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Der Reichtum der Reichen ist nicht die Ursache der Armut der anderen Leute

— Ludwig von Mises

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What the Trump Indictment Tells Us about the Regime

04/06/2023 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

Ryan and Tho talk about why Trump is the only former president to be prosecuted for crimes. …………….



Investigative Journalist & Trans Agenda



“Indicted We Stand” Rap Song

Above is an “extreme MAGA terrorist” rapping about the largest witchhunt in US political history. Americans from all walks of life are disgusted with our political system. “After Trump, I believe they’re after us all.”



DAS kontrolliert das Finanzamt 2023! Die geheime Horror Liste!



Biden’s Wealth Tax Is a Trojan Horse Requiring Multiple Manipulations

04/06/202 3Daniel Kowalski

While no one expects politicians to be honest, one of the biggest lies that comes from President Joe Biden, members of his party, and those who echo their messages is that “the rich pay less taxes than you.” This crafted statement is designed to stir up emotions at the ……………………….



Marxists Have a Plan for Housing: Make Sure There Is Less Available

04/06/2023 James Murphy

“Stay in your lane” is a frequently heard refrain nowadays, normally a piece of advice directed at those who, by virtue of some aspect of their identifying characteristics or ………………………



Who Are the Wealth Destroyers, Politicians or Billionaires?

04/05/2023 Lipton Matthews

Thinking that billionaires are a policy failure has become pervasive in the United States. Politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren are leading the charge in the …………………..



Unfassbare Aussage von Robert Habeck | Klartext mit Helmut Reinhardt



Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets ‚From Ukraine To Middle East To China‘

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Apr 08, 2023

A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in ………………….



Did FBI Conspire to Create January 6th to Prevent Trump From Returning?

As more and more evidence surfaces, the Deep State deliberately created the January 6th protest in the Capital. This entire affair has been deliberately staged for political purposes, …………………



Role Reversal: The Collapse of the Dollar-Enforced Empire

04/07/2023 Patrick Barron

The Soviet empire started to crumble around 1989. The time period between the forming of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the late 1940s and the retreat of Russia ……………………….



If at First You Don’t Secede . . .

04/07/2023 David Gordon

A Nation So Conceived: Abraham Lincoln and the Paradox of Democratic Sovereignty
by Michael P. Zuckert University Press of Kansas, 2023; 416 pp.




Russia Holds 90% Bakhmut, Sweden Refutes 6 Guys in Boat NS Claim, Macron Accused of Betraying US



Interview: Can History Help Us Predict Market Cycles?

Visit Spotify or your podcast channel of choice for my most recent interview with TikMill.

Martin Armstrong, a true market maverick & innovator – ‘– a motto for the ages and closely …………………



Poor Kids (documentary)

This documentary is extremely hard to watch but accurately depicts the hardships millions face in the modern industrialized world. We cannot turn a blind eye to the pain and suffering ………………



Why the Rule of Law is Collapsing

Marty, Why did you not file a lawsuit against the government for false imprisonment?






Paukenschlag: Schweiz zieht sämtliche Covid-Impfempfehlungen zurück

  1. April 2023

Die Schweiz stoppt die Covid-Impfungen: Sämtliche Impfempfehlungen wurden zurückgezogen, Ärzte können die umstrittenen Vakzine nur noch im Einzelfall unter ……………………..



‚A New World Order‘? The Iran-Russia-China Axis During the Biden Administration

by Majid Rafizadeh April 8, 2023 The Biden Administration has created a vacuum of leadership on the global stage.




Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Gold Heist

April 5, 2023 by Michael Maharrey

Yesterday (April 5) marked the anniversary 0f the signing of  Executive Order 6102 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was touted as a measure to stop gold hoarding, but it was ……………………..



