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Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal | Michael Rectenwald



What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture May 3, 2023

Beijing is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of the U.S. war against its Belt and Road Initiative.




The Single Dumbest Thing The Empire Asks Us To Believe

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 3, 2023

The single dumbest thing the US-centralized empire asks us to believe is that the military encirclement of its top two geopolitical rivals is a defensive action, rather than an act of ………………………



Peter Schiff: We Can’t Afford to Let Biden ‘Finish the Job’

SchiffGold.com May 3, 2023

President Biden has announced he will run for a second term in 2024. Peter Schiff recently appeared on the Ingraham Angle on Fox News to talk about what will happen if we keep going down the Biden road. In a nutshell, Peter said we can’t afford to let Biden “finish the …………………….



How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 3, 2023

Thanks to its experimental gene therapy injection for COVID-19, in 2022, Pfizer became the …………………….



Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle the Standing Army

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute May 3, 2023

“There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so ………………………..



The Corona Agenda’s ‘Abiding Ironies’: Freedom, Slavery and Singularity

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia Global Research May 3, 2023

I was astonished recently to hear, from a highly respected writer, an astute analyst of the ……………………….



FDIC Cash Balance Covers 1,27% of All Insured Deposits

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 3, 2023

Before helping to Bailout SVB Bank and Republic Bank – the FDIC had $128 billion cash on hand representing 1.27% of all insured deposits. Still think your money is insured? Not if the ………………………..



Ukr Attack Fails; Milley Calls Zaluznhy, Kirby Bizarre Russia Losses; Sullivan Industry Hollowed Out



Epstein Calendar Reveals ‘Shadow Nobility’ Running The World

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 3, 2023

Jeffrey Epstein’s newly-revealed private calendar showed scheduled meetings with the …………………….



Now Progressives are Sneering at Economics

By Christopher Chantrill

Who knew? Progressive economists are now attacking economics. According to …………………………..



The CIA Protected Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein’s calendar was released and his connections go further than initially reported. He helped people reach the peak of their careers in law, banking, education, and politics. As I ………………………



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a Socialist in Disguise

Robert F Kennedy Jr spoke out against the COVID pandemic and demanded a serious investigation into those who promoted the worldwide panic. “Just to be clear, I will prosecute ………………………



Republicans Fighting Biden’s Mortgage Madness

Republicans at the state level are demanding that Biden and the FHFA repeal the …………………



Bericht zur Corona-Lage: 10.000 Tote durch Frühbeatmung

Das Drama um die strategische Frühbeatmung von Covid-Patienten erschüttert in seiner lebenszerstörenden Dimension. Die deutsche Intensivlobby ignorierte die frühzeitigen Hinweise auf den tödlichen Behandlungsfehler, der alleine in Deutschland schätzungsweise ……………………



Wissings Verkehrsministerium besetzt Führungspositionen ohne Ausschreibung

Mi, 3. Mai 2023

Nachdem bekannt wurde, dass im Justizministerium Stellen ohne Ausschreibung vergeben ……………………..



Der Habeck-Graichen-Skandal und die späte Kritik der CDU

Di, 2. Mai 2023

Was TE seit Monaten schreibt, kommt nun auch der CDU-Führung zu Bewusstsein: Im grün geführten (Vettern-)Wirtschaftsministerium zieht ein Staatssekretär die Strippen, der längst entlassen gehört. Zu dieser Erkenntnis bedurfte es eigentlich nicht erst des jüngsten Skandals.




Prophetic 1992 Interview with Putin Mentor Anatoly Sobchak Predicts Existential Clash

Simplicius The Thinker 02.05.2023

St. Petersburg’s first mayor and Putin mentor Anatoly Sobchak gives a sobering and darkly prophetic interview where he correctly outlines not only the injustice of Ukraine filching the …………………..




2 May 2023 by Thomas Lipscomb

America’s neocon citizens with Ukrainian roots are currently trying to push Ukraine into a ……………………..



Ukraine SitRep: Offensive In Doubt – No Talks – Social Breakdown

Since early April, when Pentagon briefing slides about the state of the Ukrainian army ‚leaked‘ onto the web, the writing in ‚western‘ media about the much discussed Ukrainian ……………………



Die EU verordnet jetzt „Work-Life-Balance“

Die EU-Kommission strengt Vertragsverletzungsverfahren gegen Länder an, die die EU-Vorschriften zur Work-Life-Balance noch nicht vollständig umgesetzt haben. Tatsächlich …………………….



Another One Down? First Republic Bank Fails, FDIC Sells It to JP Morgan

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper May 3, 2023

It was only 6 weeks ago when the nation was briefly paralyzed with concern as we watched ………………….



British Godfather of AI, 75, QUITS Google over fears the ’scary‘ tech he pioneered ‚may soon be more intelligent than us‘

– as scientist likens himself to Oppenheimer creating first atomic bomb

Geoffrey Hinton, 75, helped to design the systems that became the bedrock of AI




Why sanctions may backfire

Heribert Dieter | January 24, 2023

Immediately after Russian troops attacked Ukraine in February 2022, a group of Western countries – including the U.S., EU states, Australia, Great Britain and Japan – imposed tough …………………….



‚Get America Out Of Ukraine!‘: JD Vance Proposes Massive Change In US Foreign Policy



Fighting DMO, Pt. 8: China’s Anti-Ship Firepower and Mass Firing Schemes

May 1, 2023 Dmitry Filipoff

By Dmitry Filipoff Introduction

China’s arsenal of anti-ship weapons is truly a force to be reckoned with, and is superior to …………………….



Blinken denies role in intelligence letter calling Hunter Biden laptop story Russian disinformation

By Brady Knox May 01, 2023




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