Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Journalismus ist, etwas zu veröffentlichen, was andere nicht wollen, dass es veröffentlicht wird. Alles andere ist Propaganda.

— George Orwell (1903 – 1950)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Kein Handschlag mit Bündnis Deutschland

Von Marco Gallina Do, 6. Juli 2023

In Bremen exerzieren Rote und Grüne antidemokratische Spiele gegen die Opposition. Die „demokratischen Parteien“ dulden keine Mitbewerber. Ein Schreiben des Vorsitzenden des Bündnis Deutschland an die SPD bleibt bisher unbeantwortet.




Robert Habeck, treten Sie zurück

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 6. Juli 2023

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat ein Urteil gesprochen, das ein Schlag ins Gesicht von Robert Habeck ist: Das Heizungsgesetz darf nicht in dem Tempo in den Bundestag gebracht ……………………



Scott Ritter: Russia is Ready to FINISH Ukraine as NATO Rejects Peace Negotiations



Deutschland schafft sich ab!



Ukraine Changes War Tactic To One That Will Cause It More Losses

After a month of failed attempts to reach the Russian defense lines the Ukrainian side is stuck. Its forces are unable to even cross the security zone in front of the Russian lines. The long …………………….



Judge Napolitano and I Discuss CIA Director Burns’ Disconnect From Reality

5 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Whew! Good to have the internet whirring along like it is supposed to. No more frozen face or garbled voice. The Judge was intrigued by my latest diatribe on the nuttiness of CIA Director Bill Burns. Guys like Burns befuddle me. He has a gold-plated education. He does ………………..



Western Media Prepping Nuclear False Flag.. and Thermonuclear War

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture July 6, 2023

For rolling days, just turn off CNN, Fox, BBC, New York Times, Guardian, Times, and so on.




Remembering the Dead White Founders

Happy Independence Day in America 2.0

04.07.2023 Donald Jeffries

Another Independence Day is here. There will be fireworks, hamburgers, hot dogs, people getting drunk. I guess people still get drunk on holidays. Most Americans realize that July 4 ………………….



Why Has the Entire Western World Abandoned Justice?

A Truthful Account of Julian Assange’s “crime”

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 6, 2023

Julian Assange has been harassed on false charges for more than a decade and held in prison ……………………



More Than 105 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have a Job Right Now

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 6, 2023

Our long slide toward economic oblivion continues, and survey after survey has shown that most Americans are deeply unsatisfied with the current state of the U.S. economy.  Inflation is …………………….



Fake Freedom vs Real Freedom

By Ben Armstrong The New American July 6, 2023

It’s Independence Day, so let’s look at freedom.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.



BRICS to Replace the Dollar?

The goldbugs cling to everything they can to promote gold at the destruction of the dollar. They are pushing the idea that China, Russia, and other BRICS countries are developing a …………………….



The Affirmative-Action Ruling Strengthens Vast Federal „Anti-Discrimination“ Powers

07/01/2023 Ryan McMaken

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected race-based admissions in higher education at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). The ruling likely calls into question the legality of most race-based college admissions policies, ……………………



Das Verfassungsgericht kappt eine Spitze des Eisbergs

Über die Verfassungsgerichts-Entscheidung, die übereilte Beschlussfassung des Heizungsgesetzes zu untersagen, kann man sich als Zeichen eines kleinen Sieges der Vernunft durchaus freuen, doch mehr als ein kleines Zeichen ist es noch nicht. Die Grünen werden ………………………



Ein Gesetz für den Schornstein

Das sogenannte Heizungsgesetz, das vor Irrtümern und Inkonsistenzen nur so strotzt, sollte morgen durch den Bundestag gepeitscht werden. Dem hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht ……………………….



How Should We Regulate the Sun (Since Our Government Regulates Nearly Everything Else)?

07/03/2023 Connor Mortell

When we think of “solar power,” we picture a field or a roof full of glass panels churning out electricity. However, this is just a more recent development in channeling the sun’s energy. ……………………



The FTC Is Wrong about Mergers and Monopoly, Yet Again

07/05/2023 Gary Galles

President Joe Biden’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) appointees have an affinity for returning to an earlier era’s antitrust enforcement, sometimes summarized as a “big is bad” or ……………………



‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth’ Busted

Judge Bars Biden Officials, Agencies From Contacting Social Media Companies

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge July 6, 2023




Peter Schiff: A Bear Market Rally and the Supreme Court Trumps Biden

SchiffGold.com July 6, 2023

June continued a stock market rally that produced big gains through the first half of the year. But what exactly is driving this rally and is it really justified by the economic fundamentals? ……………….



Rumours Attack Zaporozhzhye NPP, Ukr Bakhmut Attack Repelled, West Cools F16s; Rus Economy Grows



The Ever-Escalating Downfall of Man Bathing in an Absence of Interest

By Gary D. Barnett July 6, 2023

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”





Should US Troops Stay in Syria?

by Lawrence A. Franklin July 5, 2023

The primary agenda of the Russian-Iranian meeting was reportedly „to discuss expelling the United States from Syria, which may indicate Russia’s intent to facilitate Iranian-backed attacks on US forces.“




Woran starb Johannes Lindner?

Der Medienmainstream verschweigt konsequent die Vierfachimpfung eines Fitnessinfluencers. Ist das die eine Lüge zuviel, die das Fass zum Überlaufen bringt? Milosz Matuschek05.07.2023




Ukraine ‚Preparing For Nuclear Explosion‘ As Russia Reduces Zaporizhzhia Plant Presence

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jul 05, 2023

Ukraine’s President Zelensky has once again been warning the public and the West that …………………



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