Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wenn es ernst wird, muss man lügen.

— Jean-Claude Juncker

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Nigel Farage Interviews Donald Trump

Nigel sits down with Donald Trump to discuss all things politics. The two men compare issues both nations face — the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, the woke agenda, trade deals, taxes, and more.



Keine Namen, keine Strafe?Klima-Chaoten halten die Justiz zum Narren

Im Gerichtssaal musste UP Heibo 13 die Maske abnehmen. Darunter kam ein Bart zum Vorschein. Von: MAximilian Tabaczynski 09.05.2023 –




NATO’s Great New Idea: ‚Let’s Start A War With China!’

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute May 9, 2023

NATO’s post-Cold War history is that of an organization far past its “sell-by” date. Desperate for a mission after the end of the Warsaw Pact, NATO in the late 1990s decided that it would ………………..



Interview mit Medienjournalist Timo Rieg

Interview mit Medienjournalist Timo Rieg 4. Mai 2023

Er ist sauer auf die Corona-Berichterstattung. Aus diesem Grund hat er ein Essay geschrieben. …………………..



Assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Lee H. Oswald

By John Leo Keenan May 9, 2023

I think the facts of the assassination of President Kennedy are really very clear.  It takes only time, persistence and attention to detail, a careful perusal of the Warren Commission …………………….



Where Not To Be in a Crisis

By Jeff Thomas International Man May 9, 2023

For many years, there have been those who have been prognosticating an economic crisis – not just a recession lasting a year or two, but a full-blown Greater Depression that would …………………….



Wut auf Bremens Alternative zur AfD

In Bremen hat die konservative Wählervereinigung „Bürger in Wut“ gute Chancen, in Fraktionsstärke in die nächste Bremische Bürgerschaft einzuziehen. Aktuelle Wahlumfragen von ARD und ZDF sehen sie jeweils bei 9 Prozent. Klar, dass das nicht jedem Bremer Linken ………………….



QAnon, Trumpenstein, and the art of Winning

MAGA is the new Washington Generals, Donald Jeffries 07.05.2023

The most recent outrageous conviction in the January 6 psyop will send the leaders of the Proud Boys to prison for as long as twenty years. One of those convicted was Joe Biggs, a …………………..



Biden Preparing to Pardon Hunter?

I cannot believe my own ears. There are people even talking about Biden pardoning his own son Hunter calling the investigation against his is a political witchhunt. But that does not …………………..



Powell on Bank Acquisitions

After the FOMC decision, Jerome Powell stated during his Q&A that the Federal Reserve does not have a plan to consolidate banks. “I personally felt that having small, medium, and ……………………..



Das Elend der Reaktor-Hersteller

Der Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke wird mitunter von Pleiten, Pech und Pannen begleitet – und von enormen Kostenüberschreitungen. Das dient Kernkraft-Gegnern gerne als Argument. Woran liegt es – und was geht da vor sich? Hier wird es exemplarisch nacherzählt am Beispiel des neuen Druckwasser-Reaktorts „Vogtle 3“ (AP1000), der nun im US-………………….



Was die Benin-Bronzen über uns erzählen

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 9. Mai 2023 Nigeria lacht über Deutschland

Dass die Benin-Bronzen seit kurzem diese Popularität erlangten, hängt nicht mit dem plötzlich erwachten gesteigerten Kunstgeschichts- oder ethnografischen Interesse der ……………………..



Habeck, Lindner, Scheer: Verschiebung von Gasheizungsverbot und Heizungstausch möglich

Di, 9. Mai 2023

Habeck: „Das Einzige, was ich nicht möchte, ist, dass man die Übergangsfristen oder die technischen Optionen so gestaltet, dass man in Wahrheit gar nichts macht oder darauf hofft, ……………………



How the Woke Agenda Ruined Nicola Sturgeon

Former Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon resigned in February due to the “brutality” she faced for her controversial rulings. She hoped her successor would be …………………….



Opposing Russophobia With Learned Russophilia

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall  Global Research May 9, 2023

In this essay I address Russia’s current round of self-defence against the hostile incursions advanced by most of NATO’s 32 countries. The newest NATO country is Finland on the ………………….



The Militia IRS Training Agents To Kill Americans! The Last Battle!

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 9, 2023

Yet another mass shooting, multiple injuries, multiple fatalities, and thousands of traumatized ……………………



The Next Big Thing

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com May 9, 2023

“Psychopaths and narcissists aren’t ‘mentally ill,’ they’re just horrible people, and they get worse with age, not better.”– Aimee Terese on Twitter



Massive Russia Strike, Ukr Few Buildings Bakhmut; Pavel, Delay Offensive, Neocons Split Peace Talks



Some Miscellaneous But Salient Observations about the War in Ukraine

8 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Let’s start with the obvious — Chef Prigozhin. Three days ago he was in full meltdown and …………………..



