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Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.

— Sokrates

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Dritte Bankenrettung in Folge US-Finanzriese kauft gestrauchelte Regionalbank


Als vergangene Woche das ganz Ausmaß der Kundenflucht bei First Republic bekannt wurde, brach der Aktienkurs ein.

Es ist wieder mal so weit: Schon zum dritten Mal innerhalb kurzer Zeit muss eine …………………….



Who is winning the scramble for Africa?

The West and Russia are stuck in the past

Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green. May 1, 2023




April 26 – The Russians have annihilated most of the defense network



Sudan – The Russian Connection and New Proxy War

Sudan is the new site for the ongoing proxy war between Russia and the West, reminiscent of the Syrian conflict. The media had turned a blind eye to the internal conflict in Sudan under ……………………



FDA Study Finds COVID Vaccine Causes “Spontaneous Abortions”




Ukr 6% Bakhmut, Russian Bombing Intensifies; UK, Polish General Doubt Ukr, Kiev Forced to Attack



Zelensky Selling State Assets to Line His Pockets Before Fleeing to Miami

Zelensky is slick. He is now lining his pockets with the goal of becoming a billionaire when he flees to his estate in Miami. He is now trying to sell off all state assets in the fossil fuel ……………………



Secret Team: The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Revisited

April 25, 2023 By LFC NEWS 8 Comments

Join us, as we take a deeper dive into the Nord Stream Pipeline sabotage story, and identify the diving team, their equipment, as well as those parties who benefitted from what many are ……………………..



The Crime of „Talking to Tucker Carlson“

A Note of Support, from a Surprising Détente. Dr. Naomi Wolf, 28.04.2023

The whole world is commenting on and speculating about the abrupt departure of former Fox commentator Tucker Carlson from that network.




De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear

The US dollar is essential to US global power projection. But in 2022, the dollar share of reserve currencies slid 10 times faster than the average in the past two decades.

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle April 29, 2023




It’s a Good Thing for Ordinary Americans If the US Loses Reserve Currency Status

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org April 29, 2023

Earlier this month, Larry Kudlow insisted that it is “it’s incumbent on the U.S. government, no matter who’s in power, to maintain the reserve currency status of the dollar.” Kudlow laments that a toppling of the dollar from that perch “seems to be the direction we’re going …………………..



Tuck Tuck, Go: Tucker Carlson Cancelled

Getting woker and woker Donald Jeffries 26.04.2023

I’ve spent the last few days talking about the abrupt departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. I did a few interviews, and from what I’ve seen, and read elsewhere on the internet, it ……………………



Another Firing

By Tom Woods April 29, 2023

There’s been a lesser-known firing of a much lesser-known individual than Tucker Carlson, and I’ll get to that in a moment. And this one likewise speaks volumes.




Cash And The Collapse- The Debt Based Monetary System Is Dying Before Our Eyes. The Collapse In Bond Prices, Currency Volatility And The Coming Collapse In Financial Assets Are Merely Symptoms Of The Underlying Problem.

Milan Adams Uncategorized April 28, 2023

The debt based monetary system is dying before our eyes. The collapse in bond prices, currency volatility and the coming collapse in financial assets are merely symptoms of the ……………………



All Empires Are Mortal, the ‘American Empire’ too

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org April 29, 2023

Last week, I wondered about the reality of the rivalry between the United States and China. Perhaps the “Thucydides trap” is just a smokescreen that masks the impending …………………….



„Ein bedauerlicher Fehler“ Habeck hat jetzt eine Familienaffäre am Bein

Von Sebastian Huld 28.04.2023,

Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium muss in einer wichtigen Personalie „Fehler“ einräumen. Im Zentrum steht Staatssekretär Graichen, dessen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse Fragen aufwerfen. Auch Robert Habecks Bruder rückt unerwartet ins Scheinwerferlicht. Führt Habeck etwa ein „Familienministerium“?




