Wenn die Staatsgewalt den Rechtsstaat zerstört
Von Antony P. Mueller.
Michael Esfeld hat ein Buch vorgelegt, das nicht nur für Spezialisten gedacht ist. Er sieht in der Machtballung in der Hand der staatlichen Zwangsgewalt das zentrale Problem unserer Zeit und denkt über Lösungen nach. Eine Rezension.
Digital Revolution, Corporate Medicine, and Infinitely Expanding Racism
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org June 30, 2023
The digital revolution is inconsistent with human freedom. The digital revolution gives governments powers to spy and to control that are complete. There is no privacy, and no ……………………….
I previously wrote that WOKE is by no means establishing EQUALITY – it is creating racism which is unconstitutional. This entire agenda is total nonsense. Gays are now being ………………………
Ukr Southern Offensive Stuck, Ukr Refocus Bakhmut, Rus Claims Kramatorsk Strike Killed Ukr Generals
Anatomy of Storm Shadow Interception
30.06.2023 Simplicius The Thinker
I had originally meant to write this up before all the Wagner lunacy occurred. Now we have another lull, so it’s perfect timing to delve into some interesting technical breakdowns.
Understanding the Wagner Private Military Company
29 June 2023 by Larry Johnson
There is a massive misunderstanding about the Wagner PMC. I want to try to clear up some of the confusion and erroneous assumptions.
Brian Berletic: Putin CHECKMATES Prigozhin, Prepares Ukraine’s Demise
The Trouble with the Constitution and the „Social Contract“
06/28/2023 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
Politics is of its very nature biased in favor of intervention and planning. Even in its “minarchist” or “night-watchman” version, politics is based at root on the idea that some ………………….
“Russia is Stronger Than Ever” – How U.S. Sanctions Against Russia Backfired
Scott Ritter – Ukraine To Challenge the Russian Air Force
By Douglas Macgregor Col
June 30, 2023
Freigeklagt: Die Geheimakte Corona-Expertenrat
Von Dezember 2021 bis April 2023 tagte der Corona-Expertenrat der Bundesregierung. Der Arzt …………………..
Holländische Regierung zwingt künftig Bürger zu Migrantenaufnahme in den eigenen vier Wänden!
- 07. 2022
Ebenso wie die seit Wochen andauernden Bauernproteste, so ging auch eine überaus brisante …………………..
Climate Change Propaganda Roundup
Bankers Announce Plans to Confiscate Private Property For Climate Change
By Ben Bartee The Daily Bell June 30, 2023
Douglas Macgregor: Russia’s Latest Attack | 1,000,000 Russian soldiers marching to the Polish border
Breaking/Broken News You Might Have Missed
June 29, 2023 Sometimes the news isn’t breaking, it’s broken.
The Mule Shows Why the Drug War Will Never Be Won
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation June 30, 2023
Last night, I watched The Mule, the drug-war movie on Netflix that was produced and directed by Clint Eastwood. It was the second time I’ve seen the movie.
Pakistan’s Genocide
by Uzay Bulut June 30, 2023
„The conflict resulted in the massacre of an estimated three million East Pakistani citizens, the ethnic cleansing of 10 million ethnic Bengalis who fled to India, and the rape of at least 200,000 women (some estimates put the number of rape victims at closer to 400,000).“ — …………………..
52 Prozent der Deutschen fühlen sich „machtlos“
Von Marco Gallina Fr, 30. Juni 2023
Laut einer Umfrage haben immer mehr Deutsche das Gefühl, keinen Einfluss darauf zu ……………………
Dan Ellsberg’s Parting Plea: Don’t Wait
By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com June 30, 2023
Sam Adams Associates for Integrity honored the late Dan Ellsberg with our annual award for …………………
Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead of ‘Ukraine’
By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com June 30, 2023
President Biden accidentally referred to Putin’s war in “Iraq” when answering questions from the press, a year after former president George W Bush made the same gaffe. Both men played crucial roles in the ……………..
Geopolitical Evolution
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney June 30, 2023
The increasing number of nations seeking to join BRICS brings geopolitics into the spotlight. At the time of writing, existing members, those who have applied to join and those expressing ……………………..
Transhumanism: Elitists And Their Detractors
Posted By: Danica Thiessen via Panda June 29, 2023
Indeed, dissent to Transhumanism comes from “those who dislike being told that the future belongs to the posthuman rather than to themselves and their offspring.” Resistance is never ……………………
How US States Could Pave the Way for Currency Competition
06/29/2023 Allain L. de la Motte
The US dollar has been the world reserve currency since 1944. At the Bretton Woods Conference, the dollar was pegged to gold and every other currency was pegged to the dollar. ………………….
Stefan Homburg über die Geheimprotokolle der Corona-Experten
Professor Stefan Homburg gehört zu den prominentesten und fundiertesten Kritikern der Coronapolitik in Deutschland. Die Achse bat ihn, die soeben freigeklagten Geheimprotokolle des regierungsamtlichen Corona-Expertenrates für unsere Leser zusammenfassend zu kommentieren. Das Resümee ist erschütternd.
Grüner Hofreiter beim Heucheln erwischt
More Evidence that Prigozhin’s Mutiny Was Backed by the West
28 June 2023 by Larry Johnson
Got a big belly laugh out courtesy of Bojan Pancevski, a European based correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, who wrote the article,
Ukraine SitRep: Prigozhin Affair – Kramatorsk Missile Attack
There is still some fallout from the Prigozhin affair.
