Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Gib einem Hungernden einen Fisch, und er wird einmal satt, lehre ihn Fischen, und er wird nie wieder hungern.

— Laotse

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Stoltenberg: Ukraine’s Rightful Place is in NATO

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that there would be a global world war on Friday when he announced that Ukraine will be invited to join NATO. Stoltenberg, who recently took a trip to Ukraine to show his full support, said that Ukraine will be permitted to ………………….



Why Is the Western Media Lying About Russia’s Role in Sudan?

22 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

Follow along with me now. This is not complicated. Russia reached a tentative agreement with the Government of Sudan to build a base for the Russian Navy on Sudan’s coast. Yet the ……………………



The Ruling Classes Are Inflation Deniers and the Ship of Fools Sails On

„Continued inflation inevitably leads to catastrophy-„

Ludwig von Mises




Real Wages Fall for Two Years Straight as „Transitory“ Inflation Turns Stubborn

04/21/2023 Ryan McMaken

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data last week, and according to the report, price inflation during the month decelerated slightly, ………………….



Kompletter Umbau Europas beschlossene Sache

Mit dem Klimaschutzpaket „Fit für 55“ will die EU den Übergang Europas zum ersten „klimaneutralen“ Kontinent beschleunigen. Damit ist nicht weniger als ein radikaler Umbau von Energie, Industrie und Mobilität gemeint.

Am 18. April stimmte das EU-Parlament mehreren Vorschriften des Klimaschutzpakets „Fit …………………



How Government Schools Use Bad History to Promote the State

04/20/2023 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop




A Pyrrhic End to 130 Years of Vicious Bad Money and Banking Crises

04/20/2023 Brendan Brown

The original vicious circle starts with inflationary interventions in an up-to-then well-anchored monetary regime. Consequent asset inflation spawns a banking crisis. That leads to the installation of anticrisis safety structures (one illustration is a novel or enhanced lender of ……………………



Disinformation and the State: The Aptly Named RESTRICT Act

04/21/2023 Ryan Turnipseed

The RESTRICT Act (Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act) has recently been making the rounds in the media, and rightfully so. The act is truly terrifying, but more than the open tyranny that it would further, ……………………



Russia Claims Bakhmut Road Cut, Ukraine Troop Cauldron; G7 Russia Blockade as Russia Economy Surges



Judge Napolitano and I Discuss the U.S. Government’s Double Standard for Handling Leak Investigations, Including Hillary Clinton

21 April 2023 by Larry Johnson 18 Comments




Angeblicher Putschist im Hungerstreik

Ein ehemaliger Bundeswehr-Oberst, der in Untersuchungshaft sitzt, weil er verdächtig ist, zusammen mit einer Gruppe um Prinz Heinrich XIII. Reuß einen Umsturz in der Bundesrepublik vorbereitet zu haben, befindet sich offenbar seit zehn Tagen im Hungerstreik.




Corona-Politik kostete den Bund bisher fast 440 Milliarden Euro

Ausgaben der Länder kommen noch obendrauf.

439,7 Milliarden Euro hat der Bund für die Folgen der eigenen Corona-Politik ausgegeben. Wie die „Welt am Sonntag“ unter Berufung auf eine Aufstellung des




U.S. Cuts Itself Off From Future Chinese Profits

Yesterday Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen gave a speech on the U.S.-China economic relationship. It’s a bit like of declaration of war:




The Critical Hour: On the Eve of Ukraine’s Offensive, Taiwan, and more…



UK MoD, Ukr Retreat Bakhmut, Russia Advances Avdeyevka; US Arrests Leaker; Hersh, Ukraine Corruption



The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something Is NOt Right

14 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

The media obsession in vilifying Jack Texeira for “leaking” TOP SECRET and SECRET documents and judging him guilty without any benefit of doubt, is just another symptom of …………………….



