Überraschung in Wirecard-Skandal – Flüchtiger Marsalek meldet sich bei Gericht
Im Sommer 2020 taucht Jan Marsalek unter. Der Hauptverdächtige im Wirecard-Skandal soll sich nach Russland abgesetzt haben. Nun gibt der 43-Jährige erstmals in drei Jahren ein Lebenszeichen von sich: Über einen Brief seines Anwalts meldet er sich bei der Münchner Justiz.
Überraschung in Wirecard-Skandal: Flüchtiger Marsalek meldet sich bei Gericht – n-tv.de
Selenski’s Familie als Geisel genommen? | Ukraine erleidet enorme Verluste
Selenski’s Familie als Geisel genommen? | Ukraine erleidet enorme Verluste – YouTube
India’s Modi Meets Biden – U.S. Screw Turners Squirm Some More
By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook July 19, 2023
India’s Modi Meets Biden – U.S. Screw Turners Squirm Some More – LewRockwell
The Asinine Insanity of the ‚Climate Change‘/CO“ Hoax: Kill the Cows To Save the Earth!
By Gary D. Barnett July 19, 2023
In Sicily, Top of the Mountain, Watching the New Barbarians
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture July 19, 2023
It’s another stunning sunset in the western edge of the Sicilian coast, and I’m right in front of ……………..
In Sicily, Top of the Mountain, Watching the New Barbarians – LewRockwell
A Bit of Political Theater in Vilnius
A whining President Zelensky goes home with almost nothing but still might start World War 3
By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review July 19, 2023
A Bit of Political Theater in Vilnius – LewRockwell
The Two Causes of the Coming Great Depression
July 14, 2023
But the status quo has much to unlearn, and it seems the only pathway to a new understanding ………………
Of Two Minds – The Two Causes of the Coming Great Depression
Ukraine Black Sea Grain Deal: A Trafficking Hub
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 19, 2023
As the rhetoric goes, Russia publicly declared that they would not renew the Ukraine Black Sea Grain Deal. The Deal was launched last summer with specific guarantees to Russia – as …………………
Ukraine Black Sea Grain Deal: A Trafficking Hub – LewRockwell
Peter Schiff: Dollar Decline Means Lower Inflation Is Transitory
SchiffGold.com July 19, 2023
With the June CPI report coming in even cooler than expected, the mainstream perspective seems to be that the Federal Reserve is winning the inflation fight. But in his podcast, Peter ……………….
Dollar Decline Means Lower Inflation Is Transitory – LewRockwell
Belarus in great power politics w/ Ambassador Dmitry Mironchik, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen
Assange Exposes the Empire’s True Face
By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com July 19, 2023
Julian Assange is a journalist who’s been imprisoned for doing journalism on war crimes, by an empire ……………..
Assange Exposes the Empire’s True Face – LewRockwell
Affirmative Action: Gone But Not Forgotten
By Paul Gottfried July 17, 2023
Affirmative Action: Gone But Not Forgotten › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
European excess deaths, Dr. John Campbell
European excess deaths – YouTube
The human cost of Net Zero – The war on fossil fuels is far more dangerous than climate change
In 2021, Jeremiah Thoronka was making a name for himself in clean-energy technology. The ………………………..
The human cost of Net Zero – spiked (spiked-online.com)
Censorship through the Centuries: Free Speech Suppression by the Government and the Mainstream Media
07/17/2023 John Kennedy
The United States government, which prides itself in being the leading force in defending ……………….
In Amerika greift die Ideologie des Wokeismus um sich. Wir Europäer erhalten eine Anschauung davon, was uns erst noch bevorsteht
In Gender-, Rassismus- und Klimafragen dominieren radikale Aktivisten die Debatten. Sie sind nicht an der Lösung der Probleme interessiert, sondern an der Umsetzung einer verheerenden Utopie. Ayaan Hirsi Ali18.07.2023,
Radikaler Klimaaktivismus: Wokeiumus-Ideologie verfolgt zerstörerische Ziele (nzz.ch)
Ukraine Sitrep – Reality Defeats The War Narrative
At the beginning of the war in Ukraine I pointed out that the false narrative of ‚Ukraine is winning‘ which the ‚western‘ propaganda steadily promoted would not win the real war on the …………..
MoA – Ukraine Sitrep – Reality Defeats The War Narrative (moonofalabama.org)
18 July 2023 by Larry Johnson
To answer the question in my title you need only look at two numbers — 1) Ukraine’s rank in ……………
Ukr Attacks Kerch Bridge; Rus Retaliaton, Pulls Out Grain Deal; US, Ukraine Argue Over Offensive
Anthony Fauci accused of perjury: Former White House doctor ‚LIED under oath about funding gain-of-function research in China – which is feared to have started Covid pandemic‘, Republican Senator claims
Senator Rand Paul has reiterated calls for Fauci’s testimony to be investigated
Burisma emails and Biden Ukraine escalation
Burisma emails and Biden Ukraine escalation – YouTube
Douglas Macgregor – Ukraine Cannot Win This War: It’s Time To Negotiate With Putin
The BRICS Currency Project Picks Up Speed
07/17/2023 Thorsten Polleit
The BRICS Currency Project Picks Up Speed | Mises Wire