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Wenn es ernst wird, muss man lügen.

— Jean-Claude Juncker

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Is Moscow Burning As Prigozhin’s Vast Network of Side Businesses is Exposed?

2 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Remember the book and movie, Is Paris Burning?




Putin’s Corporate Takeover of Wagner Has Begun

Attempts to grab the reins of companies will be a test of his power

By Joe Parkinson, Benoit Faucon and Drew Hinshaw July 2, 2023 3:20 pm ET




Epstein Threatened To Reveal Gates’ Alleged Affair With Russian Bridge Player: Report

Jon Dougherty May 22, 2023

Another chapter in the ongoing saga involving the disgraceful life of late financier Jeffrey Epstein played out in a news report over the weekend.




BREAKING: Billionaire Elon Musk Gives A Firm Warning To Former Clients Of Jeffrey Epstein And Associates; “We Heard More About Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock Than We Heard About Ghislaine Maxwell’s Trial”

Josh Cohen May 12, 2022




Adam Schiff Accused of Leaking Classified Info: ‘A Felony’

Martin Walsh June 6, 2023

Former House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff allegedly leaked highly classified information so frequently that a former CIA director claimed he was forced to limit ………………….



Did the Supreme Court Properly Rule in Moore v Harper?

There will be repercussions from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that rejected a GOP-led …………………..



How a reckless report could increase the chance of a crisis with China

A new study from the Council on Foreign Relations on US Taiwan policy is both dangerous and misleading. June 29, 2023 Michael D. Swaine, Jake Werner and James Park




More Truth About World War II

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. July 3, 2023

Last week I noted some facts that puncture the myth of the neocons who control the government that World War II was the “good war,” a battle of good against evil, that shows …………………..



Aus der Mitte Frankreichs

Vor einer Woche erst war in den französischen Medien das Wort Bürgerkrieg auf allen Kanälen, der drohende Bürgerkrieg in Russland. Heute bezieht sich das selbe Wort auf das ………………….



Die Ruhe vor dem Bürgerkrieg – auch bei uns?

In Paris, Marseille oder Nizza sehen wir gerade bürgerkriegsähnliche Szenen. In deutschen Städten herrscht auch eine Art Bürgerkrieg, dort werden Geländegewinne jedoch meist (noch) auf dem Verhandlungsweg erzielt. Das fühlt sich friedlicher an, aber der Staat weicht so vor …………………..



Tension over Zaporozhzhye NPP Grows, Ukraine Demands NATO Entry; Russia Huge Tank Production



Jedem seine „AfD“ – CDU-Agenda für Deutschland

Von Peter Hahne Mo, 3. Juli 2023

Mir raucht der Kopf vor lauter Grübeln. Und das in dieser Gluthitze. Berlin mittags 21 Grad, und das im Juli. Puuuuuh! Was hatten wir’s 2003 doch gut, da waren’s nur 42,6 Grad im …………………….



Mateusz Morawiecki: Wir wollen solche Szenen nicht auf polnischen Straßen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Sa, 1. Juli 2023

Es ist ein Aufstand der Unwissenden, so mag man sich trösten. Aber sie rufen die Mobilisierung der letzten Sicherheitsreserven Frankreichs hervor. Ihre Aggression richtet sich ………………….



Frankreich: Bürgermeister angegriffen, Polizisten fordern Durchsetzung des Rechts

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 2. Juli 2023

In Frankreich wurde das Haus eines Bürgermeisters angegriffen. Zwei Polizeigewerkschaften fordern die Durchsetzung des Rechtsstaats und nichts weiter. Die Unruhen breiten sich ………………………



High Life – Elegy From Rome

Taki June 30, 2023

To the Eternal City for the saddest of occasions, the funeral of the mother of Taki, 17, and Maria, 15, two of my four grandchildren. Assia was of noble birth and met my son John Taki …………………..



The Breaking Point

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV July 3, 2023

This is the “angrier world” that Klaus Schwab warned us about. France has been thrown into chaos as riots rage across the country following the deadly shooting of a 17-year-old boy named Nahel M, a French citizen of North African descent, by a police officer during a traffic ………………..



The Cancer of the National-Security State

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation July 3, 2023

Suppose that after you visit your doctor for a physical examination, he informs you that you are suffering from the following ailments:




Education via AI: To Rule as Giants

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 3, 2023

Three years ago in 2019, a means for replacing colleges was introduced by a company, EvoLLLution, based out of Canada and California.   The concept is directed toward tossing ………………….



The Make-or-Break Fork in the Road Ahead

June 30, 2023 We either make the future or break the future, so choose wisely.
There is a make-or-break financial fork in the road ahead for the United States: there are only three options:



The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That’s Made the U.S. Less Secure

By Nick Hanauer and David M. Rolf

Hanauer is an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist, the founder of the public-policy incubator Civic ………………………



The Bill for America’s $50 Trillion Gluttony of Inequality Is Overdue

September 21, 2020

The battle to claw back a significant percentage of the $50 trillion is just beginning.




The Messianic Syndrome

By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier July 3, 2023

Some of you no doubt have been waiting anxiously for my diatribe focusing upon Tom Friedman’s latest column in the NY Times. Tom is the self-important, know-it-all NYT opinion writer who irritates me the most. Well here it is…




Has the Criminal Biden Regime Utterly and Totally Corrupted Medicare?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 3, 2023

We are constantly told we cannot afford Social Security and Medicare.  Fighting Russia in Ukraine is more important than the survivability of the American population.