Can Supercomputers Make Socialism Work?

05/05/2023 Robert P. Murphy Jonathan Newman

Jonathan Newman joins Bob to critique a recent Twitter argument where some were claiming that supercomputers solved the socialist calculation problem.



Argentina Sleepwalks into Hyperinflation (Yet Again)

05/06/2023 Manuel García Gojon

The Argentine peso has lost half its value in one year. Both the official and parallel exchange rates with the US dollar and the Mexican peso have doubled in one year. Consumer prices have doubled in one year. The quantity of Argentine pesos has doubled in one year. All the …………………….



Seditious Conspiracy Is Not a Real Crime

05/08/2023 Ryan McMaken

Last Thursday, Enrique Tarrio, a reputed national leader of the Proud Boys organization was convicted in federal court of seditious conspiracy along with three-co-defendants. This ………………….



Is ‘alternative news’ on the Ukraine war having an impact on ‘mainstream media’? Proof is in the pudding

gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized April 15, 2023

Allow me to open my presentation of today’s material collected from several sources and dealing with several loosely interrelated issues with a proud confirmation that we in the “alternative news” side can and even do have an impact on the mainstream news that ……………………….



Did a Russian Missile Strike Kill 200 NATO Officers in a Ukrainian Bunker?

The Anatomy of an Internet Hoax By Ron Unz The Unz Review May 9, 2023

For well over 40 years I’ve read the print edition of the New York Times almost every …………………..



Colonel Douglas Macgregor – The US Government Lied About The Ukraine War | Part 1 Of 2



RFK Jr. on Ukraine: We’re Being Told Russia Is Losing, But They Cannot Afford To Lose

Posted By Tim Hains  May 7, 2023

Democratic 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained more detail about his anti-war ……………………



Kiev Denies Downing Khinzhal, Downs Own TB-2 Drone + Russia Plans Slow Grind After Ukraine Offensive



Die Corona-Abrechnung: Vor der Wahrheit verstecken (1)

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Manche sagen, na gut, das war nicht schön, ist aber Schnee von gestern, jetzt müssen wir nach vorne sehen. Diese Reihe sagt nein. Teil 1 zieht eine Bilanz und zeigt, wie versucht wird, die nicht mehr zu leugnenden Schäden durch Maßnahmen und „Impfungen“ zumindest teilweise ……………………



The Big Government-Big Bank Plot To Exploit Us

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 8, 2023

On May 1, government bank officials sold Republic Bank to JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the country. Even the New York Times report about the sale recognized that the ……………………



The Prighozin File: Twilight of the Gods or Maskirovka?

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture May 8, 2023

The puny double drone attack – a combined Anglo-Saxon neocon provocation – has offered Moscow the perfect gift: an unmistakable casus belli.




The Kremlin Did Not Kill Itself

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 8, 2023

Your rulers do not care what race you are. They do not care if you are gay, transgendered or nonbinary. They do not care how many bullets you are allowed to have in your gun. They do …………………….



Why you should NOT get the flu vaccine

You shouldn’t get any vaccine unless you can verify there is a positive risk-benefit analysis that has been done that is compelling. That means you should ignore what the CDC says about the flu vax.

Steve Kirsch 07.05.2023




The DayJFK Warned Us About the Globalists’ ‘Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy’ and Their Censorship Regime

By Timothy Alexander Guzman Global Research May 8, 2023




Macron’s troubles continue. France rating downgrade



SITREP 5/7/23: Prigozhin’s Masterpiece Amid Powerful New Airstrikes

Simplicius The Thinker 08.05.2023

Let’s start with some updates about previously ongoing developments.




Turkey may have a new president, what will change?



Turkey sides with Putin, snubs Biden again; NATO nation rejects U.S. appeal to send S-400 to Ukraine



Russian Sanctions are Now Destroying the US Dollar! Watch Out!




By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 8, 2023

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer issued a Congressional subpoena Wednesday, demanding that the FBI produce an unclassified record, ………………..



The War on Poverty Impoverishes the Poor

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation May 8, 2023

Among the worst things that has ever happened to the poor is the federal government’s war on poverty. As a socialist program, it actually impoverishes the poor rather than improving their ………………….



Bribery Probe May Sink Biden Reelection Bid

His own party will force him out of the 2024 race if the whistleblower allegations are true.

by David Catron May 7, 2023,

When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) subpoenaed the FBI for …………………



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