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Niemand wird mehr gehasst, als derjenige der die Wahrheit sagt.

— Platon

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Das deutsche Wirtschaftsmodell erreicht seine Grenzen

Jan Gänger 09.08.2023

Deutschland ist beim Wirtschaftswachstum abgehängt. Bedauerlicherweise ist das keine vorübergehende Schwächephase. Die Infrastruktur bröckelt, es fehlen Fachkräfte, die Energie ist teuer.




Rus Broad Kharkov Advance, Ukr Short on Weapons; Wang Yi Lavrov Call, Nuland Ultimatum to Niger



Poland & Niger

Mr. Armstrong, We met when you came to lecture here in Poland. Everything you warned about has unfolded right down to a dollar high in 2022, followed by a low in 2023. The majority now are against the government. We, too, fear that the election may be rigged later ……………………



CBDCs: The Ultimate Tool of Financial Intrusion

08/08/2023 Jonathan Newman

“Experts” at the Federal Reserve and other central banks proudly broadcast the potential “financial inclusion” that could be achieved with a central bank digital currency (CBDC). In …………………



How Conscription Ended Fifty Years Ago

08/07/2023 Stephen Anderson

United States military conscription, or the draft, ended on January 27, 1973, with the winding down of the Vietnam War. The draft law was due to expire at the end of June 1971. But US President Richard Nixon decided it needed to continue and asked Congress to approve a two-……………………



Looking at This Nation’s Mess, Small Is More Beautiful Than Ever

By Kirkpatrick Sale August 9, 2023

There is one and only one conclusion that I should think everyone alive during this last few years of  shutdowns and “vaccinations” and election chicanery and a sham (and crooked) …………………..



7 Trends Which Indicate That Economic Disaster Is Approaching Very Rapidly

6.8.23 Michael

The economic meltdown that is coming should not be a surprise to anyone.  Throughout U.S. history, there have always been signs that a major downturn was coming, and that is precisely ……………………..



Der kommende Kompromiss mit Russland und die Rolle der USA

Im russisch-ukrainischen Krieg wird ein klarer Sieg der einen oder anderen Seite unwahrscheinlich. Beide müssen sich gegenseitig von der Notwendigkeit eines




Bericht zur Corona-Aufarbeitung: Der falsche Klinik-Alarm (1)

Von Gunter Frank und Tom Lausen.

Die Behauptung einer Krankenhausüberlastung durch Covid war der Treibstoff, mit dem die ……………………



Kinder sind die größten Opfer der Inflation

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 9. August 2023

„Inflationsrate schwächt sich leicht ab.“ Das Statistische Bundesamt bemüht sich, den Hauch einer guten Nachricht zu verbreiten. Doch wer die in der deutschen Wirtschaft sucht, braucht …………………..



Wegen Öl- und Gasplänen: Die Klimalobby droht Großbritannien

Von Holger Douglas Mi, 9. August 2023

Großbritannien will wieder kostengünstige Energie und setzt auf Gas und Öl aus der Nordsee. Ein australischer Milliardär, der Elektro-Antriebe baut, erpresst London damit, sein Kapital ……………………….



Afghanistan-Programm: Baerbock will Tausende nach Deutschland einfliegen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 8. August 2023

Das AA-Afghanistan-Programm ist wieder angelaufen, auch wenn man nicht viel davon hört. …………………..



Beweise – Tödliche Impfchargen – Es gab sie wirklich! Interview mit Prof. Dr. Dyker und Prof. Dr. Matysik



Moral Blindness on U.S. Aggression and Torture

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation August 9, 2023

As I was reading an editorial in the Washington Post yesterday condemning Russia for its war of aggression in Ukraine and the torture of Ukrainians, I just kept asking myself: Why isn’t ……………………



France, Niger and Why Five Basis Points Continue To Change the World

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns August 9, 2023

Lenin famously said there are years where nothing happens and weeks where years happen.  That was last week, especially in geopolitics.  Let’s start small with an article from …………………



Totaliarianism Has Metastasized

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org August 9, 2023

The United States is rapidly becoming an oppressive totalitarian society. The totalitarianism …………………..



Fooled by What We Measure, Enlightened by What We Don’t Measure

By Charles Hugh Smith OfTwoMinds.com August 9, 2023

Economists and pundits steer well clear of the eventual social and political consequences of ………………………



Col. Macgregor: Ukraine’s WORST NIGHTMARE Has Been Exposed



Deutschlands nuklearer Wiederaufbau

Die Energiewende ist gescheitert, und wir stehen vor einem Scherbenhaufen: stillgelegte, teils unbrauchbare Kernkraftwerke, Sondermüll von Zigtausenden ausgedienter Windräder und eine instabile Stromversorgung, die für die Industrie zu teuer ist. Früher oder später muss mit …………………….



Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis wants to create a ‘schism’ by excommunicating Latin Mass devotees

Pope Francis ‚has placed in key positions in the Roman Curia those characters who guarantee the worst possible management of the dicasteries entrusted to them, with the worst possible result and the greatest ……………………



Archbishop Viganò: The Bergoglian sect serves as the handmaiden of the global elite

It is important that the fringe of dissent against this cupola of heretics and perverts who occupy the highest levels of the Church is increasingly present in the media and on social networking platforms, so as to encourage those who still hesitate between resigned silence and the necessary opposition to apostasy.




Archbishop Viganò: World Youth Day has confirmed Bergoglio’s plan to provoke a schism

‘Let us prepare ourselves for a crescendo of unprecedented provocations: time bombs ready to explode in order to sow disorientation, confusion, and division.’




Resistance Isn’t Futile: The Global Rejection Of CBDCs

Posted By: Ari Patinkin & John Berlau via RealClear Markets August 8, 2023

This insightful article only misses the key point that Central Banks are privately owned and not government institutions. There are only 214 central banks in the world, each serving only




Economic Calculation Is Nonbinary

08/07/2023 Joshua Mawhorter

One of Ludwig von Mises’s important contributions to economics was demonstrating the impossibility of economic calculation under socialism. He did it by showing three necessary ……………



Forbidden knowledge — Stuff you don’t need to know

8 August 2023 by Gary Scarrabelotti

Public meetings and rallies, they’re not my thing.  Mostly, I shy away.  Neither group think nor impassioned shouting matches appeal.  But the Covid experience drew me out.

A while back — it was May 31 — I went to a gathering in Canberra at which the principal …………………..



RUSSLAND und AFRIKA zusammen gegen den WESTEN | Putin Rede – Afrika-Gipfel 2023



Pakistan: ‚Eye-for-an-Eye‘ Repercussions on Christians from Sweden Burning the Quran

by Nasir Saeed August 8, 2023 Pakistani Christians find themselves crying silently for peace, understanding, and respect for their religious symbols — but their cries seem to be falling on …………………



„The CIA has big PLANS for Zelensky“ – ex-CIA Larry Johnson | Redacted News





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