Putin Tours Battlefronts, Meets Top Commanders; Russia Massive Bombing; East Europe Rejects Grain
Chicago is a Blue Warzone
Mobs of hundreds of teens and young adults are terrorizing Chicago and burning their own city down. Former Mayor Lori Lightfoot permitted crime to take place. Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson is another far-left politician who will do nothing to save the city. “It is not ……………………
The Great Divide
Any company that is adopting WOKE should be out of business for what they are really doing is dividing the country and completing what our computer has forecast – the breakup of the United States. The WOKE Agenda is attacking the religious beliefs of many and that …………………..
Dunkelziffer-Leugner im Paul-Ehrlich-Institut?
Die hohen Meldezahlen in Sachen Impfnebenwirkungen werden vom Paul-Ehrlich-Institut heruntergespielt, was die Frage aufwirft, ob hier alles mit rechten Dingen zugeht. Sollten …………………..
Klima: Anpassung ist keine Esoterik
Das Klima verändert sich, und wir werden uns darauf einstellen. Anstatt Verbrenner und Gasthermen in Deutschland zu verbieten, sollten wir uns lieber nach Markise und Planschbecken umsehen. Und im Zweifel ein paar Deiche erhöhen.
Unionspolitiker: Faeser täuscht mit falschen Migrantenzahlen
Von Ferdinand Knauss Di, 18. April 2023
Innenministerin Nancy Faeser behauptete, in „acht von zehn“ Fällen seien die nach Deutschland kommenden „Schutzsuchenden“ Ukrainer. Das ist offensichtlich irreführend, wie …………………..
„Bildungsland NRW“ verschiebt Abi-Prüfungen wegen Computerpanne
Von Natalie Furjan Mi, 19. April 2023
Das „Bildungsland NRW“ scheitert an der Bereitstellung von Prüfungsaufgaben für das Abitur. Wegen technischer Probleme konnten Schulen die Aufgaben nicht rechtzeitig ……………………
New Home Buyers Penalized for High Credit Scores
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are making some changes to Loan Level Price Adjustments (LLPAs) that will likely hurt those with good credit applying for conventional loans in the US. To ensure “fairness,” the agencies are helping “underserved” first-time home buyers by …………………….
Yes, America’s Political Elite Are Really This Delusional
18 April 2023 by Larry Johnson
I am thankful to have my readers who live outside the borders of the United States and are not able to take the temperature of the body politic. That is one of my goals — i.e., explain the societal insanity that is widespread, especially among the establishment political class. Case in point, retired General David Petraeus.
Pepe Escobar: Russia has DEFEATED the Neocon Agenda Despite Ukraine Crisis
Ukraine’s Offensive: Taking Territory vs. the War of Attrition
Arbitrary Use of Power: Punishing Those Who Expose Not-So-Secret Government Secrets
By William L. Anderson Mises.org April 19, 2023
Most readers might not remember Daniel Ellsburg, but for those of us who came of age during the Vietnam War, the maelstrom that formed around him and his actions helped to …………………..
The Road Ahead….
By Bionic Mosquito April 19, 2023
Through a link from a post by Chuck Baldwin:
The Housing Bubble: Owners Trapped by Low-Rate Mortgages, Buyers Thwarted by High-Rate Mortgages
April 17, 2023 Who’s left to buy overvalued houses? Too few to prop up bubble valuations
The Great Society Before the Great Reset
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 19, 2023
THE GREAT SOCIETY – before the Great RESET – was created by Lyndon Johnson after the assassination of John F Kennedy who wouldn’t bow to the CIA. The Corporation For ………………………..
How NATO states sponsored ICC prosecutor’s Putin arrest warrant
Max Blumenthal·April 13, 2023
ICC prosecutor general Karim Khan raised millions from NATO states by crafting an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin while freezing investigations into well-documented US and Israeli …………………..
Will the West Turn Ukraine Into a Nuclear Battlefield?
Why Depleted Uranium Should Have No Place There
By Joshua Frank TomDispatch.com April 19, 2023
Free Those Who Expose Government Misdeeds, Jail Those Who Try To Conceal Them
By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com April 19, 2023
The consistently insightful Branko Marcetic has a new article out with Jacobin titled ……………………
Did the Neocons Save the World from the Thucydides Trap?
Ron Unz • April 18, 2023
Over the last couple of years I’d begun seeing our growing conflict with China described as an inevitable consequence of “the Thucydides trap” but hadn’t been entirely sure of the source of that idea. Decades ………………….
China Brings Peace To Yemen, Syria And … Palestine?
Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and the U.S. is pushed aside by more friendly actors.
On March 10 the world was surprised with a China mediated deal that restored ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran:
Wer holte Billy Six aus Venezuela?
Kampf um die Deutungshoheit: Der Journalist Billy Six ist aus venezolanischer Haft nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt, macht aber dem Auswärtigen Amt schwere Vorwürfe. Sein Dank geht an die AfD – und Russland. Von Severin Weiland 20.03.2019,