Russia Rains Down Missiles; Lavrov, UN Israel-Palestine; Turkey Blames US/EU Collapse Grain Deal



Some Follow Up Analysis on Jack Teixeira and Evan Gershkovich

30 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

Some interesting and curious revelations concerning bot “leaker” Jack and “journalist” Gershkovich. I will start with Jack Teixeira.




A Weekend Wrap Up — China, Ukraine and Other Items of Interest

29 April 2023 by Larry Johnson

I usually try to drill down on one issue. Not today. There are several items that may not …………………….



The Pentagon goes ‚Freedom Fries‘ mode on Tucker Carlson

The Uniparty blob often conflates patriotism with supporting the latest overseas boondoggle.

Jordan Schachtel, 26.04.2023

The Pentagon brass is celebrating the departure of Tucker Carlson from the airwaves, albeit ………………….



Statist Intervention – The Consequences

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney April 29, 2023

This article looks at our current economic condition from the viewpoint of classical economics. It is now 87 years since classical economics were dismissed by John Maynard Keynes in his “General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money”.




The Biden Administration’s Vacuum of Leadership

by Majid Rafizadeh May 1, 2023 The vacuum of leadership can also now be seen in Sudan conflict. The Biden administration has reportedly abandoned 16,000 US citizens in the country, who were left there to make „life or death decisions“.




Ukraine Peace Deal or Nuclear War? Art of War = Deception

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 29, 2023

So the Cartel is becoming yawn bored with Ukraine. Zelenskyy has worn out his welcome. Biden has enough cash and gold to bury every accusation against him and his family. Not to …………………



Die Verfassungsschutz-Farce

von Klaus Kunze am 28. April 2023

Viele Begriffe haben je nach Sachzusammenhang unterschiedliche Bedeutungen. Farce ist in der französischen Küche eine Füllung. Auf der Bühne steht das Wort für eine Pauseneinlage ………………….



How the Dollar Became the World’s Top Global Currency

04/29/2023 Ryan McMaken

In March 2009, in the midst of recession, then Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner was pressed to respond on the question of whether or not another currency—possibly the IMF’s ………………….



Jetzt rettet Robert die Industrie

Wirtschaftsminister Habeck fürchtet nun plötzlich die Deindustrialisierung, die er mit seinen Mitstreitern herbeigeführt hat. Deshalb will er „nur Geld“ ausgeben, um seine Fehler der ………………..



Worin die Habeck-„Familie“ unschlagbar ist

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Sa, 29. April 2023

Habeck nassauert bereits bei unseren Kindern. Wenn Habeck von Zukunft spricht, dann meint er die immer tiefere Verschuldung der Deutschen bis in die nächsten Generationen hinein. …………………….



Mann schlägt auf Streifenwagen ein, Polizei schaut zu

Von: KOLJA GÄRTNER 28.04.2023 –

Viernheim (Hessen) – Verstörende Bilder von einem Supermarkt-Parkplatz: Ein Mann drischt mit einem Schlagstock auf einen Streifenwagen ein – und zwei Polizisten schauen scheinbar ……………………



And you wonder why we are unpopular

Bloomberg has an article on the growing unpopularity of the US:




‚Klimazwangspolitik‘ Wohlstand wird abgeschafft – der Welt und den Temperaturen ist es egal

Produktivität und Wohlstand wandern in andere Länder, aber die Menschen hierzulande „fühlen“ sich moralisch besser …

Frei nach Roland Baader: „Markt (freiwillige Kooperation) oder Befehl (erzwungene …………………..



The Environmentalist Revolt against Humanity

04/28/2023David Gordon

The Revolt against Humanity: Imagining a Future without Us
by Adam Kirsch Columbia Global Reports, 2023; 100 pp.




Chronik des Irrsinns – der April 2023

Der vierte Monat des Jahres 2023 ist zu Ende gegangen, also das vierte Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie! 



Election Integrity’s Biggest Threat: Big Tech

Why Republicans Cannot Win; Monitor Tech Manipulations, Make Findings Public

by Robert Epstein April 30, 2023




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