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Der vorherrschende Glaube an ‚soziale Gerechtigkeit‘ ist gegenwärtig wahrscheinlich die schwerste Bedrohung der meisten anderen Werte einer freien Zivilisation.

— Friedrich A. von Hayek

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Turkey’s Erdogan Betrays Putin

9 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

On the cusp of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Turkey’s President Erdogan dropped a couple of turds in the Russian punch bowl — he broke the agreement he made with Russia to …………………..



Azov Commanders Return, 6th Column Goes Crazy

10.07.2023 Simplicius The Thinker

Let’s get right to the biggest news of the day, which will have the concern-troll and 6th columnist mills in overdrive for the next week or so. Big bad Putin released the evil Azov commanders back into Ukraine:




US Sending Most Deadly of All Weapons to Ukraine That Kills More Civilian Than Soldiers

Cluster Bombs kill more civilians than soldiers and are one of the most lethal weapons that …………………..



The Criminal Hunter Biden

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. July 10, 2023

Hunter Biden is a dangerous criminal, just like his father brain-dead Joe Biden. The “sweetheart deal” he got from the Justice Department and the hands-off attitude the FBI has …………………



The Atrocious Nature of the Mindset and Actions of the Psychopathic Criminal Element of This Country

By Gary D. Barnett July 10, 2023 Donate

“The eyes of a psychopath will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I can see. Behind these eyes, one finds only blackness, the absence of light. These are of a psychopath.” Dr. Samuel Loomis




Mehr Einwanderer-Konflikte für Deutschland?

Am Wochenende sorgte das Eritrea-Festival in Gießen für gewaltsame Ausschreitungen. Anhänger und Gegner des Regimes in Eritrea tragen offenbar ihre Kämpfe jetzt zum Ärger der Bürger auch hierzulande aus, während sich die deutsche Politik vor allem darum bemüht, die Verantwortung für diese Zustände abzuschieben.




Joe Biden and His Warmongering Minions Seem Absolutely Determined To Drag America Into World War III

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 10, 2023

When the nukes start falling, nobody will be able to say that they weren’t warned.  Thanks to Joe Biden and his warmongering minions, we are steamrolling toward World War III, but …………………..



Adam Schiff Accused of Leaking Classified Info: ‘A Felony’

Martin WalshJune 6, 2023

Former House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff allegedly leaked highly classified information so frequently that a former CIA director claimed he was forced to limit …………………..



CIA Running Ukraine Blows Biden’s Bluster About No U.S. Boots on the Ground

July 10, 2023

Ukraine is ground zero for the CIA’s fascist origins

The American magazine Newsweek published a big “exclusive” report this week purporting to reveal the extent of CIA involvement in the Ukraine proxy war against Russia. It hardly …………….



Macron, NATO, and the Fate of the Empire

Part I By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns July 10, 2023

July began with a series of bangs that cannot be ignored. I’m not talking about the noise coming from both Russia and Ukraine over the ‘counter-offensive’ or who wants to blow up the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant.




All Dreams End: The Collapse of Keynesian Economics

July 7, 2023

Now that debt is rising faster than „growth,“ and „growth“ is dependent on speculative credit-asset bubbles, the collapse of the Keynesian dream looms large.



Global Pedophile Trafficking Cartel That Doesn’t Exist…

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 10, 2023

The Guardian would have us believe that child trafficking is a QAnon right wing ghost story. Yet The Guardian was front and center in the Jimmy Savile scandal that embroiled the UK in …………………



Die Identitätskrise ist im deutschen Parteienstaat System

Von Fritz Goergen Mo, 10. Juli 2023

Eine Partei, die ihre Strategie und Taktik danach ausrichtet, wie sie sich von einer anderen Partei abgrenzt, hat die Kontrolle über den eigenen Standort verloren, aufgegeben oder nie ………………….



Today in War Propaganda

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com July 10, 2023

The New York Times has a new article out with the headline “




Die Flitterwochen der Ampel sind zu Ende

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 10. Juli 2023

Christian Lindners Haushalt ist mehr als ein Zahlenwerk. Es ist das Ende der Flitterwochen der Ampel, ja rot-grüner Träume überhaupt. Die Realität zwingt die Berliner Politik nun ……………….



Ein politisches Urteil? Impfarzt Habig für falsche Pässe verurteilt

So, 9. Juli 2023

Der Mediziner Heinrich Habig wurde zu fast drei Jahren Haft verurteilt. Sein Anwalt hat Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde eingelegt. Er wirft Staatsanwaltschaft und Gericht vor, seinen Mandanten unrechtmäßig verurteilt zu haben. Auch von Beobachtern gibt es Kritik. Von ………………..



