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If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

— James Madison

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Russia Takes 5 Marinka Districts, Encircling Kupyansk, MSM: Ukr Army Enlists Untrained Draftees



Biden Backed BlackRock’s Push for the ESG

(images directly from BlackRock’s website – click on them to enlarge)

The first bill that President Joe Biden vetoed was a bill intended to dissolve the ESG climate social credit score. The bill passed 50-46 in the Senate before being destroyed by Biden. Out ………………….



Henryk! Verzeih mir!

Henryk Broder bat die Deutschen um Vergebung, weil er nicht so ein Musterjude ist wie WDR-Spitzenjournalist Lorenz Beckhardt. Unser Autor hofft, Henryk möge ihm nachsehen, dass er den Lorenz richtig gut findet.




Italien retten oder das Klima?

Teile Italiens litten erst an Trockenheit, dann traf den Norden eine Flutkatastrophe. Und verantwortlich in allen Fällen ist – glaubt man den meisten deutschen Medien – der Klimawandel. Vielleicht sollte man aber erst einen Blick in die jüngste Vergangenheit werfen.




Wild Day in the Wildlands of Ukraine

Simplicius The Thinker 05.06.2023

This is a ‘brief’ update report that I just had to do after what was one of the wildest days of the war thus far, in terms of the sheer absurdity of events.




Der Untergang der TITANIC – von Trinkern verschuldet?

Der Autor, früher selbst Seemann, erzählt die letzten Stunden der TITANIC unter dem Aspekt nach, dass die Brücke des stolzen Dampfschiffs voller Trunksüchtiger gewesen sein soll. Damit nicht genug, soll der Wachoffizier an Deck geschlafen haben.




Dark Truth Behind Ukraine’s NATO-Armed Border Raids + Cost of Attrition Continues to Mount



Spanien biegt rechts ab

Mo, 5. Juni 2023

Die Kommunal- und Regionalwahlen vom 28. Mai markieren einen Wendepunkt in der spanischen Politik. Die offensichtlichste Bilanz ist ein klarer Sieg der Rechten und ein Debakel der Linken, deren radikalste Version praktisch aus den Institutionen verschwindet. Von Álvaro Peñas




Staatsknete für die Ehefrau von Cem Özdemir und Hirschhausen, Kerner: Höchst Vertraulich!

Von Marco Gallina Sa, 3. Juni 2023

Die Bundesregierung nennt nach Monaten der Verschleppung doch noch die Namen von Journalisten auf Staatslohn – aber nur, wenn die auch zustimmen. Die Aufarbeitung bleibt ………………..



Massive Straßenschlachten in Leipzig: Die Verharmlosung geht weiter

Von Maximilian Tichy So, 4. Juni 2023

Als Protest gegen die Verurteilung der Linksextremistin Lina E. und drei ihrer Mitstreiter, kam es in Leipzig in der Nacht zum Sonntag zur vorhersehbaren Gewalt. Sie ist ein Produkt der chronischen Verharmlosung des Linksextremismus.




Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.‘s Battle for Liberty

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 5, 2023

Robert Kennedy,Jr. is waging a heroic struggle for liberty. He is one of the foremost crusaders against the fake Covid “vaccines.” He has been especially effective in his exposure of arch-criminal Anthony Fauci. He has also fully embraces the position that both his father Robert …………………



Chip Manufacturing Central to WWIII

By Helena Glass The Nationalist Voice June 5, 2023

Flexing its muscles, CSIS is obsessed with all things Chips, Chip Act, and Cyber WarGames. Simultaneously, China held a meeting with its security chiefs to prepare for …………………….



The Cancelling of Roger Waters, or Brain Damage in Germany

By Milosz Matuschek June 5, 2023

Art reaches the highest heights when it not only catches up with reality, but overtakes it.




The Duran: The Collective West was DEFEATED in Syria, Ukraine is Next



30 Conservatarian Maxims in the Style of Baltasar Gracian

By Hamish Carter June 5, 2023

Baltasar Gracián was a Spanish Jesuit and writer born in 1601 and died in 1658. He is best known for his work “The Art of Worldly Wisdom” (El arte de la prudencia), which was published in 1647.




