Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Merz im Kulturkampf

Von Jasper von Altenbockum

Von der „Brandmauer“, die in der CDU beschworen wird, weiß man derzeit nicht, ob sie zum eigenen ………………….

Im Kulturkampf – F.A.Z. (faz.net)


Human Traffcking, Mind Control and the CIA

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV July 25, 2023

In 1987, Tallahassee Florida Police responded to an anonymous phone tip about 6 …………………..

Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control, and the CIA – LewRockwell


Explaining The Mass Exodus Out of America’s Large Left-Wing Cities

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 25, 2023

Over the past several years, thousands of businesses and millions of people have left …………………..

Explaining the Mass Exodus Out of America’s Large Left-Wing Cities – LewRockwell


Should the U.S. Invade Belarus?

by Jacob G. Hornberger July 24, 2023


Should the U.S. Invade Belarus? – The Future of Freedom Foundation (fff.org)


Everyone’s Talking about Currencies: 21 Points

July 24, 2023

The ideal ’sound money system‘ is one in which many currencies, both state-issued and ……………….

Of Two Minds – Everyone’s Talking about Currencies: 21 Points


The DNC Soap Opera Gets a New Villain – RFK Jr.

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns July 25, 2023


The DNC Soap Opera Gets a New Villain – RFK Jr. – LewRockwell


Counter-Revolution – ‚Do You Know What Time It Is?‘

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture July 25, 2023


Counter-Revolution – ‘Do You Know What Time It Is?’ – LewRockwell


Ukraine Offensive Failed: Blinken on the Mafia Watchlist

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 25, 2023


Ukraine Offensive Failed: Blinken on the Mafia Watchlist – LewRockwell


The Purple Hour

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 25, 2023

“I have a dream that the people we elect to run the government will be the ones who actually run the government.” — Vivek Ramaswamy


The Purple Hour – LewRockwell


Rand Paul Refers Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution After Accusing Him of Perjury

Jon Dougherty, 23.7.23

Sen. Rand Paul is continuing his legal pursuit of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the now-retired chief of ……………….

Rand Paul Refers Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution After Accusing Him of Perjury (conservativebrief.com)


Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify


Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify (nypost.com)


FBI Told Delaware U.S. Attorney It Had Already Partially Corroborated Biden Bribery Claims, Source Says



FBI Told Weiss It Already Corroborated Biden Bribery Claims: Source (thefederalist.com)


House Oversight Chairman Comer says ‚Joe Biden lied‘ about family business dealings

The House committee is finding evidence that first son Hunter Biden brought his father into …………………….

House Oversight Chairman Comer says ‚Joe Biden lied‘ about family business dealings | Just The News


Biden, the CIA & Ukraine War – Where’s the Truth? w/Ray McGovern

Biden, the CIA & Ukraine War – Where’s the Truth? w/Ray McGovern – YouTube



19 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Deception is an essential tool for any military or intelligence operation. Prior to the arrival of …………………

The Art of Deception in the Era of ISR – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s business partner Devon Archer is sentenced to one year in prison for his role in defrauding Native American tribe – as emails reveal president’s son ……………….

Hunter Biden was intimately involved with Devon Archer’s company, emails show | Daily Mail Online


Russia Breaks Through Ukr Defences Kremennaya, Advances to Oskol River; Prepares Future Offensive

Russia Breaks Through Ukr Defences Kremennaya, Advances to Oskol River; Prepares Future Offensive – YouTube


Can Fractional Reserve Banking Survive the Twenty-First Century?

07/24/2023 Doug French


Can Fractional Reserve Banking Survive the Twenty-First Century? | Mises Wire


Neuer Impfwahn? Was nützt die RSV-Impfung für Kinder?

Von Jochen Ziegler.