Majority Of Voters Don’t Believe Joe Biden Is In Charge: Survey

Jon DoughertyMay 5, 2023

An increasingly large number of U.S. voters are convinced that President Joe Biden is not the one who is making decisions on behalf of his administration, and that’s a problem for the ……………………



Douglas Macgregor Russia HAS WIPED THEM OUT, THIS IS IT



US Admits Out of Ammo, Provides Cluster Shells; Xi Tells Military Prepare for War, Yellen in Beijing



Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive Paints NATO into a Corner

8 July 2023 by

Is Joe Biden, on the eve of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, trying out for a part in the musical, GREASE?




Zelensky Cancels All Elections Becomes Dictator for Life

Is it true that Zelensky is canceling elections?





Cracked-Up Slobodian

07/07/2023 David Gordon

Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World without Democracy
by Quinn Slobodian Metropolitan Books, 2023; 336 pp.

Quinn Slobodian, a professor of the history of ideas at Wellesley College, has a good deal to …………………….



Cultural Change Is Necessary for Capital Development

07/07/2023 Lipton Matthews

Preserving culture is so crucial to a group’s identity that it has become sacred. For many the contents of culture don’t matter as long as they are preserved. But such a nihilistic approach to …………………..



Rothbard: The Free-Market and Antigovernment Roots of the American Revolution

By Murray N. Rothbard Mises.org July 8, 2023

Historians have long debated the precise causes of the American Revolution: Were they constitutional, economic, political, or ideological? We now realize that, being libertarians, the ………………….



Finance, Power, Integration: The SCO Welcomes a New ‘Global Globe’

Discussions at the recent SCO Summit in New Delhi now point to the inevitable: The merging of new multipolar organizations and their collective reorganization of global finance.

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle July 8, 2023




The Conspiracy Against Normality

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 8, 2023

Do your country a favor and ask yourself why the US corporate and financial world have organized to force straight Americans to celebrate sexual perversity for ONE MONTH?  Why …………………..



From The Netherlands With Love – The Agnelli Family

By Helena Glass Helena – The Nationalist Voice July 8, 2023

Yellen has arrived in China to clean up the mess after Biden called Xi Jinping a Dictator. But the real concern is ‘metals’. Metals that power semiconductors. Semiconductors that power – ………………….



Millions of Americans Are Relocating Just Prior to the Great Chaos That Is Coming

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 8, 2023

Summer is moving season for millions of Americans, and many will end up relocating to an entirely different state.  In the old days, such long distance moves were often prompted by an employment change or by a desire to be closer to family.  But now political and ideological ………………….



State of Emergency Declared in Netherlands as Rulers Attempt To Stop Farmers From Protesting

By Mac Slavo SHTF plan July 8, 2023

The Hague, the seat of the ruling class in the Netherlands, has declared a state of emergency to prevent farmers from driving their tractors into the city to protest the government’s mandatory fertilizer reduction targets. Farmers say that their rights and freedom are being trampled on by a totalitarian system of rule we ……………………..



Bashing China Has Replaced The Diplomatic Dialogue

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is currently in China where she does her best to further piss ………………..



Ukraine – Biden Again Escalates

The Washington Post says that the U.S. will now give cluster munition to Ukraine.

Biden approves cluster munition supply to Ukraine




Ukraine is doing Great, Which is Why Biden is Sending Them Cluster munitions

7 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

The Biden Administration is not good at logic. Watch Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, insist that Ukraine is doing swell and that the United States must send cluster ……………….



Failed Ukr Offensive West Split: Ex-US Diplomats Oppose Ukr NATO; Biden Gives Kiev Cluster Shells



The Backstops for Banks Are Full of Holes

Doug French, 7.7.23

First Republic, Signature Bank, and Silicon Valley Bank have all failed, and that’s not the only thing they have in common. Western Alliance Bank’s Ken Vecchione was jealous of …………………..



When Slave Owners Chose Federal Power over Local Sovereignty

Ryan McMaken 7 7.23

A recurring theme in American politics is the cynical use of federal power by those who simultaneously pretend to favor „states‘ rights“ or „local control.“ We see this today when …………………..



Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Demarcation of the Limits of State Activity

07/05/2023 Antony P. Mueller

Not many are aware that one of the greatest works against the encroachment of the state originates from a German thinker. As early as the late eighteenth century, Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835) raised the question of the general limits of state activity. Humboldt ………………..



Douglas Macgregor – Russia’s Cooperation with Nato?



Riots Again in France

by Alain Destexhe July 7, 2023

These responses — skirting due process at the highest levels of government — show the fear that the suburbs instill in those in power: the fear of a generalized conflagration, the fear of …………………



„Allmächtiger Staat“ ist eine Mahnung und passt in die Zeit

  1. Juli 2023 – von Burkhard Sievert

Das Jahr 1944 war ein Jahr für herausragende Bücher von großer zeitgeschichtlicher Bedeutung, die auch heute nichts von ihrer Relevanz verloren haben. Im englischen Original ………………



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