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Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.

— Alexander Solschenizyn

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Russia More Bakhmut Gains, Bombs Sumy; Kiev Still Short Ammo & Tanks; China Stonewalls Xi-Biden



Zuckerberg Could Not Buy TikTok So He Wants to Ban It

China banned Facebook in 2009, instantaneously eliminating 700 million users from the platform. Mark Zuckerberg was unwilling to give up a piece of his social media empire …………………….



What will Become Money Post-2032?

Hello Martin,
Been reading your writings with keen interest for over 15 years now since while you were incarcerated.



The Mythical “Population Explosion” Is Actually Headed In The Opposite Direction

Posted By: Robert Spencer cia PJ Media March 28, 2023

Paul Ehrlich was an entomologist at Stanford University when he penned Population Bomb. Entomology is the study of insects. Thus, Ehrlich applied the science of insects to predict …………………..



Lesson of 1999 Bombing of Serbia Ignored in the West

Refusal to play by the “rules-based” script results in the murder of innocent civilians. Kurt Nimmo, 26.3.23




Christine Lagarde rutscht Wahrheit in PRANK ANRUF raus! CBDC Überwachung (Oktober 2023)



Turns Out, Ebola Likely Leaked From a Lab as Well

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com March 29, 2023

In December 2013, Zaire Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in Guinea and over the next three years spread across West Africa, ultimately killing 11,323 people.1 While Ebola ………………………..



Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate

Stupidity of „switch to electric“ while killing power generation, Igor Chudov, 28.3.23




German health minister admits COVID jabs can cause ‘permanent disabilities,’ contradicting past statements

Germany leads all Western nations in excess deaths since the rollout of the COVID shots, with a 44 …………………….



NewsGuard: 750.000 Dollar vom US-Verteidigungsministerium für Zensurhilfe (3)

Heute wird das Landgericht Karlsruhe über einen Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung verhandeln, die Achgut wegen unlauteren Wettbewerbs gegen NewsGuard …………………..



Zuwanderer-Kriminalität: Wir haben ein Problem

Die vom BKA erfassten Daten über deutlich steigende Zahlen von Straftaten und Tatverdächtigen offenbaren ein ernstes Problem. Wir sehen: Die Kriminalität unter ………………….



Die Grünen sind in der Regierung nur noch Küchenhilfe

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 29. März 2023

Insgesamt 30 Stunden hat die Koalition getagt. Das Ergebnis ist mau. Doch zwei Tendenzen zeichnen sich ab: Die Ampel hat kaum noch Raum für eigene Ideen und die Grünen sind in …………………



Polizeistatistik 2022: Deutlich mehr Taten durch Zuwanderer und Minderjährige

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 28. März 2023

Am Donnerstag will Nancy Faeser die neue Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik vorstellen. Man weiß nicht, wohin man zuerst schauen soll: auf eine beharrlich wachsende Kriminalität von …………………..



Conflict mood swings. Pumping USD into Ukraine, holding up the hryvnia



It’s Immoral To Serve in an Immoral Military

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com March 29, 2023

Deciding to enter the military is only morally justifiable if your country’s military is used in a moral and just way. There’s a weird, power-serving taboo against saying this which is born of …………………..



L’Entente Is a Bitter Pill for the West

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture March 29, 2023

The West is stuck between the public sentiment which it contrived and the reality on the …………………..



Sahra Wagenknecht – Bankenbeben – droht eine neue Finanzkrise?



Peter Schiff: Bank Bailouts Will Devalue the Dollar

SchiffGold.com March 29, 2023

Peter Schiff appeared on NTD News to talk about the bank bailout and the March Federal Reserve meeting. During the conversation, Peter explained that everybody is going to pay for ……………………



Governance by Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountably Tyranny

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us March 29, 2023

It’s no secret that globalist institutions are obsessed with Artificial Intelligence as some kind of technological prophecy. They treat it as if it is almost supernatural in its potential and often …………………..



Italy Coronavirus: New Explosive Information

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s Blog March 29, 2023

Continuing my “greatest COVID hits” articles. To read my introduction to this ongoing …………………



To Fight the State, We Must Build Nonstate Insititutions

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org March 29, 2023

Throughout its history, liberalism—




CBDC: Technology And Tyranny Worse Than Prison

The world has been warned over and over again about the dangers of technological capture, but it has not slowed the pace of adoption. The actors pushing this are Technocrats and they …………………..



Paris on Verge of Revolution?

We have been getting readings in France keeping us up to date in this huge Pension Protest and many see this as rising tension toward Revolution. While politicians dump money into Ukraine with no accountability whatsoever, they turn on their own cities and tighten the …………………..



Biden Mocks School Shooting Victims

The POTUS lives in a reality that is far different from ours. His brain has deteriorated to the point that all of his speaking engagements end in utter disaster. Biden delivered the most cold-……………………..



National Security Threat: Another Latin American Country Chooses China

by Judith Bergman March 28, 2023 The Biden administration seems adept at launching grand …………………



Scott Ritter: „This Russian Plan IS THE BIGGEST ATTACK OF OUR LIFETIME“ in Exclusive Interview



END of the dollar DOMINANCE



Douglas Macgregor: „Everyone Will Be WIPED OUT IN 10 DAYS, THIS IS SERIOUS!“ in Exclusive Interview




End of unipolarity w/ Jeffrey Sachs, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen




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