Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?

— Thomas Love Peacock

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Douglas Macgregor: No More Defense Lines to Stop The Russians



Russia Storms Central Bakhmut; Kiev, US in Denial; Zelensky Depressed; Putin Upbeat Econ; EU NatGas



US Experts Grapple with Ukraine End Game: Admit War of Attrition is Unwinnable



Can We Really Last until 2032?


Since Trump was already not guilty of having the affair (to which Stormy Daniels admitted never took place), does that mean that the New York Court has indicted him on the charges of ………………….



US Sent 365 Attack Craft to Confront Russia

Marty; It looks like NATO is preparing to invade Russia. What the hell is going on? HR




Earn Six Figures Without Working

The US government has been on a spending spree over the past few years and there is absolutely no way they can ever pay the bill. Federal spending hit $4.45 trillion in 2019 in the ………………..



Trump is Indicted – This May Backfire in Spades

Donald Trump is now the first former US president to face criminal charges after a grand jury in New York has voted to indict him on charges related to hush money payments to an adult …………………



Elizabeth Warren’s Contradictory Demands for Easy Money and Strict Financial Regulation

03/30/2023 William L. Anderson

As the financial ripples following the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) continue to run through the financial sector, a predictable voice has weighed in on the affair, and, as …………………….



Wenn ein Intendant sich schneller als ein Windrad dreht

Von 31. März 2023 Fr, 31. März 2023

NDR-Intendant Joachim Knuth distanzierte sich von den skandalösen Verhältnissen beim Schwester-Sender RBB. Doch in Hamburg könnte man sich vielleicht sogar glücklich …………………



Donald Trump: „Wahlbeeinflussung auf höchstem Niveau“

Fr, 31. März 2023 Anklage gegen Ex-US-Präsidenten

Mit Donald Trump muss erstmals ein früherer US-Präsident vor Gericht. Vorgeworfen wird ………………….



Der große Etikettenschwindel

Politiker und Medien sprechen am „Ende der Pandemie“ in Superlativen, wenn es um Long Covid geht, während Impfschäden viel weniger vorkommen sollen. Ein Blick auf




LNG-Terminal: Robert Habeck droht Schiffbruch vor Rügen

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 30. März 2023




SITREP 3/29/23: Bakhmut Pincer Tightens

Simplicius The Thinker Mar 30 2023

Let’s start with Bakhmut this time, and extrapolate out from there, since Bakhmut is the current central point of the war from which everything flowers outward.




Evan Gershkovich, Meet Mr. Julian Assange

30 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

The arrest of the Wall Street Journal’s Russia-based correspondent for allegedly engaging in espionage solidifies the West’s view that Putin is a totalitarian monster, but also exposes the …………………..



Drei flogen übers Wolkenkuckucksheim

Der 6-Jahres-Plan der Ampel ist das ultimative Wünschdirwas-Kostjanix, ein Brief an den Weihnachtsmann oder ein Blatt Papier, das man engzeilig mit zweifellos guten Vorsätzen fürs neue Jahr bedeckt hat. Natürlich jeden Tag Sport! Natürlich vegan leben! Natürlich das Rauchen und Saufen aufgeben! Natürlich nur Strom aus Sonne und Wind!




Governments Can’t Blame Inflation on Energy and Putin Anymore

03/29/2023 Daniel Lacalle

At the end of February 2023, the price of oil (WTI and Brent), Henry Hub and ICE natural gas, aluminum, copper, steel, corn, wheat, and the Baltic Dry Index are below the February 2022 levels.




Das Altpapier der Rückschritts-Koalition

Man liest die Ergebnisse des Koalitionsausschusses. Einmal. Zweimal. Man schaut, ob man nicht irgendetwas übersehen hat, vielleicht steht da noch irgendwo irgendetwas Substanzielles – aber Fehlanzeige.




Niederlande: Bauer-Bürger-Bewegung BBB erzielt fulminanten Wahlsieg

16.03.2023 Norbert Lehmann

In den Niederlanden hat die neue Bauer-Bürger-Bewegung BBB bei den Provinzwahlen einen fulminanten Wahlsieg errungen. Sie vertritt vor allem die Interessen der Landwirte und des …………………



High Stakes as Uncle Sam’s Days of Impunity Are Finally Over

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture March 30, 2023

The edifice of American imperial power has never been challenged at its foundation. It is now.




