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Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

„Habeck zerstört das Land“ | Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt bei Viertel nach Acht



Reichsbürger: Der Crash-Prophet Markus Krall und die Putschisten

Jahrelang warnte der AfD-nahe Bestsellerautor Markus Krall vor dem Absturz. Das qualifizierte ihn: Die Reichsbürger um Prinz Reuß wollten ihn als Finanzminister anwerben.




Khmelnytskyi — Did Russia Vaporize Depleted Uranium Shells?

15 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Russia’s aerial attack on the Ukrainian city of Khmelnytskyi is catching quite a bit of attention because of reports of a spike in Gamma rays following multiple, massive explosions. …………………..



Ukraine SitRep: Explosion in Khmelnytsky – Bakhmut Evacuation – Longer Range Missiles

In the early morning of last Saturday two large explosions (video) destroyed a large ammunition depot near the city of Khmelnytsky in west Ukraine.




Biden Nominates First Hispanic Woman to Fed Board – Who is She?

The headlines praise Biden for nominating the first Latina woman to the Federal Reserve’s board. None of the current headlines list her qualifications, which is a given since this ………………………..



Corona-Aufarbeitung: Was konnte man wissen? – Alles

Achgut-Autor Thomas Maul veröffentlicht ein Buch zur Aufarbeitung der Corona-Verbrechen mit dem Titel „Was man wann wissen konnte“. Antwort: Man konnte alles von Anfang an ……………………



ESC-Pleite: Bitte nie wieder NDR!

Warum landet Deutschland beim Eurovision Song Contest so oft auf dem letzten Platz? Mag uns Europa nicht? Sind die Deutschen so unbeliebt? Nein! Es liegt nicht am Publikum. Die Verantwortung trägt der NDR!




Pasta Prices Soar 20% in Italy – The Return of the Pasta Cartel?

(image above represents shrinkflation — an additional burden to consumers)

Italy’s Industry Minister Adolfo Urso called for an emergency meeting to discuss the sharp uptick in food prices. Pasta alone is up nearly 20%, and this is a major problem in a country ……………………….



Post-Covid: Twelve Challenges For A Shattered World

Posted By: Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute May 15, 2023

Technocracy’s main assault on humanity started with the “Great Panic of 2020” and it left a ……………………..



Assassinating Vladimir Putin?

By Ron Unz The Unz Review May 16, 2023

Early on the morning of May 3rd the Kremlin was attacked by two explosive drones, and although these were destroyed by the defenses, the Russian government claimed that the incident had probably been an assassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin.




Ein Viertel der Zehnjährigen in Deutschland kann nicht richtig lesen

Von Josef Kraus Di, 16. Mai 2023

Deutschlands Schüler landen nun auch beim Lesen laut einer aktuellen Studie international wieder nur im Mittelfeld, Tendenz fallend. Der Abstieg seit 2001 zeigt auch: Die ……………………….



Netzagentur bestätigt Stromlücke nach Atomausstieg – ARD behauptet das Gegenteil

Von Roland Tichy Di, 16. Mai 2023

Um die Energiepolitik der Ampel zu verteidigen, ist jeder Schwindel recht: In diesen Tagen jubelt die ARD, dass der Strom nach dem Aus für die Kernkraftwerke billiger und die ……………………..



Dirty Secrets

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com May 16, 2023

“The average Democrat knows the Biden family is profoundly corrupt and they simply don’t care…. Sam Harris spoke for all of them when he said it wouldn’t matter if Hunter’s laptop was packed w/pictures of dead kids.” — MartyrMade on Twitter




Deadly Serious DHS List: You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist If…

Posted byMadge WaggyMay 15, 2023 Posted inUncategorized

An 18-year veteran in law enforcement warned to beware of Homeland Security training that is being pushed to local law enforcement. “You might be a Domestic Terrorist If” you believe in civil liberties, or if you actually believe in your Constitutional rights. Sadly, this is NOT a joke.




The Exercise of the Charism of Infallibility Is Here and Now a Mandatum of Christlike Love

By Fr. Emmanuel McCarthy May 16, 2023

No one inside or outside the Catholic Church can reasonably call into question the good intentions of Popes who have denounced war on the world stage and who have proclaimed in ………………………



Time for Republicans to Confront January 6 Lead Prosecutor

The Biden regime’s double standard of justice runs right through Matthew Graves’ office.

By Julie Kelly  May 14, 2023




Big Gambles Heading Into Gusting Headwinds

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture May 16, 2023

There is no assurance at all that the tech prospect will materialise. It may, but it may not. And that is a huge gamble.




Could Aspirin Have Cut Covid Deaths in Half?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 16, 2023

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was introduced in 1899 as an alternative to sodium salicylate,1 a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory known for its unpleasant side effects such as stomach ………………….



Zelensky: Ukraine Will Win War before 2024 US Elections

I have said it countless times – the only way they will keep Biden in power is to enter the war. The US and all NATO nations have already unofficially entered the war by supplying soldiers …………………….



Douglas Macgregor – The next Objective of Russia



John Mearsheimer Interview – Russian Conventional Forces Weakened



Military outburst – Ukraine full force against Russia | Judge Napolitano & Alastair Crooke



Ambush of Russian Special Air Group Likely to Spawn Major Escalation in Russia’s War with Ukraine and NATO

13 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

A black and dangerous day for the Russian air operations in Ukraine. A Russian Special Air …………………



Elon Musks Twitter-Schachzug und was er für die “Clique an der Macht” bedeutet

Michael Rectenwald 15. Mai 2023

Elon Musks Versuch, Twitter zu übernehmen und in ein privates Unternehmen zu ………………………….



In Ukraine Bakhmut Still up for Grabs – Ray McGovern fmr CIA



Der Crash-Prophet und die Putschisten

Jahrelang warnte der AfD-nahe Bestsellerautor Markus Krall vor dem Absturz. Das qualifizierte ihn: Die Reichsbürger um Prinz Reuß wollten ihn als Finanzminister anwerben.

Von Christian Fuchs und Martín Steinhagen 5. Mai 2023,




Crashprophet Markus Krall stand in Kontakt mit Terrorverdächtigem Prinz Reuß

(lifePR) (Hamburg, 05.05.2023)

Der ehemalige Geschäftsführer von Degussa Goldhandel, Markus Krall, hatte während seiner Zeit als Degussa-CEO Kontakt zu Mitgliedern der Reichsbürger-Gruppe um Prinz Reuß, die einen gewaltvollen …………………….



Douglas Macgregor ~ Russia Very Close To Victory _ No One Deny This !!!



Black Day for Russian VVS as ‚Special Air Group‘ Destroyed in Ambush

Simplicius The Thinker 13.05.2023

A quick note on acronyms: some people have used RuAF to describe the airforce, though that more accurately describes Russian Armed Forces. Others call the airforce VKS, but in …………………





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