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Wenn Plündern für eine Gruppe in der Gesellschaft zur Lebensart wird, schafft sie im Laufe der Zeit ein Rechtssystem, das dies legalisiert, und einen Moralkodex, der es glorifiziert.

— Frédéric Bastiat

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Land ohne Mut. Eine Anleitung für die Rückkehr zu Wissenschaft und Rechtsordnung

Rezension zu Michael Esfelds neuem Buch: “Land ohne Mut. Eine Anleitung für die Rückkehr zu Wissenschaft und Rechtsordnung”

Antony P. Mueller 26. Juni 2023




The Neocons & Endless Wars & Endless Corruption

I reported that the Pentagon admits that “due to accounting errors,” they




Money Supply Growth Falls to Depression-Era Levels for Second Month in April

06/23/2023 Ryan McMaken

Money supply growth fell again in April, plummeting further into negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years.  April’s drop ………………..



Russia Crises Reveals Cracks in Putin – Blinken

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice June 27, 2023

“Russia Crisis Reveals Real Cracks in Putin’s Authority”





Rich Country, Poor Country. Why the Differences?

06/23/2023 Lipton Matthews

The scourge of poverty wounding citizens in the developing world has provoked much discussion in affluent countries. Quite unreasonably, rich countries have been indicted for ………………..



Prigozhin’s Farce Is Over And It Is Clear Who Has Won

The Prigozhin’s insurrection farce is over. I had predicted that it would not take long to end:

In twelve or so hours things are likely to have calmed down.

About eight hours after I published the above Prigozhin had given up and left the scene.




Was Prigozhin’s Mutiny a Western Intelligence Op Derailed by Russia’s Spies?

26 June 2023 by Larry Johnson

There is still no consensus about the motive for Yevgeny Prigozhin’s and there is a lot of speculation. Some have posed the false dichotomy of having to choose “real coup” versus …………………



Putin Talks Erdogan re Prigozhin; Reassures China; Ukr Standstill; US Calls Xi Jinping Dictator



My Long Journey to Rothbardian Sobriety

06/24/2023 George Ford Smith

Everything possible is done to prevent the fraud of the monetary system from being exposed to the masses who suffer from it.

—Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), before the US House of Representatives, February 15, 2006




Who Will We Really Be Voting For in 2024 if Biden Runs?

by Lawrence Kadish June 26, 2023

Key turning points in American history have taken place when the then-vice president of the United States has suddenly found himself as the nation’s chief executive.




Die bittere Bilanz von Corona: Der Staat kann den Deutschen die Freiheit nehmen, solange er sie mit Geld ruhigstellt

Politik und Medien haben in der Pandemie viele Fehler gemacht. Den Bürgern wurden mehr Freiheiten genommen als zwingend erforderlich. Ungeimpfte wurden stigmatisiert. Heute ………………….



Weaponization of Politics, an American Tradition

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute June 27, 2023

President Donald Trump is hardly the first political figure who has had the legal and policy processes weaponized against him. In fact, there is a long and shameful history of US …………………



How the Flu „disappeared“ during the Covid era

The Flu did not disappear, it was simply rebranded as Covid. With further commentary from the longtime lead scientist of the CDC’s molecular diagnostic laboratory. Jordan Schachtel, 23.06.2023

One of the biggest mysteries of “the pandemic” involves the supposed disappearance of the ………………….



The Palestinians No One Talks About

by Bassam Tawil June 27, 2023

Even if the anti-Israel activists are made aware that Palestinian students living under the Palestinian Authority are being hauled off and tortured by their own leaders, they are not …………………..



Egypt’s Couch Party Overturned Election Coup – Could US Do the Same?

By Wayne Lusvardi June 27, 2023

“Release from slavery came ‘out of Egypt’” – paraphrase Book of Acts, Christian New Testament




Dems, Media Prove Anew Their ‘Flexibility’ on Russia

By Jack Cashill

Lacking either a moral compass or a consistent foreign policy, Democrats and their fellow travelers in the media have been guided in recent years by what they call “Rahm’s Rule” — in brief, “never let a serious crisis go to waste.”




The Corruption of POTUS, SCOTUS and SCROTUS

June 25, 2023

Until we reach that point of social transformation, we’re passengers on a ship of state doomed by rampant, systemic corruption and the collapse of moral standards and the rule of law.



Prigozhin’s Gambit—Treason by any other name

Scott Ritter 24.06.2023

In the 1997 Disney animated musical fantasy film, Hercules, there is a particularly catchy number, Zero to Hero, which describes the rise of the star of the film from a clumsy boy into ………….



The Endless Lies Democrats Tell in Defense of Their Failed Californian Utopia

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us June 27, 2023

This past week California governor Gavin Newsom appeared on Fox News to …………………….



How Does an Emergency Crisis Affect a City (If such an event happened, most people wouldn’t remain in the city they reside in for very long. Those of us who live in metropolitan areas are dependent on the things that come with it.)

zollie21 June 25, 2023

When you talk with people about crisis preparedness (be it in regards to natural disasters, economic collapse, terrorist attack, or whatever) you quickly realize that most folks have the …………….



Australia Keeps Escalating Its Censorship and Propaganda Campaign

By Caitlin Johnstone  CaitlinJohnstone.com June 27, 2023

There’s a frenzied rush by the Australian political/media class to both propagandise Australians as quickly as possible into supporting preparations for war with China, and to ram through legislation that facilitates …………………



Aftermath of the Endless War-Gen. Wesley Clark on Avoiding the Next Quagmire




INTERVIEW: Blowhard runs out of puff | MOATS with George Galloway Ep 250



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