Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Aber schauen Sie, wir haben jetzt jeden vierten Deutschen geimpft, diese Woche wird’s noch jeder fünfte werden…

— Jens Spahn (2021, CDU Bundesgesundheitsminister, im Interview)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Who Wants to Destroy Israel? You Might Be Surprised

by Guy Millière May 15, 2023 It is the first time in Israel’s short history that a large-scale movement has been launched using undemocratic means to overthrow a democratically elected government.




Durchbruch einer Partei: Bündnis Deutschland wird Alternative zur AfD

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 15. Mai 2023 Bürger in Wut vor Fusion

Die Wahl in Bremen bedeutet auch den Durchbruch der jungen Partei „Bündnis Deutschland“. Die möchte eine seriöse und koalitionsfähige Partei rechts von der Merzkel-……………………



US Proxies Win Thai 2023 General Elections – Thai-Chinese Relations at Risk, Instability Looms…



Ukraine Can’t Have Russian Assets Frozen in Switzerland, Bern Says

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik News May 15, 2023

Hundreds of billions of dollars’ in Russian assets were trapped in the West in February 2022 after the United States and the European Union moved to freeze them to “punish” Moscow for ………………………..



Defeated NATO and Kiev Will Soon Say ‘A Frozen Conflict Anyone?’

By Natasha Wright Strategic Culture May 15, 2023

Russia shall not be fooled twice.

‘The current on his way out’ NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg keeps rattling with ……………………



Our Two Deep States, One Public, One Private

May 12, 2023

One Deep State is bad enough, but a renegade, predatory private-sector Deep State is ……………………..



Imran Khan released, but troubles in Pakistan remain



Why the Government Debt Crisis Will Blow up before we Even Get to Default

The Fed’s fight has become much more complex this month. Inflation is fighting back harder all of a sudden, while the US debt ceiling is putting bond markets and banks at considerable …………………….



Ability to Communicate With Others Is Vital In Every Survival Situation: Grid-Down Communication Methods

Milan Adams Uncategorized May 13, 2023 4 Minutes

If you were to ask me what would be the most important things for a survival situation, my …………………….



‘There was No Vius’ Says The Former Vice President of Pfizer

By Ben Armstrong The New American May 15, 2023

Dr. Mike Yeadon isn’t just saying there was no true pandemic, he is saying there was no new ……………………



Ukraine: A Pawn in the US-Russia Game



James Corbett on Technocratic Control and the Dangers of AI

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 15, 2023

In this video, I interview investigative journalist James Corbett about false narratives, the global takeover by technocracy, controlled opposition and the dangers of artificial ……………………….



In the Event of an Official US Bankruptcy

By Stephen Anderson Mises.org May 15, 2023

The current known federal debt is $31.7 trillion according to the web site, US Debt Clock, which is about $94,726 for every man, woman, and child who are citizens as of April 24, ………………….



Russia Advance, 20 Bldngs Left; Ukr Flank Attacks, Storm Shadow Strikes; Egypt, S.Africa Defy US



With Bakhmut Hanging In Balance, Will Putin Order Takedown Of Wagner Boss?

by Tyler Durden Saturday, May 13, 2023 –

The bizarre spat between Wagner mercenary group and the regular Russian military chain of ………………………..



Scalia & the Right to Secede

Marty; There are those who say Scalia was wrong for he claimed the civil war was correct and he changed the meaning of the Second Amendment. You are the real constitutional scholar on these issues. Is there a right to secede by a state? Did Scalia really change the Second ………………….



Russia Aims to Attract Canadian and American Conservative Expats

We live in strange times. Russia is looking to attract conservative expats from Canada and America wishing to flee from their oppressive governments. Timur Beslangurov, a lawyer for …………………….



Oxford’s Protests Against 15-Minute Cities

Those who see what is coming are beginning to resist the Great Reset. Ultimately, their plan to create a one-world government will fail but it will take firm resistance. As one reader …………………..



What are we to Make of Prigozhin and the Wagner Group?

