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Die Übertretung eines gegebenen Gesetzes ist ein schlechtes Beispiel, zumal wenn der Gesetzgeber sie selbst begeht.

— Niccolò Machiavelli

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wie Filz-Minister Habeck seine größte Stärke verspielte

Wenn es gut läuft, läuft Robert Habeck zu Hochform auf – vor allem kommunikativ. Sprache gilt für ihn in der Politik als das eigentliche Handeln. Doch mit den Enthüllungen um seinen nun doch geschassten Staatssekretär Graichen verliert sich auch Habecks einstige Stärke.




Gucci mag nicht länger «klimaneutral» sein

Gucci hat sich mit Zertifikaten von South Pole von CO2-Emissionen freigekauft. Nun steht der Klimakompensierer mit Sitz in Zürich in der Kritik. Der Luxuskonzern zieht die ……………………….



Corporate Equality Index 2023 – New Criteria for the Woke Credit Score

I mentioned how the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is the reason companies are going WOKE. This is the imaginary social credit score based on a company’s adherence to WOKE …………………….



Is the Rise of LGBTQ Part of the Decline & Fall of the West?

What do you think about Target now selling books on this transgender stuff for even first graders? This has gone full circle from recognizing their rights to pushing their influential ……………………..



Russia Advance Near Bakhmut, Avdeyevka, Ukr Belgorod Psyops, Zaluzhny Mystery, Russia Iran Finance



Is the United States Poking the Bear or Is Ukraine Going Rogue or Is it Both?

26 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Yesterday three Western supplied drone boats attacked a Russian ship guarding the Turkstream pipeline. Russia claims all were destroyed but there is video that suggests one hit ………………….



The Bud Light Boycott and Clueless Corporate Executives

05/24/2023 Ryan McMaken

In perhaps one of the most unexpected and sudden shifts in consumer demand in recent years, sales of Bud Light have now fallen sizably for six weeks in a row, with no end in sight. The …………………



Taking Notes out of Rothbard’s Taiwan Playbook

05/23/2023 Joseph Solis-Mullen

Writing pseudonymously in a series of articles for Faith and Freedom in the 1950s, Murray Rothbard took on the question of whether or not the United States should defend Formosa ……………………….



Warning! The United States Is BEING DESTROYED From Within | Col. Douglas Macgregor



DeSantis and Trump diverge on The Fed, Big Government, and Bitcoin

A generational gap reveals itself. Jordan Schachtel, 25.05.2023

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are ideologically aligned on most issues in their competition to win the Republican nomination for President of The United States. However, there are ……………………



It’s Happening: Fisk Gives Slight Downgrade to US Credit

Delusional stock market rises anyway. David Haggith 25.05.2023

My recent big prediction proved true this morning, which was that credit rating agencies will certainly not wait for an actual default on US debt before they start to downgrade US credit. ……………………



Blindman’s Buff

America’s Continuing Quest to Hide Torture, By Karen J. Greenberg TomDispatch.com

May 26, 2023

In the Blindman’s Buff variation of tag, a child designated as “It” is tasked with tapping ………………..



Brezhnev and Biden

By eric May 24, 2023

Leonid Brezhnev, one of the last leaders of the old Soviet Union, was 75-years-old when he died in 1982 – although he looked near death for several years prior. Those old enough to remember Brezhnev will remember him standing (just barely) atop the Lenin Mausoleum in ………………….



Why The Last Truly British Aston Was Terrible AND Brilliant! Aston Martin DBS V8





Excess Deaths Are Exploding, Experts Remain Stumped

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 26, 2023

According to a May 11, 2023, report by the British Express,1 Britons are dying by the tens of thousands, “but no one knows why.” Between May and December 2022 alone, there were ………………..


Insouciant Americans Have Doomed America to Tyranny

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 26, 2023

Time and time and time again, insouciant Americans allow the presstitutes to brainwash, ………………….



An Interview with Satan on the Eve of His Retirement

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia Global Research May 26, 2023

He didn’t look at all as I had expected. I traversed the quiet room and found a portly older gentleman, immaculately and rather formally dressed – a finely spun woolen Navy blue suit, ……………………



Finnlands Grüne für Atomkraft: Warum die nordische Öko-Partei ein Vorbild für Glättlis Grüne ist

Marcel Odermatt, 25.5.23

Die Schweizer Grünen würden sich eher auflösen, als zu debattieren, ob die Schweiz darüber ………………….



Review: Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier

05/24/2023 Rudolph Kohn

George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier is a book for which I kept hearing recommendations. I was told that it contained biting criticisms of socialism and was a …………………….



Der Absturz von Habeck entlarvt ein Grundproblem der Grünen

Ihren Absturz haben sich die Grünen selbst zuzuschreiben: Zu viele Fehler haben das Vertrauen der Wähler schwinden lassen. Vor allem beim politischen Handwerk ist noch viel Luft nach oben.




Ex-US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger„Ich bin nicht der Meinung, dass alle Schuld bei Putin liegt“

Der frühere US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger sieht in Wladimir Putin nicht den alleinigen Schuldigen für den Krieg in der Ukraine. „Ich bin nicht der Meinung, dass alle Schuld bei Putin liegt“, sagte Kissinger in einem Interview mit der „Zeit“. Zwar sei die Kriegsführung ………………….



The Inside Story of Russia-Iran-India Connectivity

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle May 25, 2023

Make no mistake about what the G7’s Hiroshima Communique is all about.

The setting: a city in neo-colony Japan nuclear-bombed 78 years ago by the United States, for which it made no excuses.




Terrible damage – The Russians are now extremely angry with US | Douglas Macgregor



No Truce With the Heartland

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns May 25, 2023




China – Embraced by Western Powers To Conquer

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 25, 2023

The International Foundation For Electoral Systems ‘assists and supports elections and electoral stakeholders in new and emerging democracies’. Election stakeholders would be …………………..



Handicapping Trump versus DeSantis faceoff

Nixonian paranoid introvert with weak social skills will not defeat ex-president

By Peter Navarro – – Tuesday, May 23, 2023 OPINION:




Why Are These Biden Officials Leaving Their Top Posts?

Recently several administration official who were working on China and Ukraine policies …………………..



After Bakhmut, Is Russia Still Advancing? Col Daniel Davis



Escaping the Prison of Mainstream Culture

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 25, 2023

Many people turn to conservatism and religion because they perceive — correctly — that mainstream culture is a fraudulent sham bereft of meaning and authentic values. Their ………………….



Biden’s F-16 Move Is Flight of Fancy Signifying Desparation

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture May 25, 2023

Biden is acting tough and he is once more recklessly escalating the war with Russia with his latest move on sending F-16s.





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