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Free government is founded in jealousy, not confidence…. In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

— Thomas Jefferson (1799)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Is the West Losing Faith in Zelensky and Ukraine? A discussion with Judge Napolitano

7 August 2023 by Larry Johnson

Judge Napolitano kindly highlighted my recent piece discussing indications that the United States and NATO are preparing to jettison Ukraine and Volodomyr Zelensky. Here it is:




Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years

Posted By: Kurt Zindulka via Breitbart August 7, 2023

Nigel Farage is taking on the global bank cartel on two counts: De-banking based on political




Will The Fed End Trump?

By Ron Paul, MD RonPaul Institute August 8, 2023

Early in 2017, Senator Chuck Schumer stated that then-newly elected President Donald Trump was dumb to be antagonizing the intelligence community because “they have six ways …………………….



The Abominable August 9th

By Ira Katz August 8, 2023

I assume that for any date on the calendar we might find a number of important historical events. For example, December 7th has been tagged as “a date that will live in infamy” by ……………………..



Donald Trump, Eugene Debs, and AMLO

The American Political System as Laughingstock or Trainwreck

Ron Unz • August 7, 2023

I’m not sure whether Donald Trump has ever heard of Eugene Debs, the austerely incorruptible early ……………………..



Zelensky Prepares General Mobilisation; 8 Ukr Pilots Train F16s; Global South Reject Ukr Peace Plan



A Lesson From Niger About America’s National-Security State

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation August 8, 2023

The recent military coup in Niger serves as another reminder to the American people about ………………….



Andrey Sushentsov: The West really believes Russia is on the verge of ‘collapse.’ This explains a lot of bad policy

Driven by propaganda, endless fantasies about the country’s weakness are making it more difficult to end the Ukraine conflict




Normies Awake!

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com August 8, 2023

“The West can’t do diplomacy in general, it can’t run its cities or countries except into the ground, its high-tech projects fail almost as a rule, its infrastructure is crumbling, its economies are crumbling, and all public policies seem to have a civilizational suicide as a final goal.” — Gaius Baltar




Nothing Is Over: Inflation Is About To Come Back With A Vengeance

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us August 8, 2023

Perhaps one of the most bizarre recent developments in economic news has been the attempt by establishment media (and the White House) to declare US inflation “defeated” despite all ……………………..



Is a Global Recession Imminent? (Recent world crises and the resultant weakening of the global economy has left many fearing the worst.)

Milan Adams Uncategorized August 7, 2023

Recent world crises and the resultant weakening of the global economy has left many fearing ………………….



The Great Unravelling: ‘For All That Is Ours, We Must Fight’

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture August 8, 2023

It is getting very messy. Verging on insanity. A new indictment with four charges in respect to the events of 6 Jan has been issued to former President Trump – who has now been charged ………………….



Moody’s downgrades US banks, warns of possible cuts to others

By Lananh Nguyen and Juby Babu August 8, 2023

Aug 7 (Reuters) – Moody’s cut credit ratings of several small to mid-sized U.S. banks on Monday and said it may downgrade some of the nation’s biggest lenders, warning that the sector’s credit strength will likely …………………..



Frau Esken, Corona, die AfD und ein weltweiter Feldversuch

Dass die Vorsitzende einer Partei, die mit den Erben der Firma Ulbricht, Mielke und Krenz koaliert, mit dem Finger auf die AfD zeigt, hat nichts mit Politik oder Moral zu tun. Es ist nur die Reaktion darauf, dass die SPD Wähler an die AfD verliert.




Deutsche Industrieproduktion bricht im Juni stark ein

Mo, 7. August 2023

Vor allem die schwachen Ergebnisse im Automobil- und Bausektor sorgen für einen Rückgang des BIP um 1,5 Prozent. Die Aussichten für den Rest des Jahres sind nicht viel besser. Eine Reaktion der Ampel darauf– Fehlanzeige




Throw All the Bums Out

By J.B. Shurk

I don’t think the federal government will exist in its current form much longer.  The reason is simple: if Marxist globalists get their way, then sovereign U.S. powers will continue to be unlawfully delegated to the U.N., the WHO, and other international monstrosities until some ………………..



The Ukraine Mess Is Animal Farm in Reverse: Starring Blackrock and Other Pigs

By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook August 8, 2023

Recently, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the European Union should double its assistance to Ukraine. She went on to say the EU should …………………..



Scholz und Habeck: Deutscher Seiltanz ohne Netz

Scholz und Habeck sind Europas Seiltänzer. Einstweilen ist die Bundesregierung jedoch mit dem harten Boden der Realität konfrontiert. Wirtschafts- und Energiepolitik führen …………………….



Big Picture Interview of Martin Armstrong



Whistleblower berichtet von dramatischer Krisensitzung: Deutschland steht vor dem Migrationskollaps

  1. August 2023 Alexander Wallasch

Heute Nachmittag erreichte alexander-wallasch.de folgende anonyme Nachricht – ……………………..



Can Trump Get an „Impartial Jury“ in DC? What the Law Requires

by Alan M. Dershowitz August 7, 2023

What should happen… when it is virtually impossible for the defendant to get an impartial jury in that state or district?




Befindet sich die Welt in den Fängen einer technokratischen Nomenklatura?

  1. August 2023 – Interview mit Antony P. Mueller über sein neues Buch „Technokratischer Totalitarismus“




France desperate to hold on to Niger, and its uranium



Scott Ritter – Large-scale Armored Attacks



Ex CIA Analyst’s Warning To Biden – ‘Russia’s NOT Gonna Lose’



Is Biden Telling Ukraine What They Want to Hear? w Larry Johnson fmr CIA



So verpennte Deutschland den Anschluss

07.08.2023 – 15:11 Uhr

Deutschland in der Wirtschaftskrise!

Während laut dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) alle großen Industrie wachsen, wird für Deutschland ein Minus vorhergesagt: In diesem Jahr soll die deutsche Wirtschaft um 0,3 ………………….



Was die „StopptCOVID“-Studie des RKI sagt – und was nicht

Mit dem Forschungsprojekt „StopptCOVID“ untersuchte das Robert-Koch-Institut die Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Corona-Virus. Doch die Studie ……………………..



Alleged Plot To Kill Zelensky / What Ukraine Air Defense? w/Ray McGoverm fmr CIA




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