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Wenn unser Land je in eine Diktatur rutscht, wird es durch die Unterlassung derer geschehen, die schweigen. Wir sind noch frei genug, um zu sprechen.

— Ayn Rand

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Deindustrialisierung in Deutschland„Die Abwärtsspirale beschleunigt sich“

Die Stimmung unter deutschen Unternehmern ist so schlecht wie lange nicht. Ex- Topmanager Franz Herrlein warnt vor einer schleichenden Abwanderung. Er fordert: Deutschlands Wirtschaftselite muss die wohlstandszerstörende Politik der Bundesregierung …………………..

Deindustrialisierung in Deutschland – „Die Abwärtsspirale beschleunigt sich“ | Cicero Online


„Nothing To See Here“: Members & The Media Panic As The Biden Scandal Mounts

BY TYLER DURDEN WEDNESDAY, JUL 26, 2023 Authored by Jonathan Turley,

Below is my column in the New York Post on the last ditch effort of the members of …………………..

„Nothing To See Here“: Members & The Media Panic As The Biden Scandal Mounts | ZeroHedge


Governments Targeting Retirement Funds…. And What You Can Do About It

By Doug Casey International Man

International Man: Most Western governments, especially the US, have debt loads and spending commitments that guarantee they will eventually—likely someday soon—try to grab as much wealth as possible.


Governments Targeting Retirement Funds… and What You Can Do About It – LewRockwell


Totalitarianism Begins With Censorship

Principles of what a free society means are being redefined by collectivists.


War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

George Orwell, 1984


Totalitarianism Begins With Censorship (substack.com)


Don’t Overlook This Crucial Step To Help RFK, Jr.

By Kathleen Harward July 27, 2023

I’ve been a lifelong Libertarian and am surprised to find myself wanting to vote in the Democratic primary to help Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. It is an understatement to say that he is …………………

Don’t Overlook This Crucial Step To Help RFK, Jr. – LewRockwell


‚Rollercoaster‘ Inflation Is Coming tot he US

By Mac Slavo SHTFplan July 27, 2023

The economy could be in for chaos, as the US risks rollercoaster inflation and an unusual “full employment recession,” BlackRock warned. But BlackRock owns everything, so consider …………………..

‚Rollercoaster‘ Inflation Is Coming to the U.S. – LewRockwell


Abolish the Minimum Wage – Lew Rockwell

By Jacob G. Hornberger

The Future of Freedom Foundation July 27, 2023


Abolish the Minimum Wage – LewRockwell


Toward a Liberal Traditionalism – Crisis Magazine


Toward  a Liberal Traditionalism

„Active participation“ in the liturgy has caused endless controversy in the West. Perhaps it’s ………………..

Toward a Liberal Traditionalism – Crisis Magazine


The White House Changes Long-Standing Position of President on Hunter Biden’s Foreign Deals

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org July 27, 2023

Starting with his campaign for the presidency and continuing until this week, President Joe …………………

The White House Changes Long-Standing Position of President on Hunter Biden’s Foreign Deals – LewRockwell


Will a New BRICS Currency Backed by Gold Mean the End of Global Dominance for the US Dollar?

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 27, 2023

Is the global dominance of the U.S. dollar in danger?  In recent weeks, there has been lots of …………….

Will a New BRICS Currency Backed by Gold Mean the End of Global Dominance for the U.S. Dollar? – LewRockwell


Battle For Robotyne – Ukraine Open Thread 2023-178

It seems that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have had a bad day so far.


Moon of Alabama



26 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Stephen Gardner is a new friend and he has an audience approaching 1.5 million. Not too …………………….

A Chat with Stephen Gardner on nATO’s Growing Panic – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


Republicans Discuss Impeachment; Ru Kharkov Gains, Ukr Attacks Bakhmut, German Military Blames Ukr

Republicans Discuss Impeachment; Ru Kharkov Gains, Ukr Attacks Bakhmut, German Military Blames Ukr – YouTube


Progressives Have Corrupted Not Only Money, but Its History as Well

Connor O’Keeffe 26.7.23

As modern monetary theory (MMT) gains prominence in the political sphere, it has ……………………

Progressives Have Corrupted Not Only Money, but Its History as Well | Mises Wire


The American Revolutionaries Didn’t Need a Central Government. Neither Do We.

07/25/2023 George Ford Smith

You’re driving on a two-lane road and see cars headed your way. Do you drive off the road to protect yourself or your family? Probably not. You stay on your side, while they stay on ………………….

The American Revolutionaries Didn’t Need a Central Government. Neither Do We. | Mises Wire


Ukraine grain revenue gone. Latin America isolates EU

Ukraine grain revenue gone. Latin America isolates EU – YouTube


U.S. Boots On The Ground American Soldiers Fighting Russian Soldiers

U.S. Boots On The Ground American Soldiers Fighting Russian Soldiers – YouTube


Akte Biden: Wie korrupt ist der US-Präsident? ZDF hetzt gegen Russland und China. Honigfalle? Chinesischer Aussenminister abgesetzt. Bürgerlicher Hühnerhaufen: Merz rudert zurück, Söder macht auf links. Schweizer Post ächtet russische Kunden

Akte Biden: Wie korrupt ist der US-Präsident? ZDF hetzt gegen Russland und China. Honigfalle? Chinesischer Aussenminister abgesetzt. Bürgerlicher Hühnerhaufen: Merz rudert zurück, Söder macht auf links. Schweizer Post ächtet russische Kunden (weltwoche.ch)


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