Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hardly anyone talks of the table of virtues and vices anymore — which includes the Seven Deadly Sins — but in reviewing them, we find that they nicely sum up the foundation of bourgeois ethics, and provide a solid moral critique of the modern state.……….we do need to observe that vices and virtues — and our conception of what constitutes proper behavior and culture generally — have a strong bearing on the rise and decline of freedom.

— Llewellynn H. Rockwell Jr.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Crucial CBDC’s with Professor Richard Werner: YOUR Future is Being Decided!

Crucial CBDC’s with Professor Richard Werner: YOUR Future is Being Decided! – YouTube


Hunter Biden Expected To Face Up To 10 Criminal Referrals, Here Are The Top Bombshells From Last Week


The Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, James Comer (R-KY), …………………

Hunter Biden Expected To Face Up To 10 Criminal Referrals, Here Are The Top Bombshells From Last Week | ZeroHedge


‚The Perfect Crime‘: Tech Companies Are Manipulating Our Elections and Indoctrinating Our Children — How We Can Stop Them

by Robert Epstein July 23, 2023 at 5:00 am


‚The Perfect Crime‘: Tech Companies Are Manipulating Our Elections and Indoctrinating Our Children — How We Can Stop Them :: Gatestone Institute


Ukraine MSM Admits Heavy Losses, Demoralised; Offensive „Failed“; Putin Warning Warsaw, Warns of War

Ukraine MSM Admits Heavy Losses, Demoralised; Offensive „Failed“; Putin Warning Warsaw, Warns of War – YouTube



22 July 2023 by Larry Johnson


Don’t Buy The Hype That Wagnerians Are Masterful Trainers – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


Der Sonntagsfahrer: Chinas Elektroauto-Zombies

Die Ampelkoalition will das Land bis 2030 – also innerhalb von sieben Jahren – mit 15 Millionen elektrischen Autos beglücken und stockt die Kaufsubventionen noch einmal um 400 Millionen Euro auf. Treudoof folgt sie der potemkinschen Fassade


Der Sonntagsfahrer: Chinas Elektroauto-Zombies – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM



Blackbox KW 29 – Wildschweine und Zwischenreichsbürger

VON STEPHAN PAETOW So, 23. Juli 2023

Was können wir aus der Berliner Fabel vom Löwen, der ein Wildschwein war, lernen? Es ……………………

Blackbox KW 29 – Wildschweine und Zwischenreichsbürger (tichyseinblick.de)


Longtime Dem Switches To GOP After Declaring: ‘I’ve Had Enough’

Jon Dougherty July 22, 2023

As the Democratic Party continues to shift further to the left and abandon core principles and ………………….

Longtime Dem Switches To GOP After Declaring: ‚I’ve Had Enough‘ (conservativebrief.com)


Why Academia Cannot Forecast Anything

Mr. Armstrong, I have been impressed by your Economic Confidence Model. You said there would be no recession until after 2024. You were really the only one who said that. Now Bloomberg reported that ……………….

Why Academia Cannot Forecast Anything | Armstrong Economics


Sophisticated Drones That Can be War or Civil Unrest

Sophisticate Drones That Can Be Used In War Or Civil Unrest | Armstrong Economics


Mit der Schleimspur auf dem Holzweg

Nun habe ich mir den Gauck-Auftritt bei „Lanz“ doch noch angetan. Hier möchte ich mich auf einige Momente dieses absurden ZDF-Theaters beschränken, die dem einen oder anderen verbal geohrfeigten Zuschauer vielleicht entgangen sind.


Mit der Schleimspur auf dem Holzweg – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


The U.S. Wars Against Russia And China Have No Economic Logic Attached To Them

The U.S. politician Zbigniew Brzezinski was a hardliner with a (neo-)liberal core. He had a wide influence on U.S. policies:


MoA – The U.S. Wars Against Russia And China Have No Economic Logic Attached To Them (moonofalabama.org)


Ukraine MSM Admits Heavy Losses, Demoralised; Offensive „Failed“; Putin Warning Warsaw, Warns of War

Ukraine MSM Admits Heavy Losses, Demoralised; Offensive „Failed“; Putin Warning Warsaw, Warns of War – YouTube


Ukraine: the war is ending and here is why

Ukraine’s Summer Offensive Ends in DISASTER – YouTube


Ukraine: the war is ending and here is why

Ukraine: the war is ending and here is why – YouTube


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