Russia DESTROYS Ukraine’s Offensive Before It Starts w/ Brian Berletic and Mike Jones



Government Agents Routinely Entering Private Land Without Warrants

Emboldened by dangerous Supreme Court decision, agents even planting cameras on private property

Brian McGlinchey 01.07.2023

For many people, a central attraction of owning and living on a multi-acre expanse of land is ………………



Meanwhile in Other News … Ukraine Proxy War Is an Unmitigated Disaster for U.S./NATO

Strategic Culture July 3, 2023

There will be hell to pay for the U.S. and European rulers who have staked everything on their nefarious ambition for “strategic defeat of Russia.”




How To Help Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com July 3, 2023

In this video, I interview repeat guest Dr. Dale Bredesen, a neurologist specializing in the treatment of Alzheimer’s. In 2014, he published a paper1 demonstrating the power of lifestyle ………………..



The Myth of the Ukrainian Stalemate

1 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Many leaders in the West now are pushing the propaganda theme of an inevitable stalemate in the Ukraine war. In other words, Ukraine will fight Russia to a stand still. Well, that’s the ………………..



The French Riots


You said to watch France as an early warning indicator. Might Europe be on the precipice?

My family, friends, and I thank you for everything that you do.




Why the Official Data Shows There’s No Recession

07/01/2023 Daniel Lacalle

Allow me to explain why we have not seen a recession yet despite the collapse in base money supply. We are witnessing the stealth nationalization of the economy. What does this mean?




Martin Armstrong Interview



Living in a Coup with Massive Election Rigging & War – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter On June 27, 2023

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got.  His cycle work says don’t look for it to get better ……………………..



The Problem with Belloc’s Distributist Economy

06/30/2023 David Gordon

The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good
by Alexander William Salter
Catholic University of America Press, 2023; xiii + 238 pp.




Much of the World’s Oil Is Owned by Governments. There’s No Good Reason for This

06/29/2023 Adnan Al-Abbar

“It is as if the average human assumes that a coercive governance must be established or assigned despite the fact that such a government is often not very efficient or even involved in ………………….



The Real US Goal in Ukraine

By Karen Kwiatkowski July 1, 2023

US state media – the NYT, WP, NPR, and the main TV news corporations – cautiously broaches topics they refused to touch a year ago.  We are learning that Nazi and racist ………………….



Why the US Should Stop Sending Money to Zelensky

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner July 1, 2023

If the truth be told, we are getting sick and tired of the little piss-ant who runs the cease-pool of corruption, tyranny, delusion and death called Ukraine. This clown—and that’s what he is actually trained as—just can’t seem to stop stridently demanding money, arms and support ……………………



What happens in Russia after The Longest Day?

Following Wagner’s ‘rebellion’ – which was nothing more than a blatant coup attempt, and a PR stunt demonstrated by Prighozin’s top-notch theatrics – NATO and the Collective West’s excitement over the possibility of Russia descending into chaos and civil war were quickly turned into utter disappointment.

By Pepe Escobar June 27 2023




A Matryoshka of Psyops: And Why General Armageddon Is Not Going Anywhere

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture July 1, 2023

The main problem faced by Russia is not the Hegemon and NATO: it’s domestic, Pepe Escobar writes.




The Fall of Affirmative Action?

By Ron Unz The Unz Review July 1, 2023

By most accounts, the 6-3 Supreme Court decision




The Long, Hot Summer

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 1, 2023

“Vladimir Putin is clearly losing the War in Iraq.” — “Joe Biden,” US President

Russian Revolution Two kicked off the long, hot summer freak show of 2023. Unlike Russian ……………………



Can Taiwan Prevent a US-China War Over Taiwan?

By Walter E. Block The Savvy Street July 1, 2023

The world’s eyes are now focused on Russia and Ukraine. And with good reason. These two nations are now involved in a hot war with each other, and there are fears that it might spread …………………



Marxist Communism in US: Gestalt, New School, Rockefeller

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 1, 2023

Our only sources for Disease Cases is WHO which powers over the CDC and NIH.   They …………………….



Seminar for Peace in Asia Stocked With Card-Carrying Globalist Operatives

By Emanuel Pastreich Fear No Evil July 1, 2023

I received invitation today from Joseph Gerson, president of NGO Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security, inviting me to attend this online seminar concerning the ………………



The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed

John J. Mearsheimer 23.06.2023

This paper examines the likely trajectory of the Ukraine war moving forward.


I will address two main questions.




Judge Napolitano Hosts Mini-Round Table with Ray Mcgovern and Me

30 June 2023 by Larry Johnson



SITREP 6/30/23: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit

01.07.2023 Simplicius The Thinker

Well, there’s been a bit of a lull like a post-manic-high comedown after the events of Prigozhin’s Revolt. Partly, it’s owed to what Western press is claiming to be bad weather on ……………………



Ukraine’s Zaluzhny Is Back And Asking For More Weapons

Last December the commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, talked with The Economist. He asked for more weapons which, he said, would allow him to throw the Russian forces out of Ukraine:




The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to charge Trump with inside …………………



Col Macgregor & PBD: Russian Senior Officers are ending it all



Scott Ritter: Putin Won the Coup and Will Win the War



Greta rettet mit Selenskyj in der Ukraine das Klima mit westlichen Panzern?



“Russian Troops On The Polish Border” – What Would Happen if Ukraine Joins NATO



Supreme Court Moves Us Closer to A Colorblind Society

by Alan M. Dershowitz June 30, 2023

Although this decision was split along current conservative-liberal lines, with the court’s three liberals dissenting, it actually reflects traditional liberalism. Justice William Douglas, perhaps ………………



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