Ukr Hit Oil Tanker, Few Buildings Russia to Take Bakhmut; West Furious India, Russia Rescues Cuba
The Dangers of 5G
The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation (ECRF) reported three incidents of otherwise healthy people developing microwave syndrome after 5G towers were installed ……………………
Russia Did NOT Destroy Nord Stream
Intelligence agencies backed by the mainstream media are still trying to blame Russia for the …………………….
American Cops Resigning En Masse
Being a police officer in America has to be one of the least appealing jobs in today’s day and age. After 2020 and the rise of the BLM movement, there were countless calls to defund ……………………
Zelensky Tells just Too Many Lies To Keep Them All Straight
20 Years Later: Remembering the Disastrous and Failed Iraq War
05/03/2023 Ryan McMaken
This spring marks the twentieth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. After an initial frenzy of war fever in the early years of the war, support for the war has since largely ……………………..
Divide and Control: Central Bankers Blame the Victims
05/03/2023 Peter St. Onge
The Central bankers of the world, apparently losing confidence that they can fix the inflation they created, are turning to Plan B: blame the people. So we fight each other.
Meat is crucial for human health, scientists say as they call for end to the ‚zealotry‘ pushing vegetarian and vegan diets
Scientists have said farming is too important to ‚become the victim of zealotry‘
Es geht um linke und grüne Journalisten – Der entlarvende Satz des ARD-Chefs
Von: Sebastian Geisler 03.05.2023 –
Dieser Hammer-Satz des ARD-Chefs lässt tief blicken!
In einem Interview wird SWR-Intendant und ARD-Boss Kai Gniffke (62) mit dem Vorwurf ……………………
Debt Ceiling Farce and Why the US Should Declare Bankruptcy
By Doug Casey International Man May 4, 2023
International Man: The US federal government has raised the so-called debt ceiling 104 ……………………..
Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect
By Gary D. Barnett May 4, 2023
“When people look up into the sky and see white trails paralleling and crisscrossing high in the sky, little do they know that they are not seeing ‘condensation’, but instead are witnessing …………………..
Ukraine Drone Attack on the Kremlin Pushes the War in Ukraine Up the Escalator
3 May 2023 by Larry Johnson
I did two interviews today in response to the news that Ukraine attacked the Kremlin in …………………….
In this new essay, John Pilger recalls the ‚electric‘ opposition of writers and journalists to the ………………..
Habecks Ministerium ist außer Kontrolle! – Alice Weidel – AfD
It’s Good When Idols Get Knocked Off Pedestals
By Caitlin Johnstone May 4, 2023
Jeffrey Epstein, Woody Allen, and Noam Chomsky went out to dinner one night.
There Never Was a Nord Stream ‘Secret Operation’: President Biden’s ‘Act of War’ Against Europe
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Dragan Vujicic: The sabotage took place with the knowledge of Berlin and Brussels
Climate Envoy John Kerry’s Jet-Set Spending Is Getting Plenty of Cloud Cover
By James Varney, RealClearInvestigations May 03, 2023
John Kerry leads an international jet-set life that might exhaust a runway model. If President Biden’s special envoy for climate was not in Washington or relaxing at his mansion near …………………….
WHO/’One Health’: The Global Takeover Of Everything
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola May 2, 2023
The World Health Organization is hopelessly compromised by Technocrat oligarchs like Bill ………………….
Tucker Carlson erhält 100-Millionen-Dollar-Angebot von Valuetainment
Von Gary Bai3. Mai 2023
Nicht das größte Medium auf dem US-Markt, dafür eine Plattform für Entscheider mit großer Reichweite. Der Chef von Valuetainment schätzt Carlson als Freiheitskämpfer für Amerika.
Valuetainment hat Ex-Fox-News-Moderator Tucker Carlson am Dienstag einen Vertrag über ……………………
12-year-old stands up to school board after he was kicked out of class for ‘Only 2 Genders’ t-shirt
‚I have been told that my shirt was targeting a protected class. Who is this protected class? Are their feelings more important than my rights?‘
The U.S. Military’s Recruiting Crisis Is a Positive Sign
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation May 4, 2023
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal demonstrates what a huge disaster conservatives ………………….
Although Scarred by Violence, We Must Not Be Scared Into Silence
By Edward Curtin May 4, 2023
The world has been haunted by human violence since time immemorial. There are untold millions (billions?) of people all over the world who have been scarred by it in all its ……………………..
How to Teach Austrian Economics to the Neighbor Kids
05/02/2023 Scott Drylie
A mom in the neighborhood recently made trouble. Macroeconomic trouble. Here is a way to spot such trouble, and how to help nurture the goodness in our economic way of life.
Luxusrenten-Fonds für EU-Parlamentarier vor der Pleite – Rettung mit Steuergeld geplant
Einem Fonds des EU-Parlaments für Luxusrenten seiner Ex-Mitglieder droht die Pleite. Die Profiteure, darunter Rechtsextreme wie Marine Le Pen und amtierende EU-Kommissare, ……………….
Politicized Intelligence Community: Danger to a Democracy
by Pete Hoekstra May 3, 2023 Teixeira, if convicted, is facing a lengthy prison sentence. Morrell, meanwhile, remains an esteemed national security figure who has members of the ……………….
Economic Storms are Gathering | Peter Schiff | EP 353