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Europa wird christlich sein oder es wird nicht sein.

— Otto von Habsburg

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Study: Lobbyists into Government

Lobbyists are trained to influence and persuade government officials to act on behalf of their corporation. Lobbying firms often hire men and women with prior government experience to …………………..



Did Tucker’s Last Major Guest Lead to His Firing?

05/09/2023 Michael Rectenwald

Speculation is still swirling about why Tucker Carlson was cancelled by Fox News. The major mainstream outlets have credited his dismissal to a few leaked text messages and video ……………….



Socialism, Minority Groups, and Personal Liberties

05/09/2023 Benjamin Seevers

Socialists have managed to acquire the loyalty of a coalition of disparate groups by championing the principle of personal liberty. Especially in the United States, many women, disabled, gay people, transgender people, racial and ethnic minorities, and immigrants are ……………………..



If the Missile Fits, Beware!

Ray McGovern on ‘ABM’ sites in Romania & Poland. 3.3.23

Host: Community Church of Boston & Mass. Peace Action




My Chat With Judge napolitano Regarding CIA Lies and Ukraine

10 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

A chat with the Judge is stimulating and thought provoking, and today was no exception. One of the topics explored is what I call, “Russia’s Cuban Missile Crisis.” In 2016 the United …………………….



Comprehensive Reform versus Piecemeal Reform

05/09/2023 Gary Galles

In the previous two articles in this three-part series on bipartisan comprehensive political reform, we dealt with the excuses for extortion and evasion such claims for reform provide …………………….



It Appears that the US Government Is Totally Corrupt

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 11, 2023

“It doesn’t make much sense to investigate the guy who brings you the allegation rather than the allegation.” — Former Federal Prosecutor Bud Cummins




The Warmongering U.S. Empire Is Crashing, the Lying Western Media’s Days Are Numbered

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture May 11, 2023

The Western mainstream media have never been so blatant in their propaganda for the U.S. ……………………



Since When Do Politicians Believe That Americans Should Have Personal Freedom?

By Laurence M. Vance May 11, 2023

In his announcement that he would be running for president again, Joe Biden maintained that “MAGA extremists” want to take on Americans’ bedrock freedoms, dictate what healthcare decisions women can make, ban books, and tell people whom they can love. “Personal ……………………



Confronting and Dismantling the Federal Killing Machine

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation May 11, 2023

In my blog post yesterday, I wrote that a necessary prerequisite to ending the massive violence that afflicts American society is dismantling the federal killing machine. By ……………………



Russia Withdraws 1990 Treaty, Attacks 2 Ukr Bakhmut Buildings; Prigozhin Chaos; Cleverly Doubts



Peter Schiff: The US Is in a Financial Crisis Worse than ‘08

SchiffGold.com May 11, 2023

During his post-FOMC meeting press conference, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell insisted that the US banking system is resilient and sound. He said this despite ……………………….



Jede Menge offener Fragen: Habeck kettet sich an seinen Staatssekretär

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 10. Mai 2023

Robert Habeck will seinen Skandal-Staatssekretär Patrick Graichen unbedingt halten. Doch in der nicht-öffentlichen Befragung im Bundestag soll er keine gute Figur gemacht haben.

Diesen Satz könnte Robert Habeck noch bereuen. Nicht nur, weil er selbstherrlich klingt, ……………………



„Klimaschutz“: Opfert der IWF seine Goldreserven?

Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) verfügt mit rund 2.814 Tonnen über die drittgrößten Goldreserven weltweit. Nun werden jedoch Forderungen laut, dass der IWF einen Teil seiner …………………..



Anhaltend starker Geburtenrückgang: Die Medien schweigen

Vorgestern gab das Statistische Bundesamt für den Februar erneut einen signifikanten Geburtenrückgang in Folge bekannt, der zeitlich auffällig mit der Impfkampagne korreliert. Das mediale Desinteresse an dieser beunruhigenden Nachricht spricht Bände über den ……………………



Bold Gambits on the West Asian Chessboard

In the Great Power competition, everything is connected: Uncertain negotiations between Russia and NATO over Ukraine may be impacted by Turkiye’s post-election pivot and Syria’s return to the Arab League. By Pepe Escobar The Cradle May 11, 2023




Growing Wave of Corporations Committing Suicide

By Doug Casey International Man May 11, 2023

International Man: Recently, several large corporations have made self-destructive moves.