Former CIA Director Admits Biden Created the Russian Disinformation Hoax

Biden’s camp completely interfered in the 2020 US Presidential Election by hiding Hunter’s illegal business dealing through bribes and coercion. The House Judiciary Committee released ……………………



Twitter Corruption Went Deeper Than We Thought

We knew Twitter was corrupt before the Musk takeover. We knew that Twitter had verified fact-checkers and the ability to de-platform individuals of power, such as then-President ……………………



The Great De-Dollarization

All we hear is the same claims that the dollar is dead and it will be totally worthless any day now. Over the last few weeks, all we hear from the majority now is that the dollar is finished. Virtually every page you turn or site you visit claims the death of the dollar. They are calling …………………..



Berlin soll am Montag stillstehen – Autobahn-Bremskorso und „Öl“-Anschlag – Klimakleber nutzen neue Chaos-Taktik

Ab Montag wollen mehr als 800 Klimakleber mit Protestaktionen Berlin zum Stillstand bringen. Dazu zählen Brems-Korsi auf Stadtautobahnen und eine neue Taktik bei den Straßenblockaden.




The Contagion of War

You have suggested that we will end up at war with China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran simultaneously. How does Socrates conclude such an event that perhaps never happened in the past? ER




Madame von der Leyen – McKinsey and Pfizer

By Peter Koenig Global Research April 22, 2023

At first sight you may wonder what do Ursula Von der Leyen and McKinsey and Pfizer have in common? The answer is: Corruption. Utmost corruption. Madame Von der Leyen, unelected President of the European Commission (EC) has several corruption scandals on her neck. 




Peter Schiff: A Death Blow Is Coming for the Dollar and People Will Run to Gold

SchiffGold.com April 22, 2023

There has been a lot of talk lately about de-dollarization. As just one example,




Feds Still Fighting Release of J6 Tapes Despite Mounting Legal Pressure

A consortium of major media companies is suing the Justice Department and the FBI for ignoring Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain the still-secret recordings of January 6. By Julie Kelly April 20, 2023




Nate Cain: FBI Ignored Konneck Election Data Breach

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV April 22, 2023

Cybersecurity expert, Nate Cain joins Jeffrey Prather on the April 14th episode of the Prather ………………………



Election 2024 Trump & Kennedy? Or the Cartel’s Great Depression?

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 22, 2023

Wading into the 2024 fray of candidates, the most striking intrigue is Bobby Kennedy Jr. Displaying all the good and some of the not so good characteristics of the Kennedy …………………



Why Decades of Inflationoary Finance Are Finally Coming Home to Roost

By David Stockman International Man April 22, 2023

Eventually, the inflationary credit emitted by the Fed works its way through the global economy and comes home to roost in the form of reduced domestic output and rising prices. ……………………



Bobby Steps Up

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com April 22, 2023

“It is neither our position nor our circumstances that define us, according to the Stoics, but our response to those circumstances; when destiny crushes us, small heroic gestures of courage and service can bring us peace and fulfillment. In applying our shoulder to the stone, we give order to a chaotic universe.” — RFK, Jr.




Here We Go Again: Deranged Voters Looking for a Political Savior

By Gary D. Barnett April 22, 2023

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m a moron. Fool me three or more times consecutively, and I’m a voter.”

Jarod Kintz




Col. Tony Shaffer: Pentagon PANICS Over Russia Ukraine War



Ukraine & the Globalist War Mongers – Col Doug Macgregor



U.S. Intel, Ukraine Russia and China – Scott Ritter



Peter Schiff: Gold Is on the Launchpad

April 19, 2023 by SchiffGold

Gold has alternately rallied and tanked over the last week based primarily on how investors view the inflation fight. When they think the Fed is about to win, they buy gold. When they ……………………..



Turkey: The Abandoned Iraqi and Syrian Christian Asylum Seekers

by Uzay Bulut April 21, 2023 Iraqi and Syrian Christian asylum seekers, stuck in Turkey for years, suffer from countless problems such as their children’s lack of education, severe poverty, lack of religious liberty, lack of work permits, restricted freedom of movement, the ………………….



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