Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

In der Regel wird der Kapitalismus für Probleme verantwortlich gemacht, die aus dem politischen Versuch resultieren, ihn abzuschaffen.

— Ludwig von Mises

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The Bankruptcy Caravan Is Now Arriving: Time to Pay for the Easy Money

By Douglas French Mises.org May 31, 2023

The character Mike Campbell in Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises was asked about his money troubles and responded with a vivid description embracing self-contradiction: “‘How did you go bankrupt?’ Bill asked. ‘Two ways,’ Mike said. ‘Gradually and then suddenly.’”




Drones Strikes In Moscow – Missile Strikes In Ukraine

Today the Russian government revealed some numbers and information about its ‚Special Military Operation‘.




Dieses Ergebnis muss Konsequenzen haben

Die Wahlbehörde hat Erdogan zum Sieger der Präsidentschaftswahlen erklärt. Für die türkische Demokratie sowie für die Wirtschaft ein schlechtes Omen. Doch was bedeutet der Sieg Erdogans für Deutschland und die hier lebenden Türken? Eine Einschätzung von Cicero-Mitherausgeber Dirk Notheis. 29. Mai 2023




Gaslighting: The American People Are Trapped In A Textbook Abusive Relationship

Posted By: Daisy Luther via Organic Prepper May 30, 2023

Technocracy’s prime directive in the 1930s was to master the “Science of Social …………………



Boycotts: The Big 3 – BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 31, 2023

The backlash boycotts against Disney, Bud Light and now Target have been massive and …………………..



Believing Impossible Things

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture May 31, 2023

The endless bitter antagonism to Putin and to Russia has allowed a self-imagined reality to ………………….



The Anatomy of an Insane State, Rise of the Hoodies

By Capt. Randall May 31, 2023




On Wokeness, Its Nature, and Its Prospects

eugyppius 30.05.2023

In response to my piece on leaving academia, a few asked me for my thoughts on Wokeness, and how one might go about doing away with it.




Government secrets – Currently, the government is hiding a lot from people who want to prepare, and that would raise some question marks!

Milan Adams Uncategorized May 29, 2023 5

Preppers are a well informed group. There is a serious investigative trait that we all share. We wanna know what’s going on, how it will affect us, and, most importantly, what we can do to …………………



Biden regime faces first-ever U.S. lawsuit over covid “vaccine” injuries, deaths

Friday, May 26, 2023 by: Ethan Huff



Chronik des Irrsinns – der Mai 2023

Der fünfte Monat des Jahres 2023 geht zu Ende, also das fünfte Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie! 
Boris Palmer verlässt die Grünen. Da weiß man gar nicht, wem man zuerst gratulieren soll.



EU-Klima-Willkür: Deutschland trifft es am härtesten

Die „Energieeffizenzklassen“ sind europaweit nicht einheitlich definiert. In Deutschland sind sie am strengsten. Nach EU sollen sie entscheiden, welche Häuser ab 2030 bewohnbar sind.




Das verzweigte Netzwerk der Agora Agrar – und wer dahinter steckt

Von Holger Douglas Mi, 31. Mai 2023

Wer zieht die Fäden, wenn die Rede von einem Umbau der Landwirtschaft ist? Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir am wenigsten. Im Hintergrund wirken …………………….



Ampel einigt sich auf das Heizdaten-Gesetz: FDP hat plötzlich keine Bedenken mehr

Von Holger Douglas Mi, 31. Mai 2023 Liberale knicken ein

Bundesländer und Kommunen sollen »gebäudescharf« den jährlichen Endenergieverbrauch der letzten drei Jahre in Kilowattstunden mitteilen. So sieht es der Entwurf für das sogenannte …………………



Political Persecution: How the US Govt. Is Silencing the ‘Domestic Terrorists’ of the Opposition

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper May 31, 2023

If I wrote that we’re living in a world that bears an ever-increasing similarity to Communist …………



Ukraine Attacking Russia, What’s Next? – Col Daniel Davis



The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

By Steve McCann

A cursory examination of history reveals that the United States is mired in the same process that precipitated the collapse of the great empires of the past.  The foibles and failures of …………………….



Trilateral Commissioner Henry Kissinger Turns 100, Still Not Held Accountable

Posted By: Shaun Tandon via Yahoo! News May 26, 2023

Kissinger was a founding member of the Trilateral Commission, a confidant and key operative of the Rockefeller dynasty and a serial meddler in foreign affairs that resulted in the ……………………



The Importance of Uniform as Ukraine Contemplates an Offensive

30 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

I suppose it should not surprise anyone that the failure to understand the challenges Ukraine faces in trying to launch a counter offensive is a consequence of the fact that most Western ……………………..



Russia Hits Decision Making Center, Ukr Drones Hit Moscow, Refuses China Mediation, Kosovo Crisis



Putin and China just scored a devastating blow to the U.S. and Europe | Redacted with Clayton Morris



Brian Berletic: China will DESTROY AUKUS in Taiwan and the Pacific



Homeschooling Is Key To Preserving Liberty

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute May 30, 2023

The most recent release from the federally funded Nation’s Report Card shows that 40 percent ………………….



Tagesschau-Faktenfinder: Die grüne Partei hat immer recht

Sie wehren sich dagegen, als „Staatsfunk“ bezeichnet zu werden, tun aber gern so, als hätten sie die amtliche Wahrheit. Mit ihren „Faktenchecks“ und „Faktenfindern“ machen sie sich immer wieder zum Gespött, bleiben aber fest im Glauben an ihre Unfehlbarkeit.




Universität München will offenbar kritischen Wissenschaftler feuern

Di, 30. Mai 2023

Die Hochschulleitung der LMU schaltet die Landesanwaltschaft ein, um an dem kritischen Kommunikationswissenschaftler Michael Meyen ein Exempel zu statuieren. Käme es dazu, ………………….



Confronting the Cowardice of the Far Right on Race

By Ron Unz The Unz Review May 30, 2023

As a political scientist in his 30s, Dr. Richard Hanania has become an influential writer on policy matters, increasingly building his reputation for thoughtful if provocative analysis, and ………………….



Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Presidential Dark Horse

Should conservatives consider the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? Scott Ventureyra




Viva la Revolucion?

By Jeff Thomas International Man May 30, 2023

In every country where a revolution has taken place (whether it be a “soft” revolution or a violent overthrow), those who are part of the winning team make a point of glorifying the ………………………



U.S. and Russia

By John Leo Keenan May 30, 2023

TASS quoted President Putin on 5/27/23 regarding Ukraine:

“‘Now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what ……………………



The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectuous Disease (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny

By Peter Koenig Global Research May 30, 2023




Foreign Interference? How Non-Citizens Are Voting in American Elections

by J. Christian Adams May 30, 2023 You probably know the [National Voter Registration Act] as „Motor Voter.“ It is the federal requirement that requires state motor vehicle offices to ……………………



The Five Media Companies that Control 90% of the Industry: The U.S. Media Oligopoly Explained



Pfizer Data attached 393 pages of Adverse Events ! Shame!!! Shame!

Order of Magnitude of Adverse Events off the Charts

LawyerLisa 27.05.2023  Joseph Sansone




Some Facts For Consideration

By Karen Kwiatkowski May 30, 2023

FACT:  Things than can’t go on forever, don’t.  Herb Stein’s famous “rule” is good to remember in times like these – whether it is applied to Ukraine, the US debt and spending ………………….



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