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Ohne den Goldstandard gibt es keine Möglichkeit, die Ersparnisse vor der Enteignung durch Inflation zu schützen. Es gibt dann kein sicheres Wertaufbewahrungsmittel mehr.

— Alan Greenspan

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Putin, Prigozhin and the Wagner Group

16 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Judge Napolitano and I had another good chat about the current situation in Ukraine. We also touch on Jack Teixeira.



Bad Day for Ukraine: Bakhmut Days from Fall, Missiles Pummel Kiev; Patriot Destroyed; RU Oil Exports



Supply Chain Crisis and Inflation

Hello Mr. Armstrong. Thank you for my daily dose of reality. Your blog is one of the last sources of untainted news. I would like to show these pictures my daughter sent me last week. …………………….



The 37 Year Cycle

Well, Sports Illustrated just had to join the BudLight Woke Controversy. I suppose they could have put a Transgender on the cover. So it looks like they decided to stop short of that ………………..



Der Stellvertreterkrieg der Milliardäre auf unseren Straßen

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 17. Mai 2023

Erneut drängten Klimaextremisten den Hauptstadtverkehr an den Rand des Kollapses. Bloßer Kollateralschaden in einem manifestierenden Kampf von Milliardären, die ihre Klimakohorten auf dem Experimentierfeld Deutschland einsetzen.




Graichen geht – jetzt muss Habeck folgen

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 17. Mai 2023

Die Demission des Staatssekretärs kann nicht das Ende dieses Skandals bedeuten. Der „Graichen-Clan“ ist Teil einer grünen Interessengemeinschaft, die unser Leben durch eine …………………



Russian Kinzhal Missile Strikes US Patriot System in Kiev + the Fundamental Disadvantage West Faces



Big Gambles Heading Into Gusting Headwinds

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture May 17, 2023

There is no assurance at all that the tech prospect will materialise. It may, but it may not. And …………………



Biden’s New Intersectionality: Where Equity Policies Meet Bad Economics

By William L. Anderson Mises.org May 17, 2023

In the summer of 2020, the Smithsonian Institution created a chart meant to condemn what it …………………



1,000,000 Russian soldiers now marching to the Polish border



This War Is the Big One: ‘The Objective Is to Destroy Russia and the Russian Empire’

Russia’s SMO Is a Life and Death Struggle Against American-led Nazism. A Nuclear Armageddon or ……………….



What If AI Is Only a Cost and Not a Profit Bonanza?

May 15, 2023 In the real-world, the costs are all we know for sure and profits remain elusive and contingent.




America’s State Media: The Blackount on Biden Corruption is Truly ‘Pulitzer-Level Stuff’

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org May 17, 2023

Below is my column in The Hill on the continued media blackout on evidence of influence …………………..



The Deep State stabbed Donald Trump in the back during the 2016 election

By Michael Goodwin  May 16, 2023

You don’t have to read all of special counsel John Durham’s report to get to the heart of the matter: On the third page of the executive summary, he writes: “The speed and manner in ………………..



Pfizer-Akte vonderLeyen



A Conversation Story

By Ira Katz May 17, 2023

George was again shaking his head back and forth in disagreement listening to Julie. They were at the wedding of Mary and Tom. George was married to Tom’s mother’ sister and Julie ………………….



Schlacht um Springer

Seit Bild-Chef Julian Reichelt 2021 nach einer konzertierten Medienintrige gefeuert wurde, brennt bei Springer die Hütte. Staatsfunk und Konkurrenzverlage geben sich alle Mühe, auch den Konzernchef Döpfner abzuschießen. Dessen Rückzug könnte einen Kurswechsel bei den ………………….



Die über Graichen gehen

Jetzt ist er nun mal weg: Patrick Graichen, der Vertraute des Wirtschaftsministers Robert Habeck, muss seinen Posten als Staatssekretär räumen. Auf der grünen Besetzungscouch ……………………..



Microsoft Says New A.I. Shows Signs of Human Reasoning

May 16, 2023

When computer scientists at Microsoft started to experiment with a new artificial intelligence system last year, they asked it to solve a puzzle that should have required an intuitive ……………………..



Ukraine – Air Defense Lessons

This is factual:

Patriot Missiles Won’t Save UkraineNational Interest – May 9, 2023

Patriot systems are limited to pinpoint defense of major assets and are designed to operate in tandem with …………………



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