How Not to Become a Sociopath: The „Rest of America“ and the Role of Joy

Were Liberal Elites So Cruel Because They Have No Fun?

Dr Naomi Wolf 03.06.2023

Does having fun in your life protect you from becoming a sociopath?




Ukraine is Going Kamikaze

4 June 2023 by Larry Johnson

Ukraine’s vain attempts to launch an offensive ostensibly to oust Russia from “conquered” lands in the Donbass reminds me of the Japanese Kamikaze bombers trying to impede the inevitable U.S. victory in the Pacific. It is needless deaths sacrificed in the name of national …………………….



The Ukrainian Military Is In Bad Shape

Erik Kramer and Paul Schneider are two former U.S. special operations soldiers who have been in Ukraine since 2022 to train Ukrainian troops.




Do People Value Money Because They Need It to Pay Taxes?

06/02/2023 Robert P. Murphy Per Bylund

Per Bylund joins Bob to discuss his new paper at the QJAE, which points out several flaws in the MMT claim that money is valued in order to pay taxes.



Hillary-E-Mails enthüllen, dass die NATO Gaddafi tötete, um die libysche Einführung einer goldgedeckten Währung zu verhindern

Antiilluminaten TV May 30, 2023

Während Frankreich an der Spitze der Befürworter der Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats stand, mit der eine Flugverbotszone in Libyen eingerichtet werden sollte, behauptete es, sein ……………………



Modi and Lula, done dealing with Zelensky. BRICS new currency



Dies ist das wichtigste Video, das Sie in diesem Jahr sehen werden

uncut-news.ch Mai 29, 2023

Anfang dieses Monats fand im Europäischen Parlament der Internationale Covid-Gipfel statt. Einer der Redner war Dr. David Martin, der den Saal mit seiner Rede umgehauen hat.




What is the Tooth – to – Tail Ratio for Ukrainian Troops

4 June 2023 by Larry Johnson

One fact that is common to all modern military forces is that only a small percentage of the total number of soldiers are actually engaged in combat. At least that is the theory. The …………………….



SITREP 6/3/23: West Stymied by Strong Russian Economic Showing

Simplicius The Thinker 04.06.2023

Today, we start with some economic news. There has been a spate of recent headlines decrying Russia’s economic elasticity and resilience:

Several outlets this week are crying woe because they’ve crunched the numbers and have …………………..



The Battle of Bakhmut: Postmortem

Russo-Ukrainian War Update Big Serge 02.06.2023

On May 20th, PMC Wagner forced Ukrainian troops out of their last remaining position within the city limits of Bakhmut, consequentially bringing about the nominal end of the largest battle of the 21st century (so far). Bakhmut has been the most substantial locus of ……………….



Can Trump End the Ukraine War in 24 hrs?

This war could be ended in 24 hours.

(1) stop all money going to Ukraine,

(2) threaten to freeze all their assets,




Biden Wants Sanctions for Uganda Because Its Government Passed Anti-LGBT Laws

06/02/2023 Ryan McMaken

In an excellent display of how US foreign policy can be used as a means of pandering to domestic interest groups, the Biden administration has threatened to impose sanctions on Uganda as punishment for that regime’s adoption of new laws criminalizing some types of ……………………



The Whiskey Rebellion: A Model for Our Time?

06/03/2023 Murray N. Rothbard

In recent years, Americans have been subjected to a concerted assault upon their national symbols, holidays, and anniversaries. Washington’s Birthday has been forgotten, and ……………………



Die Grünen schmieren ab – doch der nächste große Hammer kommt erst noch

Für Robert Habeck geht es in den Umfragen weiter bergab – genauso wie für seine Grünen. Die AfD ist derweil im Aufschwung, sie kommt auf 17 bis 18 Prozent. Nur: Warum eigentlich? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich FOCUS-online-Chefkorrespondent Ulrich Reitz.




Interview: The Fall of Western Civilization

Martin Armstrong returns to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth Podcast to discuss: what Socrates is saying about the 2024 election, the likelihood that CBDCs will not succeed based on what …………..



‚Artificial Intelligence‘ Is (Mostly) Glorified Pattern Recognition

This somewhat funny narrative about an ‚Artificial Intelligence‘ simulation by the U.S. airforce appeared yesterday and got widely picked up by various mainstream media:

However, perhaps one of the most fascinating presentations came from Col Tucker ‘Cinco’ Hamilton, the Chief of AI Test and Operations, USAF, who provided an insight into the benefits and hazards in more ……………………..



Aftermath of Bakhmut, Zelensky’s Worst Enemies, & the US Empire Strikes Back in Asia



Russia Prepares Capture Marinika, UK Wallace Admit West Arsenal Exhausted: Orban: Ukr Offensive Fail



Is the US Banking Crisis Over? It Has Barely Begun

06/02/2023 Frank Shostak

According to some commentators, the US banking crises is over, or at least can be easily managed by the Federal Reserve System. In addition, the Fed chairman has vouched for the health of the US banking sector.




The Fed Is Insolvent, and That’s a Bad Thing

06/01/2023Ryan McMaken Alex J. Pollock

On this first episode of the Fed Watch Podcast, Ryan McMaken and Senior Fellow Alex Pollock talk about how the Federal Reserve has negative cash flow. The Fed will print money



The Fed’s Capital Goes Negative

04/04/2023 Alex J. Pollock

The Federal Reserve’s new report of its balance sheet shows that in the approximately six months ended March 29 it has racked up a remarkable $44 billion of cumulative operating ……………………



Who Owns Federal Reserve Losses and How Will They Impact Monetary Policy?

06/23/2022 Paul H. Kupiec Alex J. Pollock

Among Federal Reserve officials and many economists, it is fashionable to argue that any losses the Federal Reserve should suffer, no matter how large, will have no operational ……………………



Why the Fed Is Bankrupt and Why That Means More Inflation

01/17/2023 Ryan McMaken

In 2011, the Federal Reserve invented new accounting methods for itself so that it could never ……………………..



Bakhmut, Odessa, Kharkiv and Kyiv fall under Russian control and authority | Douglas Macgregor



Die FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan FleischhauerKlassenkampf gegen die da unten: Die Elite-Kinder der „Letzten Generation“

Früher wurde die Arbeiterklasse noch als revolutionäres Subjekt bewundert. Heute steht sie dank der Klimabewegung für alles, was man zu verachten gelernt hat: billiges Essen, billige ……………………



Speaker McCarthy’s Rotten Deal….

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner June 3, 2023

If there was ever any doubt, now we know: Speaker Kevin McCarthy has straw for brains and a Twizzlers stick for a backbone. He was within perhaps a few days of breaking the iron grip of America’s fiscal doomsday machine, yet inexplicably he turned tail and threw in the towel …………………..



Despite U.S. Denials…. Kiev Regime Hasn’t Gone Rogue With Strikes on Moscow – It’s an Obedient Cat’s Paw

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture June 3, 2023

Moscow’s dilemma is how to show its Western aggressor that playing with fire means getting burned – without inciting a catastrophic Third World War.

If the United States and its NATO lackeys really wanted to avoid a direct war with Russia, ………….



Who Can You Trust?

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com June 3, 2023

“I’m sick and tired of hearing Democrats whining about Joe Biden’s age. The man knows how to govern. Just shut up and vote to save Democracy.” — Rob Reiner, Hollywood savant

Perhaps you’re aware that the World Health Organization (WHO) is cooking up a plan to …………………….



The Biggest Problem With The Western Left Is That It Doesn’t Exist

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com June 3, 2023

The biggest problem with the western left is that it doesn’t exist.

To look at leftist discourse you’d think the left’s biggest problem is that some leftists have the …………………..



The Storm Before the Storm

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse June 3, 2023

I really don’t know anyone that would argue that the U.S. economy is in great shape right now.  Inflation is out of control, large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over the ……………………..



A Nation of Junkies: The Empty Future of a Stimulus-Speculation Economy

June 1, 2023

Now that the US economy is totally dependent on trillions of dollars in stimulus and speculative gains reaped from the stimulus, there is no Real Economy left to pick up the ………………



Scott Ritter – Is the Biden Team Delusional about Ukraine War?



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