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Wo es keine Marktwirtschaft gibt, sind alle gesetzlichen Garantien der Freiheitsrechte wertlos. Was soll Pressefreiheit in einem Lande, in dem alle Druckereien von der Regierung verwaltet werden? Oder Versammlungsfreiheit, wenn alle Versammlungshallen Regierungseigentum sind?

— Ludwig von Mises

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Is the Ukraine War Spreading into Russia? Ray McGovern, fmr CIA



Kadyrov RU Offensive Starting, Avdeyevka; Ukr Shells Belgorod, Putin Warns; Biden Erdogan Tense Call



WOKE = Unconstitutional

ANY company engaging in WOKE should be brought to court for what they are doing is …………………..



Is Russia Pre-Empting the Ukrainian Offensive?

31 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

With all the loose talk from Ukraine and the West about the upcoming (or underway) counter ………………….



Debt Ceiling & War Crisis

When we look at our Computer’s timing arrays for the 30-year bond, it did show a target last week with a Directional Change. So far the market has held that low and has been consolidating. When we look at the Array, we do not see a crisis with the debt ceiling. ……………….



DUH & Agora: Alte Kampfgefährten

Von Marco Gallina Do, 1. Juni 2023

Getrennt marschieren, vereint schlagen – das gilt auch für grüne NGOs. Personell sind Agora, DUH und VCD eng verdrahtet. Hinter ihnen stehen sogar dieselben Geldgeber. Man kennt sich, man hilft sich.




Abitur, neuer Nachname und wokes Modeln – die vielen Gesichter der Heidi Klum

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Do, 1. Juni 2023

Heidi Klum, das bekannte Model-Gesicht aus Deutschland, wird an diesem Donnerstag 50 Jahre alt. Noch immer ist sie weltweit im Fernsehen, auf Titelseiten und auf Werbeplakaten ………………



Deutsche! Verzeiht mir!

Mir wird derzeit vorgeworfen, ich hätte mich über den Nationalsozialismus lustig gemacht. „How dare you!“ würde Greta sagen. Es tut mir wahnsinnig leid und ich bitte um Vergebung, dass ich nicht der Jude bin, den sich manche Deutsche wünschen.




Bankruptcy of the US Government

By Doug Casey International Man June 1, 2023

Everyone knows that the US government is bankrupt and has been for many years.

Whenever the chattering classes talk about cuts, it’s only about cuts over the course of 10 ………………….



What Happened to CDC Libertarians

By Laurence M. Vance June 1, 2023

On May 11, the Biden-Harris administration allowed the Covid-19 public health emergency to expire and ended the Covid-19 vaccine requirements for federal employees, federal ……………………



Higher Unemployment Won’t Stop Wages from Rising

May 30, 2023

The net result of these dynamics is official unemployment can soar but employers will still be …………..



China’ Belt and Road Diplomacy. Towards Economic Cooperation and Peace

By Peter Koenig Global Research June 1, 2023

Address (never given due to technicalities) at the 2023 Belt and Road Forum for Interconnected Land-Sea Development from 17 to 18 May, 2023 in Chongqing.[1]




The Great Tradition of Christian Pilgrimage

Dickson Leong May 30, 2023

“How beautiful are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord.” (Psalm 83:1).




Wer fürchtet sich vorm rechten Mann?

Von Okko tom Brok.

Als Kritiker wird man heute gern in die „rechte Ecke“ gestellt. Aus lauter Angst davor wagen sich viele nicht mehr aus dem Busch. Dabei sollten wir uns diesen Schubladen verweigern.

Als Kinder spielten wir im Sportunterricht der Grundschule das Spiel „Wer fürchtet sich vorm ……………….



The diversity myth

by Peter Thiel, On multiculturalism as misdirection.

Editors’ note: The following is an edited version of remarks delivered at The New Criterion’s gala on April 27, 2023, honoring Peter Thiel with the tenth Edmund Burke Award for Service to Culture and Society.




Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?

By Victor Davis Hanson June 01, 2023

Conservatives and traditionalists are often exasperated at the ongoing woke cultural revolution in their midst.




A Question of Intelligence

Taki May 31, 2023

Were it not for my age, I’d be worried, but at this stage of the game I couldn’t give a flying you-know-what. Mind you, I have two children—a daughter and a son—both in their early 30s, and four grandchildren—two boys and two girls—some still in diapers, and that does ………………….



This Is the End of a Mega-Cycle

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse June 1, 2023

Have we finally reached the end of the road?  When it comes to the economy, most of us focus on short-term cycles.  In recent years there have been times when the economy has been ………………….



What’s next in Ukraine? Are more drones on their way to Russia?



Truman’s True Warning on the CIA

December 22, 2013

Exclusive: National security secrecy and a benighted sense of “what’s good for the country” can be a dangerous mix for democracy, empowering self-interested or misguided officials to supplant the people’s will, as President Truman warned and ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explains.




Harry Truman and the Atomic Bomb

08/08/2022 Ralph Raico

The most spectacular episode of Harry Truman’s presidency will never be forgotten but will be forever linked to his name: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and of Nagasaki three days later. Probably around two hundred thousand persons were killed in the …………



The decision to use the atomic bomb

Less than two weeks after being sworn in as president, Harry S. Truman received a long report from …………………….



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