MAJOR: Nato Plans for Ukraine Leaked

Simplicius The Thinker Apr 8 2023

As many of you have likely heard, a major leak from U.S. DOD headquarters has just occurred the day before yesterday. Initially, I wasn’t going to cover it because there was a strong chance it could be fake, and it’s not worth the effort of a full deep-dive for a document ………………………



Der Platzeck-Palast

Die Bundesregierung will in Halle ein gigantisches „Zukunftszentrum“ errichten. Das Projekt des ehemaligen Brandenburgischen Ministerpräsidenten Matthias Platzeck soll das vermeintliche Leiden der Ostdeutschen nach der Wiedervereinigung würdigen.




Seymour Hersh: „Seit meiner ersten Nord-Stream-Story wurde Scholz zum Kollaborateur“

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 10. April 2023

Unerbittlich geht Hersh mit den Regierenden ins Gericht. Wenn er den Irak-Krieg von George W. Bush schon äußerst unklug fand, dann könnte Bidens Nord-Stream-Anschlag noch eine Stufe höher stehen. Nach Hersh war es Bidens verzweifelter Versuch, die westeuropäischen ……………………..



Ukraine’s Coming Offensive: Leaked NATO Plans + Lack of Arms



Wider die Oster-Leugner!

Peter Hahne ist ein streitbarer Christ, und wir geben ihm aus österlichem Anlass Raum, dies erneut unter Beweis zu stellen. Wobei seine Philippika das Zeug hat, auch Nicht-Christen eine Osterfreude zu bereiten – da bleibt kein Auge trocken.




Kretschmann will Asyl-Erstaufnahmen gegen den Bürgerwillen errichten

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 9. April 2023

In Baden-Württemberg will die grün-schwarze Regierung gesetzliche Abwege ausprobieren, um zu neuen Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen zu kommen. Der Zustrom der Asylbewerber werde ………………….



Western Sanctions and the War in Ukraine Creating a New World Order, And China is Leading the Parade

10 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

When Russia launched its Special Military Operation in Ukraine in February 2022, no one imagined that this war would ignite a global fire that is destroying the U.S.-led International …………………



Haferburgs großer Kernkraft-Countdown (10)

Noch 6 Tage Kernkraft in Deutschland: Deutscher Kernkraftabschied – die Dummen sind immer die Anderen. Unser Autor Manfred Haferburg nimmt auf seine Weise Abschied.




Thüringens Merkel-treuer CDU-Chef Mario Voigt steht unter Korruptionsverdacht

Von Olaf Opitz Do, 6. April 2023

Belgische Fahnder und Thüringer LKA ermitteln gegen den CDU-Politiker Mario Voigt, den früheren digitalen Wahlkampfmanager des Vorsitzenden der EVP-Fraktion Manfred Weber. ……………………..



Bakhmut End Game? Zelensky Talks Retreat, Russia Bombs Vyhledar; China Warns Macron on Russia-China



NATO Intel Leak or Disinformation?

6 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

Images of what appears to be the Daily written brief for the “Russia/Ukraine Joint Staff ……………………



Roosevelt’s 1933 Gold Theft and Default

04/05/2023 Elgin Groseclose

[April 5 is the 90th Anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt’s executive order banning private …………………..



Nothing To Bragg About

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner April 7, 2023

When will we ever be rid of the scourge of Donald J. Trump?

Just when his star was finally fading and the prospect of an alternative GOP candidate for the ……………………



WSJ NonWriter Arrested in Russia for Espionage. Russian Journalist and 12 Friends Blown Up by CIA

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 7, 2023




While Everyone’s Distracted, the Dollar Is Dying

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper April 7, 2023

The circus surrounding the arrest of former President Donald Trump may have been a ……………………..



Bombshell: Fauci Received a Million Dollars For Backstabbing Trump During Covid

By Ben Armstrong The New American April 7, 2023

A nonprofit group from Israel gave Fauci a Million dollars as a reward for going against President Trump. This is what happens in the swamp.




“The Last War We Can Afford To Fight”

Tucker Carlson Sounds Alarm Over De-Dollarization, Slams Biden Admin For Pissing Off World. By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge April 7, 2023




Why Interest Rates Are Not Going Back to Zero

April 5, 2023

In a system maintained by ever-greater extremes, confidence erodes very quickly once the …………………….



