. These ……………………….



Don’t Take Liberties with Liberty

03/23/2023 Gary Galles

Have you ever thought about the relationship between the words liberty and freedom? Frequently, the words are used interchangeably, but I have always preferred liberty.




Why The Sudden Move to Ban TikTok? Congress Wages War on Free Speech

TikTok is more than dance videos. It has become a community where people can share their uncensored ideas on various topics—including ones that go against the government’s agenda. …………………



Till the Last Ukrainian – A Must See

‘Lord, what fools these Ukrainians Be!”



Why Bank Bailout of Depositos is Critical

Hi. I do not understand why you keep advocating over and over how the depositors should be bailed out over 250k. It makes no sense from a moral hazard perspective. It is fact that should …………………….



Interview: The Perfect Storm

Check out the video above or click here to view my most recent interview with Outer Limits: “The Perfect Storm.”




Der Spiegel schäumt über Syriens Rückkehr auf die internationale Bühne

Der Spiegel hat sich in einem Artikel über die Rückkehr Syriens auf die internationale Bühne aufgeregt und dabei so viele Unwahrheiten in einen Artikel gepackt, wie nur selten. Das schauen wir uns genauer an. 25.3.23




Syrien: CIA Operation ‚Timber Sycamore’ – Deutsche Medien verschweigen ihren Lesern die Wahrheit


Wer beim Thema Syrien davon spricht, dass die USA dort nicht etwa den IS, sondern Präsident Assad bekämpfen, ist in Deutschland ein Verschwörungstheoretiker. Wer behauptet, dass die Waffen, die die ………………..



Karl Marx Was Not an Economist

03/24/2023 Yash Dubey

“Despite the massive intellectual feat that Marx’s Capital represents, the Marxian contribution to economics can be readily summarized as virtually zero. Professional economics as it exists today reflects no indication that Karl Marx ever existed.”

Thomas Sowell




Brenner & Kondratieff Waves v Economic Confidence Model



Russia Advances Bakhmut, Avdeyevka, Kremennaya; Kiev Offensive Rumours; India Relaxed China Russia



Statism Is Destroying Real Wages

03/23/2023 Daniel Lacalle

When we read about the US economy, we often get wage growth as a signal of a strong labor market. It is hardly a strong market when the labor participation rate and the employment to ……………………



To Prevent Future Busts, Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression Must Be Reckoned With

03/14/2023 Teyo Gokcek

In the midst of an economic downturn caused by central banks interfering with the economy, economists and politicians have proposed a variety of proposed causes and remedies to these …………………….



The Rebirth Of The Axis of Evil

Twenty years ago the U.S. launched its war on Iraq. This proceeded by a massive propaganda campaign payed for and directed by the Pentagon.




Selling the Iraq War: A How-to Guide

March 23, 2023 Jeffrey St. Clair, Counterpunch

The war on Iraq won’t be remembered for how it was waged so much as for how it was sold. It was a propaganda war, a war of perception management, where loaded phrases, such as …………………….



The United States Has Become Tyrone Biggums

24 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

Once parody, now reality

Tyrone Biggums is a character created by the comic genius Dave Chappelle. I think the ………………………



The Growing Power of the China-Iran Alliance Thanks to the Biden Administration

by Majid Rafizadeh March 25, 2023 The deal grants China significant rights over the Iran’s resources and help to Iran in increasing its oil and gas production. Leaked information revealed that one of the terms is that China will be investing nearly $400 billion in Iran’s oil, ……………………



Hayek, Friedman, Mises, and Rothbard on The Political Economy of Free Speech

By Thomas DiLorenzo March 25, 2023

To most people the issue of freedom of speech is a constitutional issue and a civil liberties matter.  But a number of free-market economists have written about it while insisting that one ……………………..



The Season Is Here

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com March 25, 2023

“Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”

Samuel Johnson




Woe to the Bloody City

By Bionic Mosquito March 25, 2023

The political world has always had scamps and miscreants who told lies that people believed, ……………………….



Bull or Bear? The Ultimate Source of Market Instability

March 23, 2023




Informants Everywhere

The shroud of secrecy surrounding the FBI’s foreknowledge and engagement in the events of January 6 is disintegrating, no matter how hard Beltway lifers try to keep it intact.

By Julie Kelly March 23, 2023




Is It Too Late For Us?

By Doug Simpson March 25, 2023

My wife, Peggy, died almost a year ago following a very long, $2 million dollar, six year battle with cancer. We prayed for her healing nonstop and tried every form of treatment ……………………..



Edward Dowd: FED Raising Rates Would Be a Willful Demolition of the Banking System

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV March 25, 2023




SITREP 3/24/23: Offensive Paranoia!

Offensives, offensives everywhere. Or not. Simplicius, 24.3.23

Last time we left off, there was talk of the large AFU counter-offensive to unblock Bakhmut which was set to kick off wednesday or thursday of this week. Clearly it hasn’t come. There is ……………………..



The ‚Junior Partner‘ Meme Gives No Insight To Real Changes

It is quite interesting how ‚western‘ political memes are created and spread.




Disasters in Turkey

by Burak Bekdil March 24, 2023 [W]hen the earthquakes struck, the Kızılay [Turkish Red Crescent] had, through a little-known business arm, sold thousands of tents to a Turkish ……………………



WINDKRAFTAUSBAU: „Eine totale Schnapsidee. Und sie sind dabei, die Landschaft massiv zu zerstören“



Apocalypse: Operation Barbarossa

The History of Battle: Maneuver, Part 11, Big Serge, 22.3.23

The beginning of the Nazi-Soviet War on June 22, 1941, was a cataclysm of an unimaginable scale. The ensuing conflict would unfold across an enormous theater and would be fought by ………………….



The Federal Reserve Is Walking a Tightrope in a Hurricane

March 22, 2023 Michael Maharrey

The Federal Reserve is trying to walk a tightrope — in a hurricane.

After rate hikes resulted in the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the ……………………..



10 days that shook the financial world

Banks risk being transformed into mere proxies of the state, with uncertain consequences for efficient capital allocation.




Douglas Macgregor: „Russian MASSIVE OFFENSIVES MOVING ON BAKHMUT!“ in Exclusive Interview



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