A prominent example is the Bud Light marketing fiasco which saw year-over-year sales plummet 17%. As a result, Bud Light’s parent company lost nearly $5 billion in market cap ……………………



Title 42 to End – Border Crisis is About to Explode

Donald Trump noted in his interview with Nigel Farage that the US is expected to receive as many illegal immigrants as the population of NYC. The immigration problem is out of control …………………



Tucker Starting on Twitter – Yes He Was Fired Probably for Jan 6th Clips



The 14th Amendment & the Destruction of the United States

Interpretation of the Constitution is often caught up in controversy. What is beautiful to one person is average or ugly to another. The best construction regarding law was the cornerstone …………………..



Russia Victory Day, Big Putin Speech, Massive Missile Strike; Syria Rejoins Arab League, War Ended



Der neue Bürgerrat: Auf diese Zufälle sind wir echt gespannt!

Bereits im September soll ein sogenannter Bürgerrat eingesetzt werden, der die Gesetzgeber beraten soll. 60 Personen sollen „nach dem Zufallsprinzip“ ausgewählt werden. Und wie geht das?




Jetzt graichts aber!

Von wegen „Vetternwirtschaft“! Der grüne Graichen-Clan bedenkt Brüder und Schwestern, also die Allernächsten. Die Familienbande bringt den Wirtschaftsminister nun allerdings in arge Bedrängnis.




Mehr als die Hälfte aller Jugendlichen ohne Berufsausbildung haben einen Migrationshintergrund

Mi, 10. Mai 2023 Alarmierende Zahlen vor Migrationsgipfel

Aus der Antwort auf eine Anfrage an die Bundesregierung geht hervor, dass 1,3 von 2,5 Millionen Jugendlichen ohne Berufsausbildung einen Migrationshintergrund haben. Dennoch spielt die Ampel das Problem herunter. Von Samuel Faber




The Fed Is Overindebted, Isn’t It?

05/08/2023 Thorsten Polleit

Behind closed doors, the report is already making the rounds in expert circles: if you follow ……………………



The New Immigration Bill Is a Trojan Horse for E-Verify and Is a Threat to All Americans

05/09/2023 Ryan McMaken

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are set to vote this week on new legislation that would greatly increase the federal government’s power over private businesses, workers, …………………..



Was Japanese Colonialism the Engine of Later Prosperity for Korea and Taiwan? Probably Not

05/08/2023 Lipton Matthews

Mainstream historians attribute the postwar economic success of South Korea and Taiwan to the legacy of Japanese colonialism. The Japanese are credited with providing new …………………….



Humanity and Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End of Our Species as We Know It?

By Gary D. Barnett May 10, 2023

“Singularity? It’s a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed.”

Ray Kurzweil (The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology)




Decent Into Debacle: Pyrrhic Victories, Lies and Strategig Miscalculations

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture May 10, 2023

China and Russia are joining hands militarily. This will portend a strategic paradigm change that may force a U.S. re-consideration of the way ahead.




Plötzlich und unerwartet: Hunderte Promis brechen zusammen – viele tot

Von Christoph Uhlmann 3. Mai 2023

Kla.TV hat 17 Stunden Filmmaterial zusammengefasst und in knapp 40 Minuten die …………………….



The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America

At peak woke, our reign of terror is beginning to lose momentum because its continuation would destroy all the work of 247 years of American progress and sacrifice.

By Victor Davis Hanson May 7, 2023




Troubled Pakistan Arrests Former PM Imran Khan

Today former prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan was arrested while visiting the Islamabad High Court in an unrelated case. The arrest comes at a critical point for Pakistan’s economy. Behind the scene U.S. and China are wrestling for influence.




“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed to Repeat It”



The Economics of Decline

Steve Bain

The study of economics is a rich and rewarding experience, and whilst some regard it as the dismal science I can only assume that they are referring to the dismal performance of our political masters over recent decades, in terms of their truly awful economic policy track-……………..



“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed to Repeat It”

9 May 2023 by Larry Johnson



Rise to Rebellion – A Fourth Turning Perspective

By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform May 10, 2023

“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, ………………..



Ukraine is going to lose

The window of opportunity for a settlement has closed

by Brandon J Weichert March 6, 2023

There’s a notion floating around the Internet that the current conflict in Ukraine is going to ………………….