14 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

I am fascinated by the misinformation and deception being spread via social media channels about famed-Russian Chef, Evgeny Prigozhin, and his mythical military prowess. The latest …………………….



The Nazi Streets of Ukraine

Mark Sleboda 13.05.2023

Since the West-backed Maidan Putsch seized power in Ukraine in 2014, they have embarked ……………………..



Israel under Fire and The West’s Pusillanimous Response

by Richard Kemp May 14, 2023 Neither Ukraine nor Israel has any territorial ambitions or aggressive intent against their attackers — both Ukraine and Israel are fighting purely defensive wars to protect their civilian populations.




Federal Reserve’s ‘Great Pause’ … And What Happens Next

By David Stockman International Man May 13, 2023

Every headline in the financial press earlier this week says the same thing. The Fed’s “Great ………………………..



The Smell of Goose Cooking

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com May 13, 2023

“Joe Biden could go to jail and The New York Times wouldn’t tell anybody he was no longer president.” — Peter A. Golden




Nuclear Fallout? Russian Strikes Create Richter Scale Explosion in Khmelnitsky + Updates

Simplicius The Thinker 14.05.2023

The title may sound like clickbait, but read below and you’ll find that it’s frighteningly not so.




Russia Repels Flank Attacks; Russia Loses 2 Jets, Destroys 2 Ukr Jets, Big Ammo Dump, Ze Meets Pope



Government and Rule: The Bane of Humanity

By Gary D. Barnett May 13, 2023

“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, ……………………



There Is a Man Running for President Whose Father and Uncle Were Murdered By The CIA

Dr. Joseph Sansone 12.05.2023

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign has sparked quite a bit of interest and excitement. Shockingly at first glance, RFK Jr. has openly stated that his uncle John F. Kennedy (former ……………………….



You Don’t Have To Choose Between Happiness and Being Informed

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 13, 2023

I write about some dark, dark things in this space, and it’s common to receive expressions of despair in response to the subjects I focus on.




US Tax Dollars Funding Foreign Invasion of America: Biden Turns Border Troops Into Facilitators

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 13, 2023

Over 5 million people invaded the US illegally in 2021 and 2022 and journalist, Ben ……………………..



Social Media’s Rigged Algorithms

Fighting the Orwellian censorship, Donald Jeffries, 12.05.2023

This post is not exclusively about me, but it is based upon my own experiences. Kind of like the old “based on a true story” thing that Hollywood once loved. I am beyond frustrated with ……………………..



Tolerance Is Overrated: It’s Time to Start Gatekeeping American Society Again

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us May 13, 2023

Whenever we have to address the issue of “progressive” ideology in America today, the ………………………….



Fox News Goes the Way of the Landline

And not a Moment Too Soon May 11 2023

The same network that called Tucker Carlson a “Right-wing extremist” has decided to put Donald Trump back on prime time. As their hypocrisy comes full circle, a pathetic …………………….



The Woke Plot

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 15, 2023

When people complain about woke culture, they usually think about universities. They are sick of fake courses, demands for diversity, constant complaints of oppression, and the like. …………………….



The New Global Information Cartel: Censorship-industrial Complex

by David Kelly May 11, 2023

In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned Americans to “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-……………………



Stop the WHO Power Grab!

Children’s Health Defense May 13, 2023

The World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing amendments to the 2005




NATO’s Great New Idea: „Let’s Start a War with China!“

05/10/2023 Ron Paul

NATO’s post–Cold War history is that of an organization far past its “sell-by” date. Desperate for a mission after the end of the Warsaw Pact, NATO in the late 1990s decided that it would ……………………



The Money Supply Has Plummeted in the Biggest Drop Since the Great Depression



Is There an Optimum Growth Rate of Money?

05/10/2023 Frank Shostak

It is widely held that a growing economy requires a growing money stock because economic growth increases demand for money. Many economists also believe that failing to …………………….