The Friendly Face of American Terrorism

By Thomas DiLorenzo March 30, 2023

All governments are empires of lies. As Murray Rothbard wrote in his essay, “Anatomy of the State,” tax-funded political payoffs to political supporters is never sufficient to sustain …………………….



Bei Maischberger: Die feige CDU

Von Maximilian Tichy Do, 30. März 2023

Die Union blamiert sich: Schon zum zweiten Mal in Folge bei Maischberger. Am Dienstag ……………………..



Time to End the Veil of Secrecy Inside D.C. Kangaroo Court

The new chief judge needs to shine much-needed light inside the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse. By Julie Kelly March 28, 2023

Judge Beryl Howell did not get the gushing send off from her colleagues she undoubtedly ……………….



“Something Very Dramatic Has Changed”: Matt Taibbi Says Democrats Ditched Free Speech

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge March 30, 2023

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi – of recent “Twitter Files” fame – has exposed the fact ……………………



Imagine if All Officials Were Interrogated by Reporters Like This

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com March 30, 2023

fascinating exchange took place at a UN press briefing the other day between China Global …………………….



The Geniuses Who Believe Ownership of Private Property and Wealth are Crimes

Corollary: Everything Should Be Free, Jon Rappaport, 29.3.23

Let’s start here: As soon as a piece of land is no longer unexplored—as soon as someone sets ……………………



The Great Food Reset has begun

We all lose from the global war on farmers

Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green. March 28, 2023




Turkey: A Belated Farewell to Erdoğan?

by Burak Bekdil  March 30, 2023

Polls suggest that although the presidential race will be tight, the gap against Erdoğan is …………………….



Judge Napolitano and I Discus Lloyd Austin and Ukraine

29 March 2023 by Larry Johnson

I am honored that Judge Napolitano deems me worthy of a repeat performance on his popular podcast. His show is entertaining and informative. We covered a variety of topics, but one of …………………



Honduras Now Recognizes Beijing, Not US-backed Separatists on Taiwan



A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Formenting Mass Hysteria

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute March 30, 2023

This country has been having a nationwide nervous breakdown since 9/11. A nation of people suddenly broke, the market economy goes to shit, and they’re threatened on every side ………………….



New Conservatives a Cause for Optimism: An Interview with Daniel McAdams

American conservatives can take heart in how [Hungary has] been able to articulate a foreign and domestic policy that resonates with the people. Michael Nevradakis 28.3.23




US Media Complicit in Two Mass Murders: Covid Vax and Fentanyl

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 30, 2023

Just as the US media helped Big Pharma and its marketing agents at NIH, CDC, and FDA murder and destroy the health of millions of people by lying about the safety and …………………



Vernichtendes Zeugnis für NewsGuard

Gestern trafen sich die Achgut Media GmbH und die NewsGuard Technologies GmbH wegen der Newsguard-Bewertung von Achgut.com als einer der „einflussreichsten




Russia Speeds Bakhmut Advance, Strikes Ukraine Rear, Ukraine Shells Melitopol; Russia Weapons Output



Biden Ridiculed Russia’s Threat to Form an Alliance with China (1997)

Neither this speech nor Joe has aged well. On June 20, 1997, Joe Biden laughed at Russia’s threat to form an alliance with China if NATO were to expand into Eastern Europe. Joe told a ………………



China wants Apple Back – China’s Davos

China’s zero COVID policy isolated the nation for nearly three years and caused businesses to flee. One of the steepest losses occurred when Apple halted the production of the iPhone 14 in ………………….



The War in Ukraine – The Real Version

Here is a CNN Report on the Ukrainian Civil War that the US instructed to launch in 2014 by the interim government the West installed with the Revolution. For all the Ukrainian Nazis …………………



Douglas Macgregor: „Russia IS WIPING THEM OUT, THIS IS IT“ in Exclusive Interview



Turkey: Missing Children from Earthquakes Risk Human Trafficking, Organ Harvesting, Sexual Abuse

by Uzay Bulut March 29, 2023 The newspaper Cumhuriyet reported on February 23 that a doctor from Ankara, who has been volunteering to help find missing children since the first …………………



Col. Tony Shaffer: „Ukraine IS TRAPPED In Russian Crossfire, THIS IS SERIOUS“ in Exclusive Interview



Ex-CIA: White House PANICS Over Newly Exposed War Crimes



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