Renowned Catholic philosopher warns Pope Francis is ‘destroying the foundations of faith and morals’

Dr. Josef Seifert rebuked the cardinals of the Church for failing ‘to proclaim those many truths of the faith …………………



Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

Matthew Ehret, 7.5.23

This week, the world was exposed to a disturbing, archaic and bizarre bit of pagentry not seen in over 70 years with the coronation of King Charles III as head of the Global British ……………….



Trump Can Win

Dan McCarthy

Odds are that 2024 will look a lot more like 2016 than 2020.

The final RealClearPolitics polling average for the 2016 race showed Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump by 3.2 points. As of May 1, 2023, the same polling average shows Trump ahead of Joe Biden by 1 point.




A History of Russian Innovation

On this historic day of May 9th, join me in taking a leisurely stroll through the history of Russian achievement. Simplicius The Thinker, 9.5.23




Once Trust Has Been Lost, There’s No Going Back

May 8, 2023

Now that the overlapping crises are upon us and the banquet of consequences is being served, ……………….



763 Promis nach Covid-Impfung tot! Wie viele dann erst in der Bevölkerung?!


Komikerin: „Ich möchte, dass Sie wissen, dass ich doppelt geimpft bin und geboostert! Ich bin gereist, ich war zweimal in Mexiko, ich war auf Ausstellungen, traf und begrüßte Leute und bin nie an Covid erkrankt – natürlich! Jesus liebt mich über alles! Wirklich. So schön, so schön …!“ 21-jähriger ……………………..



The Army We Don’t See

The Private Soldiers Who Fight in America’s Name

By Andrea Mazzarino TomDispatch.com May 10, 2023




Drone Strike on Kremlin Absolutely Insane

Dr. Joseph Sansone 09.05.2023

The drone strike on the Kremlin last week was absolutely insane. Russia is blaming the U.S. for being behind the drone strike which Russia claimed was carried out by Ukraine. The ……………………



Alle Bundesländer gemeinsam fordern mehr Geld – und strengere Migrationspolitik

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Di, 9. Mai 2023

Die Bundesländer sind in Sachen Flüchtlingspolitik einer Meinung: Sie fordern in einer gemeinsamen Beschlussvorlage für den morgigen Migrationsgipfel mehr Geld und strengere …………………



Wetterdaten enthüllen Europas größte Naturkatastrophe – im Jahr 1540

Elf Monate kaum Regen und Extremhitze: Mehr als 300 Chroniken aus ganz Europa enthüllen die grausamen Details einer gigantischen Katastrophe im Jahr 1540. Und sie zeigen: Das Desaster kann sich wiederholen. Von Axel Bojanowski 02.07.2014,




The Largest Landlord in the US

Anyone familiar with the housing market conditions post-pandemic knows that cash buyers and institutions consistently outbid the average buyer. I know a realtor who has spoken primarily to consultants working on behalf of companies, and they’re willing to purchase ………………………



US Hypocrisy and the Global South

May 8, 2023 by Melvin Goodman

U.S. diplomats have been unsuccessful in recruiting key countries in the Global South, particularly India and Brazil, to support Ukraine in its war with Russia.  Nations of the Global South don’t want to be part of the Cold War between the West and Russia; don’t accept the …………………..



Analyse von Ulrich Reitz Das grüne Amigo-System ist viel größer, als Sie für möglich halten

FOCUS-online-Korrespondent Ulrich Reitz (Düsseldorf) 9.5.23

Habeck gerät immer stärker unter Druck, Patrick Graichen sei Dank. Und hier sind die nächsten Details aus dem mächtigen Klima-Netzwerk der Grünen.




Dahinter stecken manipulierte Leser, Leser, die sich für etwas Besonderes halten

  1. Mai 2023 Albrecht Müller

Leser der Frankfurter Allgemeinen sind schon etwas Besonderes. Jedenfalls glauben sie das. ……………………



Was Olaf Scholz und seine Frau mit einem Skandal um Kindesmisshandlung zu tun haben

Es ist immer wieder faszinierend, was die deutschen Medien alles nicht interessiert. Zum Beispiel der Filz im Umfeld von Olaf Scholz, der zu einem unbeachteten Skandal um Kindesmisshandlung geführt hat, in ……………………



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