Sechs Jahre Haft: Ex-Oberstaatsanwalt verurteilt



Interview: The Real Rate of Inflation



Price Inflation Growth Slowed Slightly in April. Now Wall Street Will Demand More Easy Money

05/12/2023 Ryan McMaken

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data Wednesday, and according to the report, price inflation during April decelerated slightly, ……………………..



Yellen & Biden Should be Impeached to Save America?

Janet Yellen has become way too partisan to be a trustworthy government official. Since Biden now says he will nominate a Latina for Fed governor regardless if they are qualified or …………………..



Finance Discovers Sting: „How Fragile We Are“

05/11/2023 Doug French

An ongoing debate concerns the plunge in the four-week Treasury note yield in relation to the three-month Treasury yield. At least one tweeter claims it’s all about the coming debt ceiling …………………….



Trump, Dominion, and the Weaponization of Defamation

05/11/2023Ryan McMakenTho Bishop

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk about recent court ……………………



Krieg und Inflation

  1. Mai 2023 – Llewllyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Die US-Zentralbank, genannt Federal Reserve, wurde 1913 gegründet. Niemand warb für diese Institution mit dem Slogan, dass sie Kriege wahrscheinlicher machen würde und dazu …………………….



Chinese Embrace Brazil as „Global Strategic Partner“ as Brazilian President Visits China

by Lawrence A. Franklin May 12, 2023 Chinese President Xi Jinping also apparently persuaded Lula to support the use of China’s yuan to replace the dollar as the global standard currency…. China also might want Brazil to grant permission to purchase additional farmland. …………………….



Ukraine Receiving Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles + the Propaganda Storm around Bakhmut



Ehemaliger Vizepräsident von Pfizer: Es gibt einen Plan, Millionen, wenn nicht Milliarden von Menschen zu töten

uncut-news.ch Mai 10, 2023

Wir sind derzeit Zeuge eines laufenden Verbrechens. Ich bin überzeugt, dass es das größte Verbrechen der Geschichte sein wird. Ich persönlich glaube, dass Millionen, wenn nicht …………………….



Progressives Want to Eliminate Wealthy Entrepreneurs but Need the Wealth They Create

05/11/2023 Lipton Matthews

Being perceived as anti–working class is a cardinal sin in American politics. Working-class people are seen as the unappreciated engine of American growth. Hillary Clinton discovered ……………………..



In the Event of an Official US Bankruptcy

05/12/2023 Stephen Anderson

The current known federal debt is $31.7 trillion according to the web site, US Debt Clock, which is about $94,726 for every man, woman, and child who are citizens as of April 24, …………………..



Judge Napolitano and I Talk jack Teixeira, a Corrupt Department of Justice and Ukraine

12 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Judge Napolitano, given his prior experience as a Judge, immediately recognized this miscarriage of justice in the case of Jack Teixeira. There is no acceptable explanation or ………………………



Ron Paul Says Forget Ukraine, DC Hawks Dragging NATO Into Taiwan War

by Tyler Durden Thursday, May 11, 2023 –




Der Staat erwartet Rekordeinnahmen – weil er seine Bürger schröpft. Der Mittelschicht drohen harte Zeiten

Finanzminister Christian Lindner kann kommendes Jahr auf Steuereinnahmen von 962 Milliarden Euro hoffen. Während der Staat Kasse macht, werden Lohnerhöhungen von hohen ……………………….



Judge Napolitano and I Talk jack Teixeira, a Corrupt Department of Justice and Ukraine

12 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Judge Napolitano, given his prior experience as a Judge, immediately recognized this miscarriage of justice in the case of Jack Teixeira. There is no acceptable explanation or ………………………..



Regime Change Watch

Tomorrow there will be elections in Turkey and Thailand. In both countries the U.S. would like to see the current opposition win.




They Are Propagandizing For Nazis But Won’t Tell You That

At the start of the recent war in Ukraine ‚western‘ media changed their mind about Ukrainian Nazi groups. What they had condemned over years in their headlines and pieces was first …………………..






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