Neuer Impfwahn? Was nützt die RSV-Impfung für Kinder? – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


Der Zurückruderer an der Brandmauer

Gäbe es eine Weltmeisterschaft im Zurückrudern, so wäre Friedrich Merz der aktuelle ………………

Der Zurückruderer an der Brandmauer – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port

Simplicius The Thinker, 25.7.23


Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port (substack.com)


Why Government Pollution Control Fails

07/22/2023 Timothy D. Terrell

In over twenty-five years of teaching undergraduate students, I have heard the same refrain …………………

Why Government Pollution Control Fails | Mises Wire


West knew Ukraine wasn’t ready for counteroffensive – WSJ

The US mistakenly thought that Kiev would make up for its lack of arms and training with “courage and resourcefulness” A Ukrainian serviceman fires a rifle during a training exercise ……………………

West knew Ukraine wasn’t ready for counteroffensive – WSJ (azerbaycan24.com)


The Failed State Effort Of Indicting Trump

The effort Biden’s Justice Department puts into preventing the leader of its opposition from …………..



Ali B. wegen Vergewaltigung vor Gericht


Zwei Prozesse parallel: Ali B. wegen Vergewaltigung vor Gericht – n-tv.de


Hunter Biden’s Former Business Partner Set to Confirm Joe Biden’s Involvement in Corrupt Deals

By Nathan Baker July 24, 2023


Hunter Biden’s Former Business Partner Set to Confirm Joe Biden’s Involvement in Corrupt Deals – The Politics Brief


Pathologe Prof. Burkhardt: Langzeiteffekte der Corona-Impfung

Pathologe Prof. Burkhardt: Langzeiteffekte der Corona-Impfung – YouTube


The Smear Against RFK, Jr.

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. July 24, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy has been polling well against brain-dead Biden. Biden neocon controllers …………..

The Smear Against RFK, Jr. – LewRockwell


The Culture War Against Thinking Individuals by the Vast Ideologically-Motivated Insane

By Gary D. Barnett July 24, 2023

“Tolerance has come to mean that no one is right and no one is wrong and, indeed, the very act of stating that someone else’s views are immoral or incorrect is now taken to be intolerant ……………

The Culture War Against Thinking Individuals by the Vast Ideologically-Motivated Insane – LewRockwell


A Third World War Seems a Certainty

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 24, 2023


A Third World War Seems a Certainty – LewRockwell


Intervene Only When It’s in ‚Our National Interest‘?

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation July 24, 2023

One of the popular mantras for some conservatives and some libertarians when it comes to ………………….

Intervene Only When It’s in ‚Our National Interest‘? – LewRockwell


A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky – Part 2

SCOTT RITTER 18.07.2023

In the intelligence business, every agent is assigned tasks by his or her handlers. In the case of ……………….

A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky – Part 2 (scottritterextra.com)


WEF & King Charles: The Entire Global System Has Failed

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 24, 2023


WEF & King Charles: The Entire Global System Has Failed – LewRockwell


Ukraine’s Agent Zelensky … a Puppet Show Produced by the West

Strategic Culture July 24, 2023

Ukraine has become a massively indebted colony of Western capital that will be enslaved for decades to come.


Ukraine’s Agent Zelensky… a Puppet Show Produced by the West – LewRockwell


Of Communism and Oppenheimer

Why it’s a mistake to misread the film as being sympathetic to Communism. Jul 22 2023

Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone’s Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped ………………

Of Communism and Oppenheimer (substack.com)


Agent Zelensky – Part 1

Scott Ritter 11.07.2023


Agent Zelensky – Part 1 – Scott Ritter Extra


Why ‚Classical‘ Liberals Want Decentralization

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org July 24, 2023


Why ‚Classical‘ Liberals Want Decentralization – LewRockwell


Mearsheimer Warns Of ‚The Darkness Ahead‘: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed


This paper examines the likely trajectory of the Ukraine war moving forward.


Mearsheimer Warns Of ‚The Darkness Ahead‘: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed | ZeroHedge


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