“They” Explained
People often ask who I am referencing when I refer to “they.” THEY are the leaders of the pack; the neocons. They are the people who create endless wars and use the people as their toy soldiers for war games—we are the toys.
The Banking Crisis Of All Time
Mr. Armstrong, Your knowledge and database on financial crises is really unprecedented. I ……………………..
Is Your Money Safe in a Regional Bank?
People often ask if their money is safe in a regional bank. Yes—if you keep it under $250,000 to guarantee the FDIC insures those funds. Some clueless minds brainwashed into fighting the ………………
Confidence in Leadership
by Lawrence Kadish April 24, 2023 Military analysts say that Guam could be overwhelmed by Chinese drones, missiles, and carrier-borne fighter-bombers to ensure that our extensive military outpost could not interfere with any potential invasion of Taiwan.
Ukr Bakhmut Attacks Fail, Kiev Complains Dud Weapons Supplied; China Ambassador Backs Russia Crime
US-Kongress will Aufklärung – Zecken als Biowaffen? Pentagon soll Borreliose-Erreger freigesetzt haben
RKI warnt vor Zecken – darum sollten Sie sich dieses Jahr besonders vor den Blutsaugern schützen
Zecken werden es dieses Jahr gut haben. Experten sind deswegen besorgt, denn auf einen milden Winter folgte ein warmer Frühling. 2019
The Great De-Dollarization Fraud of a Lifetime
Marty; I was in a board meeting and I just wanted to let you know one guy who is there simply because his family had a stake in the company with zero worldly experience, started ……………………..
Did Biden Steal the Election?
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute April 25, 2023
Move over Watergate. On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed …………………….
Dislodging the Neocons, Difficult But Necessary
Ron Unz • April 24, 2023
Last week I discussed the ironic role that America’s dominant Neocons may have played in shaping recent world events, perhaps inadvertently producing a beneficial outcome exactly contrary to their aggressive intent.
Should the Ten Commandments Be Posted in Public Schools?
By Laurence M. Vance April 25, 2023
Although I am a culturally and theologically conservative Christian, I have never understood the obsession of some conservative Christians with the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools.
Law Enforcement During Disasters- The Police and Military when SHTF – Friend or Armed Foe? (New Update)
Milan Adams Uncategorized April 24, 2023
Preparing to survive in a post-SHTF world is challenging. More than anything, we have to realize that we’re preparing blind. We don’t know what sort of disaster we’re facing or what ……………………….
Peter Schiff: A Higher Debt Ceiling Won’t Solve the Problem; It Will Make the Problem Worse
SchiffGold.com April 25, 2023
In January, the US government ran up against the debt ceiling, kicking off another
Duesenberg in a Barn
By Jeff Thomas International Man April 25, 2023
In 1929, Ford sold 1,507,132 cars. Chevrolet sold 1,328,605. Then came the stock market crash. Sales dropped dramatically each year until 1932, when sales bottomed at 210,824 for Ford and 313,404 for Chevrolet.
Beware Perfidious Albion as Britain Takes Lead Role in War Provocation
By Finian Cunningham Strategic CultureApril 25, 2023
The tensions over the NATO proxy war in Ukraine with Russia are a powder-keg situation. ……………………….
Those Scary and Dangerous Russkies
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation April 25, 2023
It was always inevitable that the Pentagon’s and the CIA’s “war on terrorism” would begin fizzling out, especially as the number of foreigners they were killing significantly diminished. ………………………
The Fish Rots From the Head — Why The CIA is Dysfunctional
24 April 2023 by Larry Johnson
This photo array shows the pictures or titles of the 51 CIA former officials who signed the letter in October 2020 declaring that the Hunter Biden laptop showed all the signs of a ………………………..
Why Kim Dotcom Connects The DNC Email Leak To The Murder Of Seth Rich (Updated)
Last week we learned a new fact about the DNC email leak in 2016 and of the events that likely led to the killing of Seth Rich.
Video Roundup – 4/24/23
Simplicius The Thinker 25.04.2023
Today’s videos of interest:
Aufarbeitung der Corona-Maßnahmen: Mehrheit der Deutschen dafür
Mo, 24. April 2023
Über 56 Prozent wünschen sich eine unabhängige Kommission. Aufzuklären gäbe es tatsächlich viel – allein bei den Milliarden-Ausgaben für oft sinnlose Maßnahmen und ……………………
Das können die doch nicht machen!
Habt Ihr bekommen, was Ihr gewählt habt? Ihr glaubt immer gerne: „Das können die doch nicht machen“. Irrtum, sie konnten, sie können und sie werden es machen. Weil Ihr sie …………………….
US War Propaganda Exposed w/ Ray McGovern, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen
Suppression of ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story Was ‘Partisan Political Move’ by Anthony Blinken
By Andrei Dergalin Sputnik News April 25, 2023
New developments in the story of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop suggest that US intelligence officials were involved in “blatant partisan activity” aimed at affecting the …………………….
Politico: Red States Responsible For Vast Majority of Crime
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 25, 2023
POLITICO: Gun Violence Is Actually Worse in Red States: Politico and their Left Masters would have us believe that NYC and Chicago crime stats prove that these are safe cities ……………………..
Lincoln’s Main Target Was „Anarchy“ and Secession, Not Slavery
04/21/2023 David Gordon
In a recent column, I discussed an argument about secession made by Abraham Lincoln and sympathetically expounded by Michael P. Zuckert in his important book A Nation So Conceived. Lincoln maintained that a nation once formed could not allow secession because …………………….
Are Libertarians Abandoning Free Trade?
04/24/2023 Per Bylund
Murray N. Rothbard wrote in the February 1971 issue of the Libertarian Forum that “libertarians, if they have any personal philosophy beyond freedom from coercion, are ………………………..
Another Blast From the Past — Former CIA Director Mike Morrell Confirms I Was Right
23 April 2023 by Larry Johnson
In October 2020, on the eve of the last Presidential debate, 50 U.S. intelligence luminaries published a letter intimating that the Hunter Biden laptop had all the earmarks of diabolical ……………………..
„Maestro“ – The Story of How a Russian T-90A Got Stranded in a Louisiana Rest-Stop
Simplicius The Thinker 23.04.2023
Today we have the brief but ‘stranger than fiction’ account of how a Russian T-90A tank ……………………….
Zeitenwende: Es droht ein Sozialismus unter neuen Vorzeichen
Hundert Jahre „Die Gemeinwirtschaft“ von Ludwig von Mises Teil 12
Antony P. Mueller 24. April 2023 –
Russia Claims Ukr Troops Refuse Fight; West Loses Hope Ukraine Offensive, Talk Negotiations Grow
Russian Airpower Over Ukraine Increasing + More Shortcomings Appear Ahead Ukrainian Offensive
Saudi Arabia’s evolving foreign policies explained
Saudi leaders understand that taking sides with any major power can negatively impact its social and economic transformation programme and is pursuing more balanced foreign policies
Der Admiral, den Lambrecht angeblich rauswarf, weil es die Presse wollte
Kay-Achim Schönbach war Chef der deutschen Marine. Dann äusserte er sich in Indien zum russischen Aufmarsch an der ukrainischen Grenze. Seine Aussagen lösten in Deutschland einen Skandal aus. Ein Jahr später stellt er nun seine Version der Ereignisse dar.
Marco Seliger, Bremen 23.04.2023,
6 Reasons The IRS Whistleblower Will Blow Open DOJ’s Biden Family Protection Racket
By: Margot Cleveland April 24, 2023
An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower hinted to congressional leaders last week ……………………