The Incoming Financial Collapse … And What You Should Do! – Edward Dowd

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV April 7, 2023

With all of this talk about the BRICS and the “de-dollarization of the world”, it’s got a lot of us in a panic, worried that we’ll be contending with massive overnight hyperinflation, in …………………….



Ready Yourself for the 2024 Storms

By J. Robert Smith

The end of the Marxist-infiltrated Progressive Era isn’t happening with a whimper, but with bangs.  In 2024, it’ll happen with convulsions, likely violent.  What follows is up for grabs.




Democrats Promote Trump by Claiming He Is a Criminal

Moon of Alabama April 7, 2023

Yesterday the Democrats launched their biggest fundraiser ever for Donald Trump:

Donald Trump and his 2024 White House campaign are cashing in on the former president’s indictment and Tuesday’s arraignment in New York City.




6 bombshell facts from Elon Musk’s Twitter Files you need to know

From ‘shadow-banning’ to FBI collusion, here is the most important information revealed through the Twitter Files. Wed Apr 5, 2023 –




Who is Funding Ukraine?

Every week, there is a new announcement of the US pledging additional aid to Ukraine. Biden has provided Zelensky with a blank check to fund this war while his own country’s infrastructure crumbles. The Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative led by the Department of …………………..



Donald Trump Will Be Convicted

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the Democrats would have stooped to such a low position as they have indicted Trump. This is so in-your-face political and I can GUARANTEE that Trump will be convicted and the facts will NEVER matter. New York is ……………..



A Kennedy to Challenge Biden in 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a moderate by the Democrat’s standards, has filed to run for president against Joe Biden. JFK’s nephew broke party lines when he began to speak out against ………………………



The RESTRICT Act Launches a New War on Free Speech

04/05/2023 Connor O’Keeffe

Earlier this month, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or the ………………………..



Why the Dollar Still Beats the Euro and the Yuan

04/06/2023 Ryan McMaken

As evidenced by a number of recent policy changes in China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil, the status of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency is under coordinated attack. …………



Meldepflicht für Vermögen und Bargeld-Obergrenzen

In einem aktuellen EU-Maßnahmenpaket sind die Einrichtung eines Vermögensregisters sowie Bargeldbeschränkungen und die Errichtung einer neuen EU-Aufsichtsbehörde ………………………



Das Wärmepumpen-Desaster

Woher die Bundesregierung einen zukünftigen Kostenvorteil für Wärmepumpen ableitet, bleibt schleierhaft, denn sie betreibt ja eine Politik der Stromverknappung. Daher hat die Bundesnetzagentur Anschlüsse von Wärmepumpen als jederzeit abschaltbar erklärt, um ……………………



Criticizing Government Leaders is now a Crime #MacronOrdure

Free speech no longer exists. People are now scared to speak out against their government as if they were in the old USSR. Emmanuel Macron is an absolute tyrant and the French people ……………………….



Stormy Daniels Forced to Pay Trump’s Legal Fees

Stormy Daniels, the ill-advised Jezebel, has been ordered by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees. Daniels would not have chosen a career in on-camera prostitution if she were smart enough to extort a former president. Someone is advising her ……………………



Why Trump’s Indictment is an Absurd Abuse of Power

Bragg has seriously exposed the core of real immoral prosecution practices that really have to stop. Let’s say you made one phone call and defrauded someone out of $100,000. You will be charged with (1) count of wire fraud. However, let’s say you had to call the person 34 times to …………………….



Politicians & Scandals – Always

I recall there was some scandal between a bank that failed and Senator Dodd of the Dodd-Frank bill that revised banking. Do you have anything on that?

Thank you for being the only reliable sources these days RK




Russia Pushes Ukriane West Bakhmut; No German Troops Ukraine, Modi Meets Patrushev, Poles Protest



„Solange die Dinger sicher laufen“, sind ukrainische Atomkraftwerke für Habeck „in Ordnung“


Während der Atomausstieg in Deutschland beschlossene Sache ist, hält die Ukraine an der Atomkraft fest – davon ist Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne) überzeugt. Das läge ……………………



The Trump Distraction Fiasco: Does this Leave the Door Open for Other Indictments or Just More Diversion?

