Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hardly anyone talks of the table of virtues and vices anymore — which includes the Seven Deadly Sins — but in reviewing them, we find that they nicely sum up the foundation of bourgeois ethics, and provide a solid moral critique of the modern state.……….we do need to observe that vices and virtues — and our conception of what constitutes proper behavior and culture generally — have a strong bearing on the rise and decline of freedom.

— Llewellynn H. Rockwell Jr.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Revelations About Biden’s $10 Million Ukraine Bribery Scheme Warrant Impeachment


At no time since the 1868 impeachment of President Andrew Johnson has an impeachment been more warranted than it is now. John DANIEL DAVIDSON


Biden’s $10 Million Ukraine Bribery Scheme Merits Impeachment (thefederalist.com)


Wie „Genosse Links-Grün“ den Teich ablässt

Wie die Gesellschaft dank links-grüner Konditionierung ethisch verroht, kann man daran erkennen, wie mit Personen umgegangen wird, denen man nur moralisches Fehlverhalten …………………..

Wie „Genosse Links-Grün“ den Teich ablässt – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


Ein Tag im Leben der Ferda A.

Sie hatte eine Mission zu erfüllen. Je mehr Diskriminierung sie hier anprangern konnte, desto besser. Sie wollte ja nicht an dem Ast sägen, auf dem sie sehr bequem saß.

„Allaaaaaaaaaahu ak-barr!“ Ihr ganz spezieller Klingelton für den Wecker, immer wieder ein …………….

Ein Tag im Leben der Ferda A. – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


Rand Paul: We Have Referred Fauci to DOJ for Prosecution for Lying to Congress

20 Jul 2023

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News Daily he has referred Dr. Anthony Fauci for prosecution, explaining that the former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief lied during his testimony before Congress.


Rand Paul: We Have Referred Fauci to DOJ for Prosecution for Lying to Congress (breitbart.com)


Mises and Nationalism


David Gordon

Nationalism is a potent force in the modern world, and it is not surprising that some ………………….

Mises and Nationalism | Mises Wire


Grassley Releases Bombshell FBI Doc Discussing $10MM Biden Bribe; Burisma Boss Said Hunter ‚Dumber Than His Dog‘


Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has released a bombshell FBI document dated July 30,2020, …………………..

Grassley Releases Bombshell FBI Doc Discussing $10MM Biden Bribe; Burisma Boss Said Hunter ‚Dumber Than His Dog‘ | ZeroHedge


How East Germany’s Stasi Perfected Mass Surveillance

07/21/2023 Andrea Togni

The state has a monopoly on violence. However, abusive repression harms government credibility and alienates public support in the long run. A more subtle and effective way to ……………..

How East Germany’s Stasi Perfected Mass Surveillance | Mises Wire


A Russian Offensive Pushing Across The Rest of Eastern Ukraine

A Russian Offensive Pushing Across The Rest of Eastern Ukraine – YouTube


Unmask the Deep State’s Bipartisan Agenda for More War

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner July 22, 2023


Unmask the Deep State’s Bipartisan Agenda for More War – LewRockwell


What does the Coming Movie ‚Napoleon‘ Signal About the 2024 Election?

By Wayne Lusvardi July 22, 2023

“Came from Nothing…Conquered Everything” – film motif, “Napoleon”, November 2023


What does the Coming Movie ‚Napoleon‘ Signal About the 2024 Election? – LewRockwell


Intervention vs Prevention

Bad Boy Bad Boy, Whatcha gonna do when the next pandemic comes for you?

By Capt. Randall July 22, 2023


Intervention vs Prevention – LewRockwell


FED Now Is LIVE and the Framework Is in Place for CBDCs

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper July 22, 2023

Yesterday, with a bit of fanfare but not TOO much fanfare, a “wonderful” new


FedNow Is LIVE and the Framework Is in Place for CBDCs – LewRockwell


Priest to Pope Francis: I Accuse You of Heresy and Humbly Plead That You Correct Your Ways

As for the people I accuse, I do not know them, I have never seen them, I have no grudge or hatred against them. And the action I am taking here is merely a public ……………….

Priest to Pope Francis: I Accuse You of Heresy and Humbly Plead That You Correct Your Ways – LewRockwell


Taking Back the Meaning of „Inflation“


Taking Back the Meaning of „Inflation“ | Mises Wire


How People Determine the Value of a Good


How People Determine the Value of a Good | Mises Wire


The Dead End of Catholic Nationalism

07/20/2023 Ryan McMaken


The Dead End of Catholic Nationalism | Mises Wire


The Downfall of Blobism

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 22, 2023

“If it weren’t for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all.” — Jeff Childers of the Coffee and Covid blog


The Downfall of Blobism – LewRockwell


Something Amiss

There is a war happening in Europe that is, interestingly, no longer mentioned on the first two screens of the front pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times.


MoA – Something Amiss (moonofalabama.org)


Strelkov’s Vatic Fantasy Fulfilled as He’s Taken Into Custody

Simplicius -the -thinker 22.07.2023

Today, Igor Girkin aka Strelkov was arrested under Section 2 of Article 280 for ‘public …………………..

Strelkov’s Vatic Fantasy Fulfilled as He’s Taken Into Custody (substack.com)



21 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Putin held a video conference on Thursday with members of Russia’s Security Council. I hope folks in the West pay attention to what he said, which is why I’m presenting the entirety …………….

Putin Issues Stark Warning to Poland and NATO – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


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