Das Wahlrecht in den Händen von Kartellparteien
Die Fünf-Prozent-Hürde ist mit dem demokratischen Gleichheits- und Repräsentationsprinzip von Wahlen bereits schwer vereinbar. Die Wahlrechtsreform der Ampelkoalition stärkt die ……………………
Leaker Arrested/ Ukraine Russia War Latest – Col Doug Macgregor
The Pentagon Leak and the Power of Social Media
The Washington Post revealed that the person leaking information from the Pentagon is not a high-level official. There was no collective effort to access the classified information, and the ………………..
The Coming New York Exodus
A new study found that 27% of New Yorkers plan to
Let Them Drive EVs
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is targeting gas vehicles in an attempt to reduce emissions. Their goal is to reduce carbon emissions by 10 billion tons before 2055 to ……………….
Russia Repels Counterattack, Kiev Postpones Offensive, US Borrows Shells, Brazil China Ditch USD
Extreme Censorship of Truth by Fascist Government and Private Partnerships: A Death Warrant to Freedom
By Gary D. Barnett April 14, 2023
“Let us be clear: censorship is cowardice. … It masks corruption. It is a school of torture: it teaches, and accustoms one to the use of force against an idea, to submit thought to an alien “other.” But worst still, censorship destroys criticism, which is the essential ingredient of culture.”
Pablo Antonio Cuadra
Wokeness, Managerialism, and Entrepreneurship
By Ryan Turnipseed April 14, 2023
I was recently at an introduction to management class that’s required for my undergraduate degree, and the topic of diversity and leadership arose. All the usual cards were pulled, and I will paraphrase a few: “If you want to be a good leader, you must realize the benefits of …………………
Ukraine Firepower v Russian Firepower w/Scott Ritter
Russo-Ukrainian War: Leak Biopsy
A Russian Nesting Doll of Embarrassment, Big Serge, 10.04.2023
Author’s Note: I had been intending to publish an article on Soviet operational art this week, but the emergence of the leaks diverted my attention and led to this article instead. We’ll return to military history shortly.
Another winter has ended, and spring has again arisen on the war in Ukraine. Amid the thaw ……………..
Still More Perma-Bull Nonsense
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner April 14, 2023
It’s probably time to give the wet-behind-the-ears 30-something perma-bulls of Wall Street a break. After all, they have never experienced hard times, and now they get an old duffer like Ed Hyman, Chairman of Evercore-ISI, telling them that the Fed has already way over-…………………..
Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the Kennedy Assassination
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation April 14, 2023
The New York Times has published an article today entitled “
Daniel Ellsberg’s First Leak Helped Prevent War With China
By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com April 14, 2023
Those unaware of Dan Ellsberg’s 2002 Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers may think the leak of the Pentagon Papers was Dan’s first unauthorized disclosure. …………………….
Historical Lies Used to Demonize a Classic Historical Novel
Classic American novel slapped with ‘trigger warning’
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 14, 2023
Gone with the Wind now begins with a cautionary note and a lengthy condemnation of “white ……………………
Springer-Chef Mathias Döpfner wird wegen interner Mails angegriffen. Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien sind ganz vorne dabei. Hier soll ein weltanschaulicher Gegner erledigt werden. Dumm, dass Döpfner ihnen das Material dazu liefert, heuchlerisch und verlogen sind …………………
Source of Pentagon Docs Worked on Military Base, Turned ‘Frantic’ Once Leak Surfaced
Sputnik News April 14, 2023 Donate
Newly surfaced details have revealed that the source of the Pentagon leaks is said to be a man in his early to mid 20s who works on a military base, and is known for his “dark” views of the …………………..
Die größten Wendehälse beim Atomausstieg
Von Marco Gallina Fr, 14. April 2023
Der eine spricht von der „dümmsten Energiepolitik der Welt“, der andere von einem „schwarzen Tag“. Doch viele der Politiker, die der Kernenergie nachweinen, haben sich …………………..
Mitsotakis: Grenzzaun schützt Griechenland und die EU vor illegaler Einwanderung
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Fr, 14. April 2023
Im griechischen Wahlkampf geht es auch um das nötige Maß an Grenzschutz. Der Stahlzaun am Evros, den einige nicht wollen, ist populär und scheint zu wirken. Nun wird er nochmals ………………………
Peak EV: Electric Vehicles Will Fade as Their True Costs Become Clear
By Douglas French Mises.org April 14, 2023
“On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency plans to announce tough new tailpipe emission standards designed to effectively force the auto industry to phase out the sale of gas-…………………
Why Do Banks Still Fail?
04/13/2023 Jeffrey Harding
As we know, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was taken over by the Feds after a bank run. Despite assurances from SVB that they were sound, they obviously failed to understand their …………………..
The Wealth of Nations – Mercantilism
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 14, 2023
Bankers, Wall Street Capitalists and Elite Businessmen are like Mercenaries – they have no country, no allegiance, they have no morals or ethics, and they operate on one principle – MONEY. Traditionally, Money is made through peace, trade, and a prosperous society. The …………………..
France Won’t Be US ‘Vassal’ – Macron
The French president has doubled down on his Taiwan rhetoric after American criticism
What Is Really Happening at Jerusalem’s Holy Sites?
by Bassam Tawil April 13, 2023 [T]ens of thousands of Muslims from Israel and the West Bank were able to attend prayers at the mosque, especially on Fridays, in the first two weeks of Ramadan. That is until a group of extremist Muslims decided to turn the Al-Aqsa Mosque ………………….