By Gary D. Barnett April 6, 2023

“Politics is the diversion of trivial men who, when they succeed at it, become important in the eyes of more trivial men.”

George Jean Nathan




Don’t Worry, the Fed Seeks to ‘Minimize the Pain of the Journey’

By monitoring inflation expectations, the Fed promises to minimize your pain.

By Michael Shedlock Mish Talk April 6, 2023




Assange Is the Greatest Journalist of All Time

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com April 6, 2023

It’s funny how former Israeli PM Ehud Barak just deleted a tweet admitting that Israel has nuclear weapons at the same time The Washington Post reports that US allies have a “don’t ……………………



What Trump’s Indictment Means

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 6, 2023

President Donald Trump is being arraigned on the basis of sealed charges.  It is unclear why the charges are sealed.  Imagine arresting someone on the basis of charges kept from the person.  It happens in America as it did in Stalin’s Soviet Union.




Why the Regime Needs the Dollar To Be the Global Reserve Currency

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org April 6, 2023

Last week, Fox News aired a segment discussing the possibility that the US dollar will cease to be the global reserve currency and what that would mean for Americans. The tone of the ……………………..



Should the United States Go to War With China Over Taiwan?

By Laurence M. Vance April 6, 2023

My title is a “yes” or “no” question. But instead of coming out and answering “yes” or “no,” an increasing number of people—liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans—are climbing on the fence and saying “yes, but” or “no, but.”




Ukraine: A Colony of the US Since 1991

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 6, 2023

How Ukraine came To Be The Property of US GOVERNMENT:

With the splintering of the USSR in 1991, the concept was to devalue Russia to such an ……………………..



China’s Race to Dominate the Military and Emerging Technologies

by Lawrence A. Franklin April 6, 2023 The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) openly says it wants to establish dominance in emerging critical technologies as part of its strategy to supplant the United States as the world’s dominant power, establish a new world order and …………………..



Judge Napolitano and I talk Russia, Ukraine and the CIA

5 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

Being interviewed by Judge Napolitano is a treat. It is really not an interview. We are just two friends discussing the craziness in the world today and trying to keep a sense of humor about ……………………



What Will Our Energy Future Be? A Few Ideas

04/04/2023 Weimin Chen

Access to energy has long been taken for granted as society became quite used to relatively stable prices and the ample abundance of energy. Meanwhile, the business side of energy was ………………………



SVB’s Failure Is Not an Excuse for More Regulation

04/04/2023 Tyler Curtis

Recently, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a bank that was heavily involved in cryptocurrency, collapsed. Naturally, Democrats want to exploit the situation to rush through new regulations. ……………………



The Fed’s Capital Goes Negative

04/04/2023 Alex J. Pollock

The Federal Reserve’s new report of its balance sheet shows that in the approximately six ……………….



France: A ‚Field of Ruins‘

by Guy Millière April 5, 2023

France, once again, is on the verge of chaos.

The subject of the discontent is the adoption of a law reforming the pension system in a minimal way: the legal retirement age in France has been set at 62 since 2010; the law raises it two years, to 64.




US Forces Under Fire in Syria: Illegal Occupation Enters Dangerous Phase



SITREP 4/4/23: Huge Tuesday Update Bonanza

Simplicius The Thinker 5 4 23

Let’s start with the biggest news of the last few days, the murder of Maxim Fomin, aka Vladlen Tatarsky in a St. Petersburg, Russia café bomb blast. Though it is a self-evidently …………..



Artificial Intelligence – i tried to warn you, Jordan Peterson



EMA löscht über 200.000 Berichte zu Nebenwirkungen der Corona-Impfung

Von Oliver Signus3. April 2023

Europäische Behörde hat angeblich viele Doubletten ausgemacht und entfernt fast die Hälfte aller Myokarditis-Meldungen.




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