Mr Lavrov’s New York Shuffle
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture April 28, 2023
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s New York moment performed the diplomatic equivalent of bringing the house down, writes Pepe Escobar.
White Presenting Republican Identifies as Indian American Gay Woman Before Election
Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb outwardly looks like a white male. He was born a XY biological male, lived the majority of his life as a male, and has six children with his wife. ………………..
Kamala’s Affair – Sleeping Her Way to The Top
Since the media is shining a light on Trump’s affair, it is only fair to point out similar actions taken by those on the other side of the aisle. Kamala Harris is not a particularly intelligent or …………………
Trudeau Claims He Never Forced COVID Vaccinations
Schwab’s favorite Young Leader is rewriting recent history by claiming he never forced the COVID vaccinations on the public. WHAT?! This man prevented people from exiting or ………………………
US Government Declaring War on Mexican Drug Cartels
By Doug Casey International Man April 28, 2023
International Man: There has been a recent push by some US politicians of the neocon variety to use the US military against Mexican drug cartels.
On Tucker. . .
By eric April 27, 2023
Everyone knows about Tucker Carlson having been summarily fired – let’s use honest language – from his gig over at Fox News, where he had the most successful show of its kind on network TV.
Doctors Were Bribed for Covid Vaccination Coercion
By Dr. Joseph Mercola April 28, 2023
As detailed in “How COVID Patients Died for Profit,” hospitals were financially incentivized to diagnose patients with COVID and treat them with protocols known to be lethal, in part to …………….
What If the Whole Shebang Unravels?
April 26, 2023
Nobody seems to be wondering what happens should the real world no longer respond to the Perpetual Motion Finance Machine.
No Compassion on U.S. Aid to Ukraine
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation April 28, 2023
Last week I wrote an article entitled “How Can Force Entail Compassion?” which focused on America’s welfare-state programs. I pointed out that, contrary to popular opinion, such …………………….
Lattice of Coincidence
By Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass April 28, 2023
“Thank you for such a warm and hearty welcome. It cannot be a coincidence that I am here. The dots always unmistakably connect. My life journey and experiences have led me here, ……………………….
BBC Musk
Iain Davis
There is a whiff of desperation in the air and it is emanating from the BBC. In ……………………..
Ukr 7.5% Bakhmut, BBC Ukr Exhausted, Out of Ammo; Xi Warns Zelensky Taiwan, Europe Security Change
Antony Blinken and the ‘Made Men’ of the Biden Administration
Below is my column in The Hill on the recent disclosure that the organizer of the infamous “Russian Disinformation” letter on the Hunter Biden laptop was prompted by then Biden ………………….
Australia Pays Washington Swamp Monsters For War Advice
By Caitlin Johnstone April 28, 2023
Australia has been paying insiders of the US war machine for consultation on how to run the nation’s military, a massive conflict of interest given that Washington
Why the Chinese Yuan Won’t Kill the Dollar
04/26/2023 Daniel Lacalle
Former US President Donald Trump has expressed concern that China could displace the US dollar as the global reserve currency. The warning follows reports of agreements between ………………………
Should Local Municipalities Default on Their Debts? Seems Like a Good Idea
04/26/2023 Benjamin Seevers
Most Americans do not understand debt default. When it is explained, debt default comes off as immorally reneging on the financial obligations of the government. In contrast, libertarians …………………
Prices, Food, Employment: AI and Robotics Are for Regular Folks, Not Just the Elite
04/26/2023 Raushan Gross
How often per week do you watch Netflix? How many social media platforms are you on and check throughout the day? Do you use self-checkout at the grocery store? Do you review ……………………
Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles To Be Electric By 2030
Posted By: Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge April 27, 2023
Considering the vast number of U.S. military vehicles around the world, Biden’s Secretary of Energy thinks that we can just rebuild the entire empire with electric vehicles instead – in just ……………………
Das ist politisches Totalversagen
Ein Kommentar von Thomas Schmoll 28.04.2023,
Die Kür von Kai Wegner zum Regierungschef von Berlin erst im dritten Wahlgang ist ein Offenbarungseid für den Politikbetrieb der Hauptstadt. Vor allem die Sozialdemokraten ……………………
Today’s Chat With Judge Napolitano Re Prospects for Ukraine’s Counter offensive
27 April 2023 by Larry Johnson
I had a brain fart during the interview and referred to the Brits sending “uranium” rounds. I ………………………
Kanzler soll „grüne Clan-Strukturen“ bei Habeck stoppen
Von: Jan W. Schäfer und burkhard uhlenbroich
28.04.2023 – Auf angeblichen Parteien-Filz in Ministerien reagierte Robert Habeck (53, Grüne) bislang mit scharfer Kritik.
Ukraine Peace Talks – A Grown Up Is Taking Charge
The U.S. is unwilling to yet give up in its proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Russia can not stop the war without securing its legitimate interest to keep NATO and/or the U.S. out of its neighbor state. A loss of the war would create an existential danger for Russia.
Conservatives Lost the Culture War and the Trump Agenda Is the Only Path Forward
At the national level especially, conservatives must sideline the cultural battles in favor of issues of national survival. By Josiah Lippincott April 27, 2023
The 7 Pillars Of A Global CBDC System
Posted By: Blake Lovewell via 21st Century Wire April 27, 2023
There is no doubt that Central Bank Digital Currencies are in our future, but much of the initial alarmist reporting missed many important details and events associated with global ……………..
America’s Pulpits Under Indictment: Let the Adjustments Begin!
By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live April 28, 2023
To say that America’s pulpits are failing is an extreme understatement. They are not just failing; they are failing miserably!
The Carter Center: Creating Disease While Hording Money
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 28, 2023
The Carter Center is working throughout Africa and Asia to eradicate disease with partners: Bill & Melinda Gates, Open Society, Abbott, Prince Alwaleed – of the Clinton Foundation ……………………..
Ukraine Out of Control
Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin (born 1961), is a confidant of Putin. He published on Telegram on April 14th, which demonstrates what I have been warning about. The American ………………..
Russian Federation – Minister for Foreign Affairs Lawrow Addresses UN General Debate (English)
INTERVIEW: The election stolen in plain sight, Chris Hedges
For Ukraine, US Weapons Makers Not Enough Staff – Ray McGovern
Video Chat With the Angry War Hawk
27 April 2023 by Larry Johnson
Tucker Carlson: True Things Prevail And Because Of That There Is Hope
Posted By Tim Hains On Date April 26, 2023
Tucker Carlson posted this message on his Twitter account, Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.:
Ukraine War is great for the portfolio, as defense stocks enjoy a banner year
The top five US weapons firms outperformed major Wall Street indexes in the last year, mostly on the backs of American taxpayers. February 24, 2023
Putin & Zelensky: Sinners and saints who fit our historic narrative
Think about why the West wants to invoke WWII and the Cold War here, and then ask whether it’s been productive. February 21, 2023, Stephen Kinzer
1540 Experts Agree There Is No Climate Emergency
There is no climate emergency. As I have been saying for years, the climate change agenda to end fossil fuels is merely a fraudulent cause intended to gain power.
Judge Questions Laptop From Hell in Biden Child Support Case
The Bidens could appear on an episode of Jerry Springer with their distasteful actions. Hunter Biden is one of the most unethical and despicable individuals affiliated with American ………………………
REMINDER: Inflation was at 1.4% When Biden Took Office
RFK, Jr Is Making It Real
By Karen Kwiatkowski April 27, 2023
I was elated to find out that Joe Biden is all about my freedom, and while he didn’t have a lot of luck increasing freedom in his first three years, I’m sure that wasn’t his fault. He is …………………….
Russia Claims Ukr Split; Lavrov, West Policy Absurd; Ukr Defeat Fears Grow Calls Biden Comes Clean
What’s Behind the French Riots?
The spark that set off the latest round of rioting in France may be seemingly modest pension reforms. Yet for many rioters, this is just the latest provocation. …By Ira Katz The New American April 27, 2023
Tucker Carlson Ousted Before He Could Respond to 60 Minutes and Ray Epps
So I Will Respond for Him Apr 26
TUCKER CARLSON: “Good Evening, and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight. No doubt you’ve heard of the name Ray Epps. You have heard his name many times on this broadcast ………………
Biden’s Let’s Finish the Job
Biden’s announcement that he is running was crafted like a Twitter post – not live and posted at 6AM. His message is highly questionable for all he is saying is that the Republicans are ……………………..
Peter Schiff: Every Country Has Let the Inflation Horses Out of the Barn April 27, 2023
Americans continue to deal with rising prices even as the economy deteriorates. But the US isn’t the only country with an inflation problem. As Peter Schiff explained in a recent podcast, …………………..
Ex-CIA: DC Puppet-Masters Abandon Ukraine To Russia
‘It’s Fairy Dust’: The Proud Boys Case Goes to Jury
The fate of five men who supported Trump and protested Joe Biden’s election on January 6 lies in the hands of a biased D.C. jury. By Julie Kelly April 25, 2023
Yellen Threatens China
By Christopher Black New Eastern Outlook April 27, 2023
Janet Yellen, the American Treasury Secretary, or Finance Minister, took the US hostility and threat against China to a new level in a speech on April 20 at Johns Hopkins University. In a ………………….
Eine Million durch Impfung gerettet? Demontage eines Gerüchts
Die Meldung, eine Million Menschen sei durch die Covid-Impfung gerettet worden, machte vergangene Woche große Karriere, schaffte es in die Leitmedien und sogar in die …………………..
Kommissarin mit Korruptionsverdacht
Dubravka Šuica ist Vizepräsidentin für „Demokratie und Demografie“ der EU-Kommission. Sie wacht unter anderem über die Transparenz in der EU. Nur nicht über ihre eigene. Gegen …………………
Viessmann und die Realität führen Bundesministerin Geywitz böse vor
Von Charlotte Kirchhof Do, 27. April 2023
Bauministerin Klara Geywitz erzählte bei Anne Will, die Regierung müsse die „Wärmewende“ unbedingt nächstes Jahr durchsetzen. Sonst würde die deutsche Wirtschaft …………………..
Janosch Dahmen gegen Kommission zur Corona-Aufarbeitung – weiteres Vertrauen gehe verloren
Do, 27. April 2023
Der gesundheitspolitische Sprecher der Grünen ist gegen eine Kommission zur Corona-Aufarbeitung. Dahmen gehörte zu den Hardlinern in der Coronapolitik, die nicht genug ………………………
Lobbycontrol: Vetternwirtschaft bei Graichens kein Problem
Von Marco Gallina Mi, 26. April 2023
Gute Lobbys, schlechte Lobbys: Wer Lobby ist, das bestimmt Lobbycontrol. Ob Jennifer Morgan im Außenministerium oder jetzt die Graichen-Clique – die Organisation hat erhebliche ideologische Schlagseite, wenn es um Grüne geht.
BOTH Major Parties Pursuing Lenin’s “Capitalism”-destruction Strategy
by Selwyn Duke April 24, 2023
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them down between the millstones of taxation ……………………….
Fox News Tucker Carlson – Soros- Dominion – and Abby Grossberg … A Tangeled WEB
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 27, 2023
In 2022, Rupert Murdoch was considering merging Fox Corporation back to News Corp ………………….