The U.S. propaganda campaign that falsely claims that Russia
Die Narcos von Bergen-Enkheim
Eine Anti-Mafia-Operation zeigt, wie aus einer unscheinbaren Pizzeria weltweit Drogengeschäfte eingefädelt wurden. Die Spuren führen bis hinter die Kulissen eines Putschversuchs in Guinea-Bissau. Von David Klaubert 23.06.2023
Putin Confirms MoD Funded Wagner, Ukr No Breakthroughs; Blinken Beijing Fails, US China Prepare War
Housing Prices Are Falling As Reality Sinks In
06/28/2023 Doug French
The local paper’s headline posed the question, “Do renters have the upper hand in Las Vegas ……………….
Thüringer AfD nennt Demokratiecheck für Sesselmann „Humbug und Skandal“
Der AfD-Kandidat Robert Sesselmann gewinnt das Amt des Landrats im Kreis Sonneberg. Der Politologe Wolfgang Schroeder nennt mögliche Ursachen, warum Rechtspopulismus in ………………..
Radical Decentralization Was the Key to the West’s Rise to Wealth and Freedom
06/26/2023 Ryan McMaken
It is not uncommon to encounter political theorists and pundits who insist that political centralization is a boon to economic growth. In both cases, it is claimed the presence of a …………………
The MMT-and-Bailey Fallacy
06/27/2023 Rudolph Kohn
One hears this kind of thing from modern monetary theory (MMT) advocates whenever their economic theories are attacked: “We say not spending constrained,” they grumble, “We don’t ……………….
Putin Wins – on All Counts
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture June 28, 2023
When the lightning of History strikes, better cut to the chase in our first draft.
When in Rome
By Jeff Thomas International Man June 28, 2023
Over its last one hundred years, the State steadily devalued the currency by 98%
The high cost of government—particularly, growing entitlements and perpetual warfare, coupled with a diminished number of taxpayers, led the government to massive debt, to the point that it could not be ……………
Sea Monsters Threaten the World With Their Tridents
By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com June 28, 2023
Sometimes you wake up from a dream to realize it is telling you to pay close attention to the depth of its message, especially when it is linked to what you have been thinking about for days. I have just come up from a dream in which I went down to the cellar of the house I ……………………
Was Prigozhin’s Rebellion Live or Memorex?
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 28, 2023
After this weekend’s whirlwind events in Russia we’re left with a lot more questions than answers about what happened with Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion against Moscow. I’m not here to answer any of those questions definitively because we’ll ………………….
China’s Saboteurs Are Coming to America
by Gordon G. Chang June 29, 2023
There is now a Chinese invasion of the U.S. homeland.
Chinese migrants are entering the United States on foot at the southern border. Almost all are desperate, seeking a better life for themselves and their children. Some, however, are coming to commit acts of sabotage.
RACISM – The Founding of the Americas By Russians and Asians
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice June 28, 2023
Education at the k-12 level has dropped precipitously over the last 3 years. Much of the decline is led by a lack of degreed teachers who specialize in the three R’s; reading, ‘riting, …………………..
Coup Coo
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com June 28, 2023
“At exactly the point of the AFU’s weakest moment and near-collapse on the battlefield he chose to strike Russia in the back as if obviously driven by a hidden hand.”
Last Warning To Ukraine | Prigozhin breaks his silence on the mercenary rebellion in Russia
Has Russia Been Degraded Enough?
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation June 28, 2023
American interventionists undoubtedly finished the weekend in a deep depression over the fact that Russia did not devolve into a full-scale civil war. With Wagner Group’s leader ……………………….
Testament für junge Menschen: „Meine Schwester kriegt das Passwort für mein Instagram-Profil“
Auch als junger Mensch sollte man ein Testament verfassen. Selbst dann, wenn man kein ………………..
Yes, the U.S. Economy Contnues To Move in the Wrong Direction
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse June 28, 2023
Despite so much evidence to the contrary, the Biden administration continues to insist that the U.S. economy is on the right track. But is that really true? Thanks to the Federal Reserve, ………………..
Insanity Nation II; Beneath ‘The Rise of The Hoodies’
By Capt. Randall June 28, 2023
After posting my observations on the widespread wearing of “hoodies”, I dug deeper into the origins and overt symptoms of mass anxiety. I stitched together long forgotten psychological studies, the effects of covid lockdowns/distancing, the advent of impersonal electronic …………………..
Bund lässt 755 Millionen Masken verbrennen
Von Mario Thurnes Di, 27. Juni 2023
Eine Aufarbeitung der Corona-Maßnahmen bleibt in Berlin unerwünscht. Inhaltlich. Doch der Bund kommt nicht daran vorbei, die Scherben wegzuräumen. Karl Lauterbach etwa lässt nun 755 Millionen Masken verbrennen.
Wer kommt, wenn Friedrich Merz geht
Von Mario Thurnes Di, 27. Juni 2023
Friedrich Merz wollte die AfD halbieren. Mit diesem Ziel ist der Vorsitzende der CDU nach gut anderthalb Jahren grandios gescheitert. Die Ersten rufen nach Rücktritt. Doch die Frage lautet: Wer kommt dann?
Wofür steht der Umfaller Friedrich Merz?
Von Josef Kraus Di, 27. Juni 2023
Kaum eine Woche vergeht, in der Merz sich nicht von jemanden, von sich selbst oder von eigenen gemachten Aussagen distanziert. Kaum eine Woche vergeht, in der er wieder einmal falsch verstanden wurde. Allein die letzten paar Tage belegen erneut, in welchem Maße Merz ………………
Zahlencheck: Die Hitzepanik beruht auf heißer Luft
Kontinuierlich über längere Zeiträume erhobene Wetter-Daten zeigen allenfalls geringfügige Temperatur-Anstiege. Auch die Informationen des Gesundheitsministeriums, des Deutschen …………………