US Warns Southeast Asia of „Chinese Coercion,“ Then Coerces Southeast Asia into Anti-China Agenda
Flaws in Scott Ritter’s Speculation About Gonzalo Lira
9 August 2023 by Larry Johnson
I consider myself a neutral party when it comes to Scott Ritter and Gonzalo Lira. I know they had a dust up last year that ruptured whatever relationship they had previously. I have known ………………………
West Despairs Ukr No Breakthrough; Rus China Fleet Aleutians, Nigeria Cools Niger Intervention
Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row
08/08/2023 Ryan McMaken
Money supply growth fell again in June, remaining deep in negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. June’s drop continues a …………………….
„Greed“ Didn’t Kill the Pac-12. Entrepreneurial Failure Did
08/08/2023 Tho Bishop
For college football fans, it’s already been a wild August week before the first kickoff.
The Censors’ Henchmen
Via Brownstone Justin Hart 07.08.2023
The ongoing release of the Facebook Files reveals the target of the White House’s collusion with Big Tech: you. Censorship is not a targeted attack on speakers; the objective is to deny …………………. l
Information War
By Doug Casey International Man August 10, 2023
International Man: Controlling information has always been crucial in military conflicts.
Zwischen Wahrheit und Propaganda – Demokratie in Gefahr
Von Josef Kraus Do, 10. August 2023
Immer mehr Menschen sagen in anonymen Befragungen, dass sie glauben, dass aus Angst vor negativen Konsequenzen nicht mehr jeder seine tatsächliche Meinung sagt. Die Einengung des Diskurses ist gefährlich für den Bestand der Demokratie. Einige grundlegende ………………………
Kernkraftwerke wieder anschalten? – Aufwendig, aber möglich
Von Holger Douglas Do, 10. August 2023
Der Kernenergetiker Manfred Haferburg räumt mit einer Propagandalüge auf: Angeblich seien die Kernkraftwerke durch Säure unbrauchbar gemacht worden. Im TE-Interview erklärt ……………….
Schweden baut Atomkraft stärker aus
Do, 10. August 2023
In Schweden sollen Kernkraftwerke stärker als bisher ausgebaut werden. Deshalb, so die Umweltministerin Schwedens, sollen Gesetze geändert werden, die den Ausbau behinderten.
Der Ausbruch des Hunga-Tonga und das Schweigen der Klimawissenschaftler
Von Fritz Vahrenholt Mi, 9. August 2023
Das Klima unseres Planeten wandelt sich ständig. Eine der Ursachen waren historisch immer wieder gewaltige Vulkan-Ausbrüche. Sind die derzeitigen Wetter-Kapriolen auf den Ausbruch des Hunga-Tonga zurückzuführen? Die Klimawissenschaft schweigt dazu – weil es ………………….
U.S.-Led NATO Drowns Ukraine in a Bloodbath
Strategic Culture August 10, 2023
New figures indicate the Ukrainian military death toll is at least 400,000 after 500 days of conflict. The real figure may actually surpass 500,000. This is much greater than previously estimated, which was already dreadful. Yet, Washington incoherently keeps pushing the ……………………
The Churchill Legend
By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier August 10, 2023
–February 2nd, 2011–
Last week a Palm Beach friend, a country club Republican, gave me a copy of the Weekly Standard. She urged me to read “A World in Crisis, what the thirties tell us about today” by its opinion editor, Matthew ………………………..
Biden’s DARK SECRETS Disclosed today!
Niger DESTROYS Victoria Nuland’s Plot to Return Africa to France w/ Ben Norton
Victoria Nuland Has Gone to Africa
By Caitlin Johnstone August 10, 2023
Victoria Nuland has gone to Africa. Gone to Africa to talk some sense into the Nigeriens and convince ……………………
All the News the CIA Sees Fit to Print
By David Talbot, Columnist, The Kennedy Beacon 09.08.2023
John Kiriakou looked up from his desk at CIA headquarters and was stunned to see The ……………………..
Is America Doomed?
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse August 10, 2023
Is time running out for America? Throughout human history, great civilizations have risen and fell, and many believe that the U.S. will be no exception. At this point, we have already …………………………
What Biographer Garrow Missed in His Obama Takedown
By Jack Cashill
On August 2, two days before Barack Obama’s reported sixty-second birthday, the Jewish journal Tablet published an interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning civil rights historian David Garrow.
Kommt die Ausstiegs-Welle der Kommunalpolitiker?
Ein Bürgermeister trat mit seinem gesamten Gemeinderat aus Protest zurück. Werden andere folgen? Kommt jetzt eine Ausstiegs-Welle der Kommunalpolitiker? Wie wird sie aussehen und welche Folgen wird sie haben?
Bericht zur Corona-Aufarbeitung: Helfen Sie mit! (2)
Von Gunter Frank und Tom Lausen.
Die Behauptung einer Krankenhausüberlastung durch Covid war der Treibstoff, mit dem die Medien den Panikmotor auf Hochtouren hielten. Mit ihr wurde der Corona-Ausnahmezustand …………………..
Russia’s CBDC – Exploring the Truth of Russia’s Central Bank
Simplicius The Thinker 10.08.2023
Recently I’ve gotten a lot of requests to discuss Russia’s new digital Ruble, signed into law by Putin on July 24. It’s been oft-included in the blanket scary ‘CBDC’ category under the narrative that Putin is some sort of WEF stooge secretly helping to roll out the ‘Great Reset’ agenda.
Assassination of presidential candidate shocks Ecuador
By Alexandra Valencia August 10, 2023
QUITO, Aug 10 (Reuters) – The assassination of Ecuadorean presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio shocked the South American country, where rising drug-related violence is a major concern ………………………
9 August 2023 by Observer R
“Plan A” is commonly used to denote a current strategy; “Plan B” is commonly used to denote a backup or alternative strategy in case Plan A does not work.
World Bank Group Goes Woke
The World Bank Group is a global institution controlled by the U.S. government. It is supposed to lend low interest money to developing countries in need.
JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest
I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to perjury